
The Most Badass Woman in the Wars of Space

Nicola travelled into a book and become a paranoid heroine. Now she have to finish all the pervert tasks from her system towarding the male protagonist, Arthur, and the reward for mission accomplish is... making Arthur become more powerful? However, in the book's ending, Nicola's body: LIlith Noelle was killed by Arthur! In order to avoid the cruel ending, Nicola decided to be a good person.

Annanana21 · Khoa huyễn
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45 Chs

Chapter 22 Sincerely Smile

   Nicola leaned against the door and glanced at the time.

   How long does it take for a young man to smile sincerely? Half an hour? One hour? Generally speaking, he is the protagonist, so it should be seven times a night, right?

   Just as Nicola was thinking about it, the sound of flushing the toilet suddenly came from inside.

   Nicola looked down at the time again, three minutes.

   Oh... the heroine's happiness is worrying. And Nicola didn't get the system prompt. Could it be that it failed? It shouldn't be.

  Those magazines are not exciting enough?

  Just when Nicola was thinking about buying a simulation inflatable doll to Arthur, the door to the ward was suddenly opened.

   The young man was wearing a blue hospital gown, and he was so thin that he could be blown away by a gust of wind.

   His black hair was wet, his face was still wet, and his face was slightly red from rubbing.

   He stood in front of Nicola, and when he lowered his eyes and looked over, his eyes were dark and extremely gloomy. His face was pale, and the color of his lips became lighter. Because of the illness, his whole body suddenly changed from a rich oil painting to an ink landscape painting with a light style.

   Nicola glanced at him, and then couldn't help but lower her eyes.

   Arthur originally came to this woman to argue, but he didn't expect that she would actually... look at his little brother!

   The boy blushed and stood sideways behind the door, only showing a little bit of black hair and one eye.

   "You..." Arthur choked.

   "Me?" Nicola raised an eyebrow.

   "I'm not interested in you." Arthur's voice was hoarse and his breath was slightly breathless.

   Nicola chuckled lightly, with indifferent and sarcastic eyes, "Oh."

   For a pervert, isn't that the greatest pleasure when the person being perverted has no interest in her?

   "You're not interested in me, but what about Doris Williams?"

   The young protagonist's eyes moved, and his expression was obviously wrong.

   This is the boy's yearning for spring.

   Nicola understands that small magazines are useless, only heroines are. She decided to order a one-to-one for Arthur, and the look... would be just like the heroine's look.

   Nicola slammed the door to the ward with a look of impatience on her face.

   System, "Ten minutes left."

   This mission was different from before. Nicola might be able to make Arthur smile, but she couldn't make him smile sincerely.

   "If this kind of mission continues in the future, I think our cooperation can end here." Nicola was very annoyed and walked out after ordering the doll.

   She stood lazily in the sun, letting the sun shine on her face.

   The system felt that it could be saved again, "Maybe the next mission will go smoothly?"

   Nicola thinks that if you kill her, the protagonist can be pleased to heaven direactly.


   There is a small garden below the hospital for patients to relaxed.

   A red-haired girl stood by the half-moon-shaped pool. She tilted her head and stared at the water, as if there was something there that attracted her.

   Shallow water is harmless to humans, but it is fatal to some creatures.

   On the surface of the pool reflecting the blue sky and white clouds, a black butterfly was struggling. The rare black butterfly is really black without any flaws, just like Arthur's hair, pure and dark.

   Its wings were wet with water, and the heavy water droplets prevented it from flying out of the water on its own.

   Nicola stared at it indifferently without making any movement.

   The butterfly struggled, its wings creating layers of patterns on the water. It seemed exhausted, floating there motionless.

   Nicola just stood there motionless for a while.

   Are you died?

   The butterfly suddenly twitched again, and Nicola's eyes moved slightly. Finally, she stretched out her hand and dipped her fingertips into the water.

   The slender white fingertips rippled with water and fished out the butterfly.

   The butterfly landed on the slightly cool fingertips, trembled slightly, and shook off fine water droplets. The sunlight poured down, and the water droplets fell in five colors.

   The butterfly flutters its wings.

   Nicola raised her head and watched the strange black butterfly fly away. The water drops on its body fell rustlingly, "pattering", like broken pearls.

   On the other side, Arthur stood at the half-open window and saw all Nicola's actions.

   He thought she would watch the butterfly drown in the pool.

   In his mind, she was that kind of person. However, she saved the butterfly.

   The butterfly kept rising and flew past his eyes. It had thin black wings and an outline. He could even clearly see the lines on its wings.

   And when Arthur lowered his head again, he saw a scene he would never forget.

   The girl stood by the pool, with the sparkling water behind her. The wind blew up, raising her long fiery red hair. Her thick eyelashes slowly lowered, and a very shallow and indifferent smile appeared on her raised face.

   Arthur had seen Lilith smile, coldly, sarcastically, and pervertedly, but he had never seen her smile like this.

   Arthur had an indescribable feeling in his heart.

   He stared at the corners of her lips that raised as the butterflies flew, and couldn't help but smile as well.

   "Congratulations on completing the mission, the reward is 0.1 psychic power, and the cumulative reward is 0.7 psychic power."

   When Nicola heard this voice in her head, she was stunned.

   What kind of thing was completed the task?

   Did her Doris doll arrive early?