
The Most Incompetent Person In This World

Sir_Smurf2 · Kỳ huyễn
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290 Chs

Character Introduction(Up to the end of Act 1)

★Characters Related to Fortress City Lamour

・Kai Heineman: The protagonist. He was treated coldly by his

surrounding after his gift, [The Most Incompetent in This World] was

revealed during divine oracle in his 13th birthday. At first, he was a kind

hearted youth but, as a result of his 100k years training in a certain

suspicious dungeon, he became a genuine monster with few screw loose in

his head and overwhelmingly lack of common sense who would bring a

storm and chaos in the world.

・Rena Groat: Kai's childhood friend, an adorable girl with shoulder length

red hair. She was forced to live in the royal capital by the government of

Amelia kingdom after they knew that her gift was Sword Saint. Rosemary


・Lyla Hellner: The only daughter of the biggest sword dojo in Lamour,

Kai's childhoodfriend. She used to be Kai's fiancee but, their engagement

got cancelled after it was revealed that Kai's gift was [The Most

Incompetent in This World]. A beautiful girl with long, wavy blonde hair.

・Roman Heineman: A pretty boy from branch family, Kai's cousin. He has

a huge crush toward Lyla, and always had a sense of rivalry with Kai since

the later was Lyla's fiancee, it didn't change even after their engagement

got cancelled. Spear King's gift holder.

・Keith Steinberg: Tall boy, Kai's childhoodfriend. Archmage's gift holder.

One of few people who didn't treat Kai coldly even after he knew that Kai

received trash gift. Same as Rena, he was also forced to live in royal capital

by the goverment.

・Riku: The hope of Heineman-style sword art. His previously kind attitude

toward Kai had a 180 turn after he knew Kai's gift was trash gift.

・Shiga: A tall and bald man with ripped chin, assistant instructor. His

previously kind attitude toward Kai had a 180 turn after he knew Kai's gift

was trash gift.

・Elm Heineman: Kai's grandfather. Sword Saint's gift holder, he fought

against four great demon king in the past as the member of hero's party.

★Character Related to Amelia Kingdom

・Rosemary Loto Amelia: Amelia kingdom's 1st princess. Pink-haired

beauty. She was almost sold to the empire by her own little brother, Gilbert,

but the plan was twathed by kai's interference. She appointed Kai as her

royal guard.

・Anna: Rose's escort knight. She had been served Rose since they're still

small children, Rose's childhoodfriend. Albeit she saved Kai from the

unreasonable bullying of veteran knights, one part of her still call Kai

incompetent mainly due to the later gift.One of the few people who actually

speak up for Kai.

・Fracton Sarmaj: The perpetrator who almost sold Rose to the empire. His

plan was crushed due Kai's interference, and then arrested.

・Gilbert Loto Amelia: 1st prince. Hostile toward Rose, and the one who

approved the plan to sell Rose to the empire.

・Arnold: Knight captain of Amelia kingdom. He was the royal guard of

the current king, and also one of the top swordsman amognst the kingdom

knight. Despite being a trash gift holder, he managed to climbing the rank to

his current position with his efforts. Both his martial arts prowess and

personality was befitting a great man.

★Glitnir Empire

・Signiel Gastrea: One of the six general of the empire. A genius who

succedeed the [Sword Emperor] title in his young age from the former

sword emperor, Ashburn Gastrea. Treated like greenhorn by Kai who

already became a monster after he left the dungeon.

・Enzu: One of the six general of the empire. The leader of the empire's

summoner unit, and the holder of the [Supreme Summoner] title.

Though he could summon the spirit king; Ifrit, the latter was overwhelmed

by Girimekhala who was summoned by Kai, in the end, he was beheaded

by Kai for overstepping his boundary as a human.

★Kai's Direct Kin

・Fafnir: Kai's first kin, Golden Dragon God. She had the appearance of a

young girl of the first half of their teen, she was also a child inside. Always

showing withdrawal symptoms whenever her master left her side.

・Astaroth: The Last Boss of Gods' Ordeal(Lol). Chicken Majin who

automatically became Kai's kin after surrendering before even fighting the

latter. Really strong… maybe.