
Crew Members are Selected

Crew Members Are Selected.

A lot of fuss was made over this needless to say. What was the problem now that the entity had left the mountain? The mining companies and all the others could merrily devastate the mountain with impunity. They could protect their vehicles and workers from the 'killer ants'. It was laid on the line that the future of the planet was at stake. This all went viral on social media platforms on the web. Comments like un-American, stifling free enterprise, plus what about their civil rights. The aliens in space were dismissed as fake news, and on and on and on!!

Some did try it on needless to say. Un-American free enterprise, civil rights, etc Online.

The entity's spacecraft was now some way from the earth let fly with a demonstration of some of the weapon systems it had available. This was for two reasons. To show to the advancing enemy craft what it could expect and to show those of earth what the entity had available.

There were batteries of high-powered lasers and pulse weapons. No missiles as such. The energy generated by these systems was vast. Anything in their path would be totally obliterated. All of this was way beyond the capacity of any power on Earth. Until the various rulers on the planet Earth could show otherwise, this was how the entity wanted things to remain. They could not be trusted.

Ten observers, five women and five men, scientists and religious people, volunteered to join the entity's craft. It would be many years before they would return to Earth but this was an opportunity that could not be missed.

Two members of the Native American tribe were also chosen. The entity was very happy with this. Of all the humans the entity had encountered, they were the only ones that the entity could totally trust.

It was time now for action. The Entity wanted representatives from Earth to witness these events.

Jonathan_Effemey_1715creators' thoughts