
Chapter 87


My face burns as I watch Holden and the rest of the MTF guys leave The Café. I guess I’ve been naïve thinking he doesn’t know how I’ve been waking up ninety percent of the time.

It messes with me, since I’ve never really been a sexual person. But Holden? He brings out every carnal thought I’ve ever had as a woman and completely makes me wonder if I even know myself.

“They’re nice.” Violet has a seat next to me at the counter again.

I chew the tip of the pen I have in my hand, a nervous habit I’ve developed over the past few months. “Yeah, they are. One of the best group of guys I’ve ever met in my life.”

“How did you meet your husband?” She asks out of the blue.

It throws me off guard that she doesn’t know, but then I remember she’s new to town, and not everyone is privy to the history of Laurel Springs. I shift in my seat. “My maiden name is Strather, and he’s spent the last few years arresting various male members of my family for making moonshine.”