
Chapter 70


“So how does it feel?”

I look over at Renegade, not able to keep the smile from spreading across my face, or the joy out of my voice as I answer. “To be back? It feels fucking amazing.”

He laughs as he takes a drink from his to-go mug of coffee. “It’s awesome to have you back. I like Ace, but you’re my best friend.”

I’m letting Renegade drive, which is totally unlike me, but they’ve all asked me to be honest with them, and I admitted to Holden it would be best for me to wait a few weeks. I need to do a couple of pass-through’s on the bottoms before I’m ready to drive the road myself. It’s nothing like PTSD, but there’s a nervousness I can’t explain, even though I’ve tried. Everyone seems to understand and for that I’m grateful.

“I know, I love Blaze, don’t get me wrong,” I stretch my leg out, pleased at how it feels. “But I’m glad to have someone else’s company for a while.”