
The Mountain of the Alpha King

[As of 11/30/23 this novel's ROUGH DRAFT is COMPLETED] [Warning: 18+ Content! - cursing, dark themes, sexual content, and other adult matters are present - NOTE: there is NO 'knotting' in this story for both those who come looking for it, and those who want to avoid it. I just wanted to give a head's up either way. LGBTQ+ representation is also in this novel. :)] This is book one of the Ylphasia series. War, betrayal, loss, growth - none of these things were aspects of life that Myranda had in mind when she finally met her destined mate. The only problem was that her chosen was someone she absolutely despised - Prince Metas, the next rightful King to the Lycan Kingdom. From the bottom rungs of society, everything above her seemed like a dream - it was too bad her preconceived notions were far from wrong. In their journey to make a brighter future for their entire kingdom, Metas and Myranda learn that there is so much more to just being mates than their shared love. As they navigate the complications of starting a revolution, both Metas and Myranda discover just how compatible they actually are - and how much their paring means for the future of their kind. ----------------------------------------------------- [EXCERPT] "If you want my place so much, you should challenge me when the time comes. This is cowardice. You think I can beat you-no...You know I can beat you, and so you're trying to hurt Myranda to make me weaker. You're a bastard, a cheat and a liar, and you don't deserve to rule over our kingdom - and you never will. You have no valor, no honor - and no moral compass," Metas spat towards him, and kept his hair up on end involuntarily. "I'm drunk right now and easily pushed you over like a small paper bag filled with shit. Since you've so brilliantly shown what you'd truly like to do, I'll make sure she is safe from you. Meanwhile, perhaps you should train or learn better tactics from your papa," Metas continued, and even grinned with delight. "Even if you beat me in combat, the rest of those in power want to see you fall. You won't last," Silas warned, and reformed into his mortal self. "...but I do intend on challenging you. Unless you want to kill me right here and now since you're so confident." "There is no honor in killing you without the glory of showing you exactly what I am capable of in front of everyone. I will take Joss' advice and do nothing for now. I don't want to throw away honor for revenge. If you come near her again, I will kill you before you ever get the chance to prance around in front of high society with a little speech, and show off to your wife and no friends. Understand?" Metas asked menacingly, and now his gums were visible as saliva dripped from his lips and teeth, barely holding himself back. "I will drink your blood through your eye sockets if you lay one more fucking claw on her - understood?" Metas warned as he advanced towards the blonde male. "You letting me live will be the biggest regret of your life, Metas. Hold those words close to your heart when you lose everything to me," Silas sneered and turned away, but not before he locked eyes with Joss with a dare in his green orbs.

Starparticle · Kỳ huyễn
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221 Chs

A Speechless Parade

It was honestly like a phoenix rising from the ashes for Myranda. Everything suddenly 'clicked' into place, and she was ready to lead her kind into the future with bright eyes and hope.

Metas loved her, and she loved him. He wasn't going to abandon or leave her, and neither would she leave him. Her brother was resilient - able to weather the worst storms and come out the other side smiling. Her friends were real, and they were here to help her, protect her, and guide her together.

What more could anyone need?

Proudly, she dragged Lobos by his other ankle, to where the male was dragged down the halls on his back, with his face fully displayed for all to look. That way, no one could doubt Metas and Myranda's ability to rule ever again -- and if they did, this was what awaited them.

Ajax walked at his brother's side with his head high and a fierce look on his face (even though inside he was practically dancing). Secretly, he was glad Lobos did this, because now the asshole would be out of his life forever - no more platitudes or pretending to "love" his pack-father merely because the Prince married his daughter.

Behind them, Jyriah, Joss, and Veltar walked as a pack, with Jyriah at the front of their little triangle, and with his mate, and Veltar also dragging a body by its ankles. Unfortunately for that body, it was still alive, and it was slowly regaining consciousness.

Gerald groaned in agony and attempted to sputter apologies to Metas, but each time he attempted to, both Joss and Veltar would shake him vigorously as though they were fighting over a toy.

They took their sweet, slow time as a pack and didn't need to stray an eye to look at anyone - because no one wanted to give them any direct eye contact. Some wolves sat out and watched, some mortal forms peeked out their windows in curiosity - a few even leaned in satisfaction to see Lobos and Gerald getting their just desserts.

Even though her jaw hurt, she kept it clenched around his ankle bone like it was the only thing stopping her from plummeting into a dark pit. It didn't take a royal to know that any weakness shown puts a bad reputation on the rulers who displayed it. Plus, it felt good to have control over the male who had just had complete dominion over her.

When she saw a female or two looking on in awe, she merely held her head strongly, and ignored their whispers and giggles. Who cared what they thought? Myranda was complete in every way. Laughter bounced off of her like pebbles thrown against a steel wall.

Metas was hers, and she was his - and that was that.

The further they went up, the more wolves and those in mortal skins came out to gawk at the scene. A few cheered who had been moved up into the upper caves, and the tunnel dwellers sat up erect in respect for their King, Queen, and the heroes of the revolution.

Once they reached the palace gates, the two rulers dropped Lobos just outside the royal realm, where he would have wanted to be. They turned and sat to gaze out at all the eyes watching them, and although they said nothing - their expression screamed everything they had wanted to convey.

'We are unshakeable'.

They turned together again, and then walked inside the haven of the palace. Ajax, Jyriah, Joss and Veltar followed behind them - still with Gerald trailing on the ground moaning, and groaning here and there.

There was a certain mood when the Alpha and Luna walked in. One so deadly, that no one dared to ask what work needed to be done, or if either of them were okay. Just like the crowd outside, they had been left transfixed at their walk that was in unison each time their paws hit the ground.

They kept this up until they returned to their bedroom, where they let their walls drop. They still said nothing. There was no need to.

Both mates took to their skins and immediately went into the embrace of the other. Metas pulled his clothes off in order to match his wife, and as soon as their bare skin touched, he scooped her up and walked her into their attached bathroom.

His strength being as massive as it was, he easily held Myranda in one hand as he activated stones and jeweled knobs to turn the water on. He only checked the temperature briefly before submerging them both in the water that was still a bit cool.

Once comfortable, he pulled her on top of his strong, wide chest and began to kiss her to 'reclaim' her as his own.

It wasn't something that was necessary - for really no one had taken her in the first place. However, his wife was naked, and he was in the mood to further put his dominance on display.

If you've read my Vampire novel, then you're probably like 'is this preceding a dirty scene?'

Well, I am sorry to disappoint you, but -- hell yes, it is.

What, you think I was about to blue-balls you?

Nah. That ain't me.

Romance ahoy!........and then eventually that cake and party ;).

Starparticlecreators' thoughts