
Chapter 130


“Requesting back up at the bottoms, down by the boat ramp.”

I can hear Tank’s voice on the radio. It seems amused, tired, and inquisitive as he requests another patrol car to come help him. I’m in the area, so I pick up the radio and call in my position. Flipping on my lights, I accelerate so that the police package in my cruiser responds. Carefully, I make my way through the bottoms, and in minutes I’m pulling in behind his car, turning off my siren.

Getting out, I take in what I see in front of me. Tank’s got what appears to be a teenage guy and a teenage girl leaning against the back of his patrol car. He doesn’t have them cuffed, so I’m assuming it’s not that big of a deal, whatever went down, so now I’m wondering why he called for backup.

“What’s going on?”