
The Mortal wants to Ascend

Embark on a journey into the heart of chaos; A tale where worlds burn, monstrous forces emerge, and cosmic entities cast their shadows. As chaos unfolds, heroes rise, navigating the unpredictable odyssey ahead. Join our protagonist in this riveting narrative where inner strength and cunning intellect pave the way to triumph over unimaginable challenges. Awakening in a world on the edge, what will you do? I will be posting this story on RoyalRoad.com https://www.royalroad.com/profile/344113/fictions

Ian_Diakor · Kỳ huyễn
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19 Chs


The air crackled with unspoken intentions, and as if synchronized, both Tygus and Leon's groups tensed. The atmosphere shifted, now charged with an undercurrent of rivalry. The forest, its ancient trees serving as silent witnesses, seemed to echo the brewing conflict among these groups.

Astor, returning from his exploration, sensed the heightened energy and immediately grasped the situation. His eyes flickered from Tygus to Leon, assessing the dynamics at play. The forest, once a place of potential alliance, now held the potential for a clash between different factions.

"What's going on here?" Astor's voice cut through the mounting tension, demanding an explanation from the newcomers. The standoff in the heart of the mystical forest was poised to reveal long-buried secrets and forge unexpected alliances or rivalries.

"Stand down."

The forest stood in stoic silence, its towering trees casting shadows over the confrontation. Astor's authoritative command cut through the tension like a blade, compelling everyone to stand down. The sudden stillness was met with surprised glances exchanged among the members of Tygus and Leon's groups. Astor, seemingly unperturbed, walked towards the center of the impasse, his eyes focused on the newcomers.

Darian, his frustration evident, was the first to voice his concerns. "Where have you been?" he asked Astor, who responded with a nonchalant demeanor, "Just collecting some herbs." Lucien, always analytical, probed further, "Where are the herbs?" Astor, in his typical enigmatic style, simply shrugged off the question, leaving the topic hanging in the air.

With a subtle redirection, Astor brought the focus back to the newcomers. "Explain your presence here," he demanded, his gaze unwavering. "We are not ignorant to the underlying currents beneath your words."

Tygus and Leon, both leaders of their respective groups, exchanged a glance that hinted at unspoken communication. They realized that their motives were not easily concealed from Astor's perceptive group. The ancient forest, with its centuries-old trees and mysterious ambiance, served as a silent witness to the unfolding exchange.

Leon, a figure radiating pride and confidence, took a step forward. "We've been through a skirmish, barely escaping with our lives," he declared. Tygus nodded in agreement, his eyes narrowing as he assessed the situation. "Our groups had a common adversary, and we were forced to unite to survive."

Astor, his expression unreadable, absorbed their words. The atmosphere crackled with a mix of suspicion and curiosity. Elowen, with his enigmatic aura, spoke next. "Your escape from danger brought you to our territory. Why should we believe there isn't more to your story?"

Leon, maintaining his composed demeanor, responded, "We seek refuge and alliance. Our common enemy is relentless, and we believe that together, our chances of survival increase." Tygus added, "We may have our differences, but facing this threat alone is no longer an option."

Astor, ever perceptive, observed the subtle nuances in their body language and tone. "What is this common enemy you speak of?" he inquired. The forest, wrapped in an eerie stillness, seemed to amplify the weight of their words.

Leon hesitated for a moment before revealing, "A rogue faction within the Academy, abusing forbidden arts and endangering the lives of students for their own gain. We opposed their actions, and now we are marked as traitors."

The revelation hung in the air, casting a shadow over the assembly. The ancient trees, with their twisted branches, whispered tales of betrayal and power struggles. Astor, deep in thought, assessed the situation.

Darian, sensing the gravity of their predicament, spoke up. "How do we know you won't bring trouble to our group? We've had our share of rivalries, and we won't risk our safety for unknown allies."

Leon, meeting Darian's gaze, responded with conviction. "Our fight is against a common enemy. We offer our strengths and resources to aid each other in this battle. As long as this threat looms, we are bound by a shared destiny."

The tension remained palpable as Astor contemplated their words. Elowen, his intuitive nature guiding him, observed the newcomers keenly. Lucien, always calculating, assessed the potential benefits and risks.

Astor finally spoke, "You may stay for now, but we will keep a close eye on your actions. Betrayal will not be tolerated."

The forest, a silent witness to alliances forged and tested, seemed to echo the weight of Astor's words. The dynamics among the groups shifted, setting the stage for a delicate alliance in the face of a formidable common foe.

Darian, with a raised eyebrow, voiced his skepticism, "I still don't trust them, Astor."

Lucien, crossing his arms, added, "Agreed. We can't afford to be naïve in these circumstances."

Elowen, ever mysterious, whispered, "Time will reveal their true intentions. We must remain vigilant."

Tygus, with a tone of sincerity, assured, "We seek no harm. Our enemy is relentless, and unity is our only chance."

Leon, with a hint of pride, declared, "We'll prove our loyalty through actions, not words."

Astor, ever the inquisitive leader, continued to seek clarity about the circumstances that brought Tygus and Leon's groups together. With a discerning gaze, he turned his attention to Tygus and asked, "How did you come across Leon's group in this vast forest?"

Tygus, a seasoned individual with a keen sense of smell, explained, "After the attack, I sensed Leon's aura lingering in the air. It was a distinctive essence that I couldn't ignore. I tracked it until I found him and his group."

Darian, still skeptical, interjected, "So, you just happened to 'sense' his aura in the vastness of this forest? Sounds too convenient."

Leon, his pride undeterred, responded, "It's true. We were cautious at first, considering the dangers we've faced. I attacked because I couldn't afford to take any risks. After a brief skirmish, we realized that the real enemy is within the Academy, and we decided to join forces."

Astor, sensing the lingering tension, sought to bridge the gap of suspicion. "You both had your reservations. What convinced you that an alliance was necessary?"

Tygus, meeting Astor's gaze, spoke with conviction, "Our common enemy is not to be underestimated. They operate within the Academy, manipulating forbidden arts for their gain. We were marked as traitors for opposing them. Alone, our chances of survival were slim. Together, we stand a better chance against this threat."

Leon added, "Our encounter in the forest was initially fueled by suspicion, but circumstances forced us to reconsider. The enemy we face is cunning and powerful. We can't afford to face them alone. Uniting our strengths is our best chance."

Lucien, always analytical, pressed for more details. "What were your plans before stumbling upon our camp? And why did you initially think we were part of the enemy?"

Tygus, looking around at the diverse group before him, explained, "We had just decided to seek out other groups and form alliances to bolster our chances. When we saw your camp, we were cautious. The enemy within the Academy is not easily discernible, and we couldn't take any chances."

Elowen, his mysterious aura lingering, interjected, "How do we know you won't betray us? Your word alone might not be enough."

Leon, meeting Elowen's gaze, responded, "Our alliance is not just based on words. We are here to face the same enemy, and our actions will prove our loyalty. Betraying each other only serves the enemy's purpose."

Astor, absorbing the various perspectives, finally spoke, "For now, you may stay with us. But let it be clear, any betrayal will be met with severe consequences. Our focus remains on defeating the common enemy within the Academy."