
Chapter 118


Two Weeks Later

“You sure you wanna do this?” I question Violet as we stand outside her trailer. She brought me out a drink to where I’m parked in her driveway. Like I am every other night.

She nods. “I go back to work in two days, and I really want to feel safe when I go there. Trust me, I know this isn’t a fix-all, Anthony, but it’ll make me feel better.”

“You know I’ll do whatever it takes to make you feel safe, and if showing you how to fire a gun is going to do that, it’s what we’ll do.”

I’ve tried to be accommodating with things she’s needed, and I completely agree with this request of hers. I believe more than anything, she should be able to protect herself, and if I can help her with that, I’m going to do it. The small can of pepper spray she carries can buy her some time if it ever came to that, but a gun? It could save her life if push came to shove.

“Can’t we do it here?” she asks, even as she’s getting into my truck.