
The Most Incompetent Person In This World

Sir_Smurf2 · Kỳ huyễn
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290 Chs

Behind The Scene of The 1st Act

After the bandit group called Sad Terror had left, a figure of a female butler and a monster with a long nose appeared as if they had been there all along.

「No one noticed eh. How ridiculous.」

When the female butler expressed her thoughts on Sad and co with a scorn on her face,

『Don't say that. Your teleportation is still an unknown phenomenon to those human(bug) after all. Not to mention my cursed realm on top of that. And not just limited to them, the branch species of those human(bug) called idiot won't notice the phenomenon too.』

The monster with long nose followed with that remark.

「So, what kind of scheme Our Master have this time with that monkey who lost his memories?」

『Humph! As if this lowly insect can guess what that Supreme Ruler thinking about!』

Hearing the female butler's question, the long-nosed monster raised an annoyed scream for the first time.

「Yeah yeah, I know how you feel. Since that's the case, what kind of instruction Master gave to you on this occasion, Girimekhala?」

The female butler shrugged her shoulders as if she gave up pursuing this matter further and directed her question toward the monster-nosed Girimekhala instead.

『Soon, the first test for that disrespectful brat will begin. That was his divine revelation.』

「By the first test, do you mean those? The test isn't a little competition, right?」

『HAH! That might be the case from our perspective. But, that human(bug) called Sugar is a little special. That disrespectful brat won't be able to beat Sugar as he is right now. He'll die for sure.』

「When that happen, that village is going to be destroyed, and those poor human will become your toys.」


Seeing Girimekhala nodding gleefully, the female butler heaved a sigh and,

「Well, I don't really care anyways. But, I can't deny that seeing those insect struggle is entertaining. I guess I've to at least see this farce till the end.」

Her figure vanished along with those words.

The corners of Girimekhala's lips rose up and,

『Come out!』

He shouted toward the empty space.



A brown haired youth and demonic man of fire wearing black attire appeared as they placed their right hand on their left chest.

『Hear me out, don't let any of those bug within my realm to escape! But you may kill anyone who is perceptive enough. No one shall disturb this grand play of Our absolute Supreme Ruler! We need to teach those ignorant fools who don't understand their place with their soul. 』

The duo gulped upon seeing Girimekhala's face form into a wicked smile,


Their figure vanished after they bowed to Girimekhala.

Girimekhala nodded in satisfaction upon seeing that, and then raised his arms to heaven,


And shouted with a passionate voice.