
The Most Pampered Daughter in History

"I'm your mother, Zhi Zhi!" Having been raised by everyone in the village, Qin Zhi finally reunited with her parents at five. She turned from an ugly duckling to a rich daughter blessed with a beautiful mother, a gentle father, and a kind grandfather... as well as seven brothers who pampered her rotten. As the heir, her eldest brother was silent, but he would let her sit on his lap and tie her hair at home. Her second brother was a scientific researcher who was prudent and rational but would kindly instruct her at home. Her third brother was a heartthrob and movie star but an attention seeker who only wanted Qin Zhi's affection. Her fourth brother was a genius doctor but would put on magic shows for her at home and cook gourmet food to earn her favor. Her fifth brother was a handsome prodigy artist whose works were worth millions, but he did not mind folding them into paper planes to cheer her up. Her sixth brother was a rebellious school bully and a rockstar, but he cut off his favorite rainbow hair so he won't scare her and turned a new leaf by becoming the school prefect. Her seventh brother was two-faced, had a sharp tongue, and was ready to destroy anyone who bullied his younger sister with words. Having lived a troubled life since birth, Qin Zhi was finally home, a little princess to be spoiled rotten!

Mountain Springs · Tổng hợp
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40 Chs

Mom's Hysteria

Dịch giả: EndlessFantasy Translation Biên tập viên: EndlessFantasy Translation

Gu Su brought Zhizhi and Gu Yi to the front hall to welcome the family.

He did not expect so many things to happen during his emergency business trip.

First, his family ignored his instructions and went to Peppermint Alley to pick up his sister. He was so scared that he hurriedly ended his work and immediately wanted to fly back. Fortunately, the matter of picking up Zhizhi went very smoothly.

Before he could catch his breath, he received a call from his Third Brother, saying that Grandma's surgery was going to be brought forward. He was already on his way back. Without a word, he took a private plane and flew back overnight.

This allowed him to catch up with his family, giving him the opportunity to have a private conversation with his sister and confirm his investigation of Qin Huai.

"Where's Mom? Why did you leave Zhizhi alone in the room?" Gu Su frowned and asked Gu Yu.

Gu Yu touched his nose. "Why can't I hide anything from you, Big Brother?" 

Gu Su rolled his eyes at him.

Gu Yu sighed and told him the truth. "Mom's mood was fluctuating. Aunt and the others were afraid that she couldn't take it, so they put sleeping pills in her milk and left her at home to rest. Han Ze and I were to look after Sister, so I went down to check on the venue. In the end, Zhizhi woke up... And mom is still sleeping."

He looked at his omnipotent Big Brother in a daze.

"What about Han Ze?" Gu Su was not surprised at all by his brother's unreliable nature. He did not have any hope for him and Han Ze to form a team.

"He's looking at the venue at the back. Grandpa wants to build a playground for Sister and he asked us to design it. Oh, right, Brother, can you give us some advice?" Gu Yu was suddenly excited.

Gu Su felt a little helpless at his grandfather's sudden idea. He looked at Zhizhi in his arms and did not object, which was rare. "I'll leave Grandpa to you guys. I won't be giving you any advice. If you need any help, just let Jiang Yang know."

Jiang Yang was his special assistant and the son of uncle Jiang, the Butler.

Gu Yu was overjoyed. He had never expected his Big Brother to help. It was already good enough that he was not picky about them, but Brother Jiang Yang was different.

"Where's Zhizhi? Zhizhi? Where's my Zhizhi?" Han Li's panicked voice suddenly came from upstairs.

The brothers 'expressions changed.

Gu Su turned around without hesitation and ran up the stairs. "Mom, Zhizhi is here."

"Call me Mommy," she quickly said to Zhizhi, who was in her arms.

"Mommy?" Zhizhi's crisp voice shouted upstairs.

"Zhizhi..." Han Li almost rushed over and snatched Zhizhi from Gu Su's arms.

She put her face on Zhizhi's chest and said incoherently, "You scared me to death, you scared me to death. I lost you again in my dream."

Zhizhi was stunned.

Gu Su was worried that Zhizhi would be frightened by her mother.

However, Zhizhi reached out and patted her mother's head. "Mommy, don't be afraid. Zhizhi is here. You didn't lose Zhizhi."

Han Li was relieved. She finally looked at her eldest son. "You're back? Grandma's awake, she can be discharged."

Gu Su looked at his mother and nodded with a smile. "I know."

Han Li showed the twig in her arms to Gu Su. "We've brought back Zhizhi, there's no danger!"

She did not listen to her son's words and forced Gu An to pick up Zhizhi. Now that she saw her son, she was more or less a little embarrassed. Fortunately, everything was safe and there was no danger.

Gu Su reached out and touched Zhizhi's little face. He said gently, "Yes, I'm thinking too much. I'm always worried about this and that. I'm overthinking it."

Seeing that her son did not blame her, Han Li quickly said, "You're right to think too much. Your grandfather and father both praise you, but our Zhizhi is a Lucky Star. She's not in any danger. Gu Su, I'll never leave Zhizhi's side from now on. Never!"

Han Li solemnly promised the child.

Gu Su understood his mother's fear. She had almost gone crazy after all these years.

"Mom, don't be nervous. Zhizhi is back. You can see her every day and accompany her. Don't worry, nothing bad will happen again. Don't scare yourself. If you're nervous, it will affect Zhizhi's mood, don't you think?" Gu Su coaxed his mother gently.

Han Li hesitated, but she still said firmly, "I'll only be at ease if I look after her myself!"

"Alright, let's wait and see." Gu Su did not force her mother.

"Zhizhi, you have to listen to Mommy from now on," he said gently to Zhizhi.

"Yes, I'll be obedient!" Zhizhi wrapped her arms around Han Li's neck.

Han Li's face was filled with satisfaction.

It had been many years since Gu Su had seen her mother this awake.