
The Mortal Artificer

“With great power comes great responsibility” –Winston Churchill/Uncle Ben Such a notion is really overwhelming, but not popularly practiced in the world of Avengale. Avengale is a world devastated by war and conflict of every kind. In the middle of this war… a normal young man is given a gift by a twist of fate… the gift of artifact creation. With a sickly mother at home, and a load of enemies around him, how will he be able to survive in this war-torn era where the strong… devour the weak? Follow him in his adventure and find out how he became… The Mortal Artificer.

Shynobi · Võ hiệp
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19 Chs


Chapter 11 Scumbag

The journey to the village of Awan did not have any hitch as he is able to escape the beasts that are roaming near the area. For his equipment, he now has another handgun, a few bullets, and a metal knife.

Yang Wenxhi seems not that bad as she did not take all the guns and bullets. She just took about 20 bullets and the other knife before she left.

Han Jin could only shake his head at what has happened that time as he thought he could at least have a companion while traveling.

But it seems that the woman is bent on escaping this place.

According to Onyx, the woman is traveling toward a town with high walls and lesser plants, so Onyx did not have much information about the town.

But for the village of Awan, Onyx has already told Han Jin what he needed to know about the village.

It is a small village in the middle of the forest. Though small, the village has strong warriors that could fight against the beasts around them.

In the village, there are two Class-B warriors protecting it, and it seems that they are a couple.

While listening to the information, Han Jin also heard that there is a military installation in the village which further enhances their protection from the beast.

Even demon beasts could not casually appear in that place without being stopped by the two Class-B beings.

He feels a bit elated upon knowing that he would soon be able to go back to the military. If he is able to report, then the military would not punish him that gravely and his mother will still have support from his Medicare.

It was dawn the next day when he finally arrives at the main road to the village.

As soon as he walks out of the forest, he was greeted by a few carriages traveling down the road.

He could sense that the village is actually very lively even early in the morning.

He decided to travel behind the carriage towards the village.

Sensing another person walking behind the caravan… a mounted rider sitting atop a Marok, a Marok is like a giant flightless bird with a large red beak and a single horn on his forehead, slowed down and waited for Han Jin to catch up.

"Are you traveling alone, young man?" the man clad in leather armor asked with a smile.

"Yes… It's my first time to enter the village." Han Jin said.

"Are you going to do business in the village?"

"Nah, I'm from the army. I got lost in the forest and am trying to find my way back…"

When the man heard this, he suddenly scrutinized Han Jin but said nothing. He is just confused as to how a normal-looking young man is able to survive in this forest alone.

Their caravan has several mounted gunners, but still lost two of his comrades when they were attacked by a couple of beasts.

He feels curious but did not bother to ask further as he just travels leisurely beside Han Jin whose steps are a bit weird.

The reason why he said weird is that… the young man is actually able to keep up with the pace of his mount.

A normal person would usually lag behind as their speed and gait are not comparable to the mounts.

But it seems that the young man could walk a bit faster than normal. Though it is confusing and a bit amazing, the man knew that it is not that uncommon.

He even knew someone with strength close to that of a Class-B being. That guy is really buff and looks like a small mountain. And yet compare to those Class-B people, that guy is nothing.

"I am Henry Lam, people call me Sharp Henry…" he introduces while grinning smugly.

Henry is a middle-aged man with a lean body and light brown hair. He looks like he is still in his early 30s and has a slightly handsome features.

He has a long rifle on his back, along with a bow and some arrows. With one look, one could tell that is a warrior that is armed to the teeth.

"Are you curious about why people called me that?" he asked with a playful smile.

He then suddenly waved his hand and a palm-sized dagger suddenly flew out of his hand and hits a tree trunk. In that trunk, there is a small red-colored lizard now skewered by his small knife.

Han Jin was a bit astonished at the skill of the man.

"Amazing, right?" he chuckled at the gaping mouth of Han Jin.

"I'm Han Jin…" Han Jin suddenly introduces himself.

His skill is not as bad as the man's, but the guy seems better than him with regard to using the throwing knife.

In fact, if it was him, he would not be able to hit that small lizard at the distance they are in right now.

"Han Jin… Hmm, from the northeast?"

"Nope, I was born in Galia…"

"Oh, that beautiful city… I've been there…"

The two began to talk while walking and slowly the camaraderie between them could be seen. In fact, Han Jin was amazed to discover that Henry Lam is actually a former soldier. He just left the service because his wife has gotten ill and he needed to take care of her for a while.

After she got better, he decided not to return to the force.

And so, he was offered a job as a security service protecting convoys like the one he is protecting now.

The convoy he is with right now uses Maroks as a means of transportation. The reason for this is because… Maroks are quieter and attract fewer beasts while traveling in the forest.

A truck on the other hand is faster but attracts a lot of creatures. If their number is not sufficient or if they are attacked by a more powerful beast or even a demon beast, then that would mean their doom.

So in this area, most caravans use Maroks and carriages rather than the noisy engine of a truck.

Plus if worse comes to worst, Maroks could run faster in the forest at around 80 kph at a distance sprint of about 2 km.

It did not take long before the caravan reaches the village and Han Jin parted ways with his new friend Henry Lam.

As Henry rode closer to one of the carriages, the window was slowly parted by a dainty hand.

"Sir Henry, I noticed you're talking to someone back there… Is he an acquaintance of yours?" asked a voice that sounded like an oriole catching the attention of everyone that could hear it.

Henry is already familiar with such a voice so he is already used to her charms, but the others around him who have not heard the young miss inside the carriage talking were caught off-guard and quickly tilted their heads in her direction.

"Haha… Young Miss, that guy is someone I just met. He is a lost soldier trying to return to his troop." Henry Lam replied with a slight chuckle but courteously.

The figure inside the carriage wearing a veil on her small white hat nodded her head in understanding and slowly closes the window curtain.

When this happens, the other soldiers wanted to crane their necks just to take a glimpse of the true face of the young woman inside that carriage.

But to their dismay, they could not even see her face as she is wearing a veil. But, from the contour of her face judging from the silhouette, they could infer that she is one gorgeous lady.

At this time, the caravan stopped by the gate and the village guards wanted to check the carriages.

But upon seeing the palm-size wooden seal presented upon them, they all showed a horrified expression and bowed as they let the carriage pass.

The guard leader even has beads of sweat forming on his forehead while lowering his stance.

How could they not know who that carriage belongs to upon seeing that wooden seal?

As the carriages pass Han Jin stops in front of a guard and then takes out his identification.

The guard looks confused upon seeing him as they thought that the guy is with the caravan.

When the guard saw that Han Jin is actually a soldier, they all showed confused expressions on their faces.

"Why have you arrived just now?" a guard suddenly asked upon seeing the identification.

"Huh… Why? What is wrong?" Han Jin asked feeling a bit flustered.

"A large number of soldiers have already left the village… I think… I heard them saying that they are called to assist a supply convoy that was ambushed by a demon beast. Even one of the village chiefs came with them…" one of the guards said.

"Ah, really? When did they leave?" asked Han Jin frantically.

"Well… It was yesterday morning."

When Han Jin heard this, his face turned pale. He did not know if he could even chase after them at that rate. With a helpless sigh, he could only enter the village and go to the army barracks.

He was pointed in a direction while the guards saw him walking and shaking their heads.

They know how strict the army is with its soldiers. So, they can only lament on the young man's punishment for being late.

It did not take long for Han Jin to find the barracks and saw a few soldiers ahead of him.

As soon as he saw them, he was about to present his soldier's badge when he noticed one of them looking at him menacingly.

He did not know why, but he could feel at that time that trouble is coming his way.