
The Most Incompetent Person In This World

Sir_Smurf2 · Kỳ huyễn
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290 Chs

Transformed Demon King

I ran toward the meeting place in the center of Ket Nya killing every demon I met along the way.

Death, Death, Death, Death… The area around me turned into a zone of the dead.

――The cheerful lizardman in the fish market.

――The dexterous sheep cat girl who owned a clothing store.

――The determined ogre girl.

All of them had already turned into breathless corpses.

My tears flowed non-stop, disturbing my field of vision. I'm sure that right now, it felt like my bond with everyone was trampled down. They were trampled down so mercilessly. I definitely wouldn't forgive the culprit of this incident.

That's why――

(Please, please be safe!)

I prayed desperately in my heart as I ran toward the assembly hall.

Such wish of mine was――



Crushed to pieces as I saw several mangled corpses on the ground in front of the assembly hall.

There was the head―― Of Chigi, Cyclon, Crocodas, and the other upper echelon of this city piling up on top of each other like a pyramid.

And then, a muscular man with a red beard held Tama by her temple with his right hand holding onto the black crystal, and the other demon race pinned Tama on the ground.

The man with the red beard possessed a rough appearance and the black overcoat with pure white feather sewed. He might be the demon king Aldebaran.

「You're incompatible too. As expected, ain't no match for us, demon race.」

Aldebaran said as he raised his right hand, the demon raced behind Tama and then raised his sword.


The moment Tama heard my voice, she looked at me, and despite the fear on her face, she…

「Gil, run――」

tried to warn me even in her last moments. (ED: Me in tears for now)

At that moment, the demon race's sword swung down to behead Tama.

「Aren't you the sham land deity?」

Aldebaran's body swayed back and forth as his line of sight moved on me, and then asked that question.


I reached my limit. I felt something akin to a typhoon filling my chest. I closed in at once toward that bastard, unsheathed my sword, and swung it down at that bastard's head.

My sword, Flame, cut Aldebaran's head from above as if it were made from tofu.

「This is the end.」

I let go of the flame's handle and spun around in mid-air, unleashing a roundhouse kick with my left leg toward the other demon race, Gogiri.

My kick ripped Aldebaran's head from his neck, his head then spun in the air, and fell face up on the ground.

I retreated to take some distance from that bastard, keeping my vigilance as I lowered my stance.

At this moment, I was already convinced of my victory. I mean, my sword had already split his head in half. That would spell a certain death. If he did still alive, it only meant that he was not a demon race anymore.

But, my faint expectation was――

「Ouch, that's hurt.」


Was crushed to pieces the moment Aldebaran's fallen head started talking again.


Suddenly, his head floated back to its place as if the time was reminded, he then pulled Flame and struck Flame's sword blade with both hands. Moreover, Gogiri had also stood up again as if nothing happened.

I saw smoke coming out from Aldebaran's head as he recovered.


He wasn't a demon race anymore, he had already become another, completely different creature. Meaning that normal attack wouldn't work on him, I had to pulverize his body till there was not even a speck of dust left from him. Since that was the case――

And then, the moment I tried to come up with the most efficient way to defeat that bastard,

「Bu~t, this isn't even enough for warm-up.」

Suddenly, the muscle of his right arm swelled up, then his figure vanished from my field of vision.

――That moment, his rock-like right punch suddenly appeared right before my eyes, striking my face with a power akin to a giant boulder.

His punch sent me flying straight backward, crashing into several buildings, and stopped just when my back planted into the rampart.

My field of vision was dyed red,


I tried to stand on my feet while vomiting blood.

I would die for sure if I fall here. Once, I had to retreat withdraw from this place to recover――


Suddenly, Aldebaran's face grazed right under my nose. It felt like a snake was crawling on my skin, I clenched my fist, trying to punch that annoying face.

When my fist was about to connect, Aldebaran's face warped, and transformed into a crocodile's head,


And bite my right fist.


At that moment, it felt like my entire body was baked by scorched metal from the inside.

「So weak.」

Aldebaran grabbed me by my collar as he muttered those words in a scornful voice.

And then――

「But, it seems you're compatible.」

My consciousness descended into the darkness as a strong impact struck my abdomen.