
The Mortal wants to Ascend

Embark on a journey into the heart of chaos; A tale where worlds burn, monstrous forces emerge, and cosmic entities cast their shadows. As chaos unfolds, heroes rise, navigating the unpredictable odyssey ahead. Join our protagonist in this riveting narrative where inner strength and cunning intellect pave the way to triumph over unimaginable challenges. Awakening in a world on the edge, what will you do? I will be posting this story on RoyalRoad.com https://www.royalroad.com/profile/344113/fictions

Ian_Diakor · Kỳ huyễn
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19 Chs


The emergence of the puma-like creatures, aptly named striders, had everyone on edge. Their sharp, gleaming eyes seemed to cut through the night, marking Astor's team as potential prey. Five of these creatures, sleek and menacing, prowled silently, surrounding the group with an air of calculated menace.

Darian, typically the outspoken and self-assured member of the team, found himself gripping the hilt of his weapon in a mix of apprehension and curiosity. "What in the realms are those?" he muttered, his gaze locked on the encroaching striders.

Astor, seemingly unfazed by the imminent threat, took a step forward to address his companions. "Meet the striders. Nocturnal hunters, highly skilled in tracking and stealth. Their skin can be valuable for crafting cloaks, enhancing our ability to move undetected. However, they're not to be underestimated, especially when they hunt in packs."

The eerie silence persisted as the striders, their dark fur blending seamlessly with the shadows, continued their measured advance. Each step they took echoed with the predatory prowess that characterized their species, eyes fixated on Astor's group, sizing them up as potential prey.

Even Kael, known for his narcissistic provocations, shifted uncomfortably, recognizing the gravity of the situation. "So, what's the plan, Astor? We can't just stand here and let them have us for dinner."

Astor, his eyes still locked with those of the lead strider, began outlining a strategy. "We need to work together. Keep your backs against each other, and stay in formation. The striders are fast, but they rely on surprise. If we can anticipate their movements and counteract as a group, we'll have the upper hand."

Darian, though skeptical of Astor's sudden authoritative demeanor, nodded in agreement. "Alright, but don't think you're leading us just because you said so. We watch each other's backs, understood?"

Astor acknowledged Darian's sentiment with a nod. "Understood. This is a team effort. Let's show these striders we're not an easy meal."

The strider's stealthy approach was thwarted by the makeshift barrier of wooden spears surrounding Astor's team. It lunged at them, propelled by a hunger-driven instinct, only to be ensnared by the strategically placed spears. Astor's quick thinking had turned the tables, and the strider found itself trapped, unable to penetrate the barrier.

Astor, armed with a wooden spear like the rest of his team, stepped forward to confront the immobilized strider. His eyes, a beacon of determination in the flickering firelight, met the creature's predatory gaze. With calculated precision, he positioned the spear, aiming for the strider's head.

He glanced back at his companions, a silent reassurance that their survival rested on their unity and strategy. "Striders are blind in bright light," Astor explained, his voice steady. "They navigate through the essence they perceive in living creatures. The bonfire we created is our advantage. Now, let's show them we're not easy prey."

As the flames danced and crackled, casting an ethereal glow across the clearing, Astor drove the spear forward. The strider's desperate struggles were futile against the barricade of wooden spears, and Astor's decisive strike swiftly ended its threat. The team watched as the creature's once-predatory eyes dulled, the essence within extinguished by the forceful blow.

Astor withdrew the spear, turning to address his team. "These striders may be formidable, but they're not invincible."

The subdued glow of the bonfire painted a scene of triumph as the strider's lifeless form lay at their feet. The team, though still on edge, found a renewed sense of confidence in their leader's guidance.

The eerie growls of the remaining striders echoed through the magical forest, a mournful symphony for their fallen comrade. In an abrupt shift, the creatures roared and began circling Astor's team, eyes gleaming with a predatory intent.

Astor, maintaining a calm exterior, issued orders to his team. "Watch out for any striders that get caught, and pierce their heads immediately," he commanded. The team tightened their formation, wooden spears at the ready, prepared for the impending onslaught.

As the striders sprinted in erratic circles, testing the defenses of their prey, one of them lunged at Kael. Caught by the wooden spear barricade, the strider thrashed, its predatory instincts at war with the barrier that confined it. In that crucial moment, Kael, faced with the reality of taking a life, hesitated.

The strider seized the opportunity, escaping Kael's grasp. Disappointment and frustration echoed through the team, but Astor, ever the strategist, stepped in. He approached Kael, a firm yet understanding expression on his face.

"Kael, in this world, we're not the only living beings, and striders are no exception. But when our lives are on the line, hesitation can be fatal," Astor explained, his tone carrying a weight of experience. "In the face of danger, you have to be prepared to defend yourself. It's not about killing for pleasure; it's about survival. Remember that, and next time, act decisively."

Kael, still grappling with the internal conflict, nodded in acknowledgment. Astor's words lingered in the air, a lesson about the harsh reality of the magical forest and the challenges they were bound to face. The striders, sensing the tension, continued their ominous circles, a constant reminder that, in this mystical realm, survival demanded tough choices.

The wooden spear barricade successfully trapped another strider, but as Darian moved in for the kill, a moment of hesitation flickered in his eyes. It was just a fraction of a second, but it was enough. Instead of a lethal blow to the head, Darian's spear found its mark in the strider's shoulder.

The wounded creature, howling in pain, managed to wriggle free and sprinted off into the dark depths of the magical forest. Astonishment and confusion gripped the team as they witnessed the unexpected retreat of the strider. Astor, wearing a furrowed brow, stepped forward to analyze the situation.

"Striders are instinctual beings, driven by basic survival and the need to feed. They don't typically retreat, especially after losing one of their own," Astor pondered aloud, addressing the perplexed expressions of his companions.

Quillon chimed in, "Could it be fear? Maybe the wounded one signaled the others to retreat."

Astor, though intrigued by the notion, remained skeptical. "It's possible, but striders are more primal creatures. Their communication is rudimentary, mostly based on signals rather than complex strategies."

The team, still on edge from the encounter, exchanged glances. Darian, his earlier hesitation lingering, shook his head, attempting to dispel any doubt about his commitment to the team's survival.

"We should remain vigilant," Astor urged, scanning the dimly lit surroundings. "The night is still young, and there may be more challenges ahead."

With the mystery of the striders' retreat lingering in the air, the team resumed their defensive formation, their senses heightened for any further nocturnal threats lurking in the mystical forest.