
The Morning Star Heir

You will never love her the way she loves you!

Koemyeng · Kỳ huyễn
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48 Chs


"The host's breakfast must be delivered to the room!" Hey, why is this house so lazy? Do not even come down to eat themselves, wait until the food's brought to the place!" Nuong complains, while Oum Chan, the chef, is preparing food on each tray so that Nuong can take it to the landlord in the room. Wearing a pleated skirt and short sleeves shirt is the maid's uniform in this house. She also had to comb her hair with braces lift up. Unfortunately, the little girl is not considered and cared for as the daughter of the host's teacher, instead, she is treated as just a servant and not many people are bothered with her because everyone is minding their own business. However, she is used to such a low life and she does not care. By the way, she will only live here for two years, when she turns 18 she will be back with her adoptive father. Nuong adapts everything for one of her hopes, she will be back with Jackson, he is her only family. When Oum Chan was ready, she ordered her to lift one tray at a time to the Masters' and Mistress's room. The first disk is to go to Mr. Sem Sokun Piseth, the first son of the Lord. With a tray of food, she walked up the stairs dissatisfied because she did not like the man very much. Why do not they get up in the morning to eat their own food? Why is it necessary to take it? Born as a child of the rich, lazy, it's free will like this, right? The same questions kept popping up and down in her brain. But to be a good girl, one has to force oneself to learn to smile and speak respectfully to the householder, as Oum Chan taught.

When she reached the front of the room, she tried to tell herself not to be scared and then decided to knock on the door ... tuk-tuk ... but no one opened the door. Anger slammed the door and shouted, " Big Master! Breakfast! " But still no one came to open the door for her. She grabbed the doorknob and entered, only to find that the key was not locked. When she opened the door, the little girl realized why she was shouting so loudly and still could not be heard, so if the room was so big! Their room size is 3 times bigger than the common sleeping dorm at the orphanage! And almost as big as her adoptive father's house. Because they are so wealthy, that's why they do not care. Room accessories are all valuable items, wondering if this is a bedroom or a living room for sure? The little girl was shillyshallier, and did not know where to put the food, she looked left and right and saw that no one was there. Why? But it was also good because she did not want to meet that big master, too. She looked at a table by the window and walked to get a plate of food there, but just walking from the door to the window was too tiring because it was too far. The size of their room!

At the same time, Piseth, who was soaking in the tub of pure rose petals, took care of the skin and the aroma of the ancient herbs and roots placed there relieved the big master of all worries. He pulls out the red wine stored nearby. Their bathrooms are not inferior to their bedroom, it is large and decorated with modern and expensive furniture. Piseth lies in the bathtub, and took out a diamond watch that was placed nearby and see the time. "Today there is a meeting! Hmm,» The man took a deep breath and closed his eyes a little before getting up. He took only a towel, wrapped it around his waist, and walked outside. Coincidentally, when the door was closed, it was cluttered with a towel, and the man walked away naked. He ignored them and walked over to the closet near the window, not far from the waiter who was preparing the food. Nuong has already prepared the food, she is very happy because this is the first time she did the work successfully without any problems. The woman took the tray and turned away with a smile ... Suddenly saw the big master !! Nuong stunned did not speak, opened her eyes wide and looked at the man, his appearance was very handsome! She almost forgot how to react if a woman sees a man naked like this? But this is the first time she has seen a man's body like this, but ... Nuong's confused brain ... Piseth, who is choosing one shirt after another, does not like it because he has too many choices. His wardrobe is almost 4 meters long, with multi-colored shirts hanging in rows, not neatly folded on one side, folded neatly on the other side, while the bottom is a variety of fabric pants hanging and folding on each side. His siblings have all kinds of clothes to wear, they are always in short supply. Piseth looked at her in wonder and asked: " Hey, why are you standing looking at me like this? Not going to work, huh? ". When she heard the voice of a man, it was waking her up, she regained consciousness, looked at him, and her voice shouted, "Ahhhhh ... " The little girl dropped the tray and closed her eyes with her hands and shouted, " Why are you naked ? ". As for The big master Sem Sokun Piseth, when he realized that his body was nude like this, the man shouted in surprise, "Ah!" He hurried to take the shirt he chose to hide his shame. The man looked at the bathroom door and saw his towel stuck to the closed door. The handsome hurriedly took out his shorts and ran back to the bathroom. Piseth put on his pants and opened the door to look at her, still standing with her eyes closed. At first, he thought he was ashamed because no one had ever seen himself like this, but when he saw her react like that, he felt that the one who was most ashamed was this girl and said to himself: " Children are shy? Also? ". Piseth shouted, " Do not peek, I have not changed my clothes yet ! " The little girl did not dare to move, remained silent, covered both eyes and replied: " Can you hurry? ". Piseth walks out in a pair of shorts. He walked in front of her and said, " Open your eyes! ". But she did not believe him and kept her eyes closed. Although, She felt that the man's voice was getting closer and closer to her ear: " Open your eyes ..." The little girl opened her eyes and looked through her fingers, then saw the man's face near her. She woke up, stepped back and fell on herself, but the man grabbed her by the waist and they fell on the bed together. The little girl's under the arms of a man, eyes to eyes, face to face, his bright eyes, looking at her face, his lips really want to smell her body. Looking into the woman's eyes, the man's finger touched her face unexpectedly. The feeling that comes when it touches the skin of her face is softer than cotton and smooth than powder. Her eyes look at him pitifully, they did not know how she is feeling, but the man, he is obsessed with the image he is seeing, people are showing real feelings, man's lips- He bent down to kiss her, but she was not ready to lose her first kiss like this, even though she liked some of this handsome man, but she was not ready for the incident. Not like this. The woman looked at his neck and raised her head to bite his left neck. "Why did you bite me like this? Let go of me! " Piseth shouted at her, but she refused to let go because she was afraid of being abused by the man, so the best option was to fight to the end. Piseth's neck was sore because she was biting until he bled: " You, a vampire! Let me go! ". The man shouted in pain, but it did not shake this girl, her bite does not stop. His pain also reminds him of a woman in a dream, she always likes to see him endure pain and also likes to torture him as well. Piseth remembers that, he no longer shouts and feels that the mysterious woman who always comes into his dreams and Nuong is like the same person, only one is older and has a different makeup, but the effect of their aura is to frighten those around them as well. Piseth endures the pain of being bitten, like when he always endures and the pain he gets in a dream, no matter what kind of bite, beat, or torture. he seeks it and accepts all the pain. The scar on the man's neck turned red and he was bleeding, and for the first time in her life, she tastes the human blood. In her confused mind wondered, why did this man not respond or shout at her anymore? Why did he endure the pain she was biting? However, she cannot let anyone hurt her, she added a bit of force to bite until the man could not hold back the tears of pain. However, he still did not respond to her, instead, he was satisfied with this pain, the man's arms reached out to hug her, and his neck seemed to be ready, even though she wanted to suck. Blood can come out of the body. Warm arm rings alternate with pain. The two continued like this until Nuong unintentionally swallow the man's blood into her stomach like a beast did, "Why is this? Why doesn't he respond like this? " The little girl thought to herself, fearing that the man would retaliate, but at the same time, she enjoyed the hug, even though it was painful and the man's cries were heard-whispering near her ears, and she did not want to stop it. Her lips were stained with crimson blood dripping from the man's neck from his smooth, radiant skin. Now it's too late, she made him bleed, does he still leave her alive? As a result, no one knows how the big master, the son of a millionaire, will deal with this new servant who dares to bite his neck to bleed like this. But if it's too late, she does not want to lose it! The woman also sucks the blood that is flowing from the man into her mouth and swallows it like swallowing water, but the more she swallows, the more she likes it and the more she cannot control herself. The pain got worse and worse, so Piseth dragged her to sit up with him and hugged her tightly, causing her to suck his blood at will. The woman's arms hugged his back so tightly that the man's pale yellow skin was red all over his back. Piseth's tears flowed with pain but mixed with joy as he hugged her. The breath of a man breathes as she sucks his blood one by one, it is a sensual feeling that does not have to go through sex, but only the pain that comes that he never gets. A man's skin sweats as his heart ponders. Now she wakes up from that obsession and says, "What am I doing?" Why did I do this to him? " In her heart agitated, the woman immediately hurried out of the man's arms, her lips were covered in blood. " I'm sorry, Master, I have no intention! " The woman said with tears in her eyes when she saw the man was crying and his neck was bleeding continuously. The little girl under the man stared in disbelief at what she had done to this man. Piseth looks at the little girl who is yawning like a chicken under his arm. She is like a kitten that accidentally bites its owner, and when it realizes that the owner is sick, she tries to comfort him. The man smiled and thought, "You two are exactly the same!" The innocent eyes always appear after the fault has been built! It's really her! " . The big master's finger reached out to wipe the blood on her small lips and licked himself. She hurt him at the same time she gave him comfort. The man said: " You, vampire! Is my blood so delicious? " " No! I just had no choice and to do it for self-defense! I'm sorry Master! " Seeing the miserable condition of this little girl, the man was not angry with her, so he got up and walked away. On the other hand, she looked at the man from behind and saw that the man's back was full of her fingerprints.

Piseth took a tissues to wipe away the blood that was flowing. Suddenly, the little girl walked in front of him, carrying medicine and bandages. Her pitiful black eyes appear, making it difficult for a man to say no. The little girl also wrapped his wounds and apply the serum to the big master. She really regretted what she had done, but the man was not angry with her. After wrapping the wound for the big master, the little girl went to do her work, but her mouth still smelled of the man's blood.

The small lady touched her mouth with her hand when she came out. "Nuong!" Why do you do such stupid things without thinking? This is the first day you go to work, do you act like a dog biting a landlord like this?" She moaned alone in front of the back room, leaning against the door. She remembers the act of hugging him and biting his neck, sucking his blood like a monster. She slapped herself in the face, wanting to kill herself immediately so that no one would know what she had done. "Why?" Why? Why are you so bad? It's really embarrassing this time, I don't know where to put my face! " The woman covers her face with her hands. Ever since she was born, she has been imagining all kinds of fighting scenes that she can do to protect herself from various dangers, but very few of them have done any action because the real story is not what she imagined. No. But this time, she also dared to act according to her immediate thoughts. And the result ... is that she bit the big master until she reached this level, but he was still not angry with her.