
The Moon of Xxene: Lunar Petal [MOVED]

Emeravwe has a secret. She has no memories of her past and no idea where she came from. This is already enough to cause her deep inner turmoil. But in a palace where rank and social status are everything, she finds herself in the worst possible situation: at the bottom of the food chain, scrubbing floors. Yet, how can she be satisfied with this meager existence when surrounded by grandeur? So, she sets her sight on the very highest position in the kingdom -- the king. Enlisting the help of her childhood friend, Eunuch Aslan, she enters the Bureau of Court Affairs and meets Mudiaga, a handsome officer of the Palace Guard, along the way. Can Emeravwe achieve her dream of becoming the king's consort? Or will the secrets behind the dark veil of her past be a mountain more insurmountable than any social ladder? And what secrets do Aslan and Mudiaga hold? The story has been moved to a new link: https://www.webnovel.com/book/the-moon-of-xxene-lunar-petal_23911582605274805

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31 Chs

Search for a Different Path (1)

A few days after Omote Oluchi and Ngozi made their announcement, Aye and Aya of the Department of Court Ladies came to the Maidens' Compound. They bestowed the two girls their official appointments as Aya of the Inner Palace.

The conferring took place on the cobbled courtyard before the Maidens' Quarters. Many Omote and Agaenaye gathered to watch, for they rarely saw Maidens from the Inner Palace.

After the brief rite, Aya Oluchi and Aya Ngozi quickly gathered their belongings and left the Outer Palace. They left no trace behind that Emeravwe could detect in their now-abandoned chamber.

She did not miss the girls. Yet, Emeravwe could not shake the sense of forlornness that assailed her whenever she was alone in their chamber. So she busied her mind with thoughts of the king.

She wanted to speak with Aslan about her decision, since she knew little about their king except that he was currently at odds with his mother.

Emeravwe hoped Aslan could give her more information and help her with a plan to woo the king. He was a Eunuch of the palace, after all, and was thus privy to much more knowledge.

While preoccupied with such thoughts, Emeravwe accidentally knocked over the bucket of water she and another Omote were using to clean the main entrance hall of the Bureau of Court Ceremonies.

The bucket crashed noisily to the tiled floor, and its contents splashed across the path of an entourage of Eunuchs and Maidens.

"Imprudent fool!" a short, dark Eunuch rebuked her.

Emeravwe and the Omote in the hall immediately halted their tasks and stood.

Seeing that he wore the yellow, silk-brocade headcloth of esteemed Eunuchs of the Inner Palace, Emeravwe quickly approached the angry Eunuch.

She bent her knees in a butu of the second degree. Bowed deeply with head lowered and hands cupped before her chest. The other Omote bowed their heads where they stood.

"Oniri*, I was careless in my task and have offended you," Emeravwe confessed, addressing him respectfully. "May you forgive me."

"How can you be forgiven when you do not know whom you offended?" the Eunuch rebuffed harshly.

He turned to the young man beside him and bowed deeply in a digwe, consoling him, "My lord, may you be at peace. I will see to it that she is punished for this offense."

But the young man was not at peace, Emeravwe saw, peeking up from her butu.

He was perhaps only two or three years her elder; fifteen or sixteen. He had even bronze skin and rich sable locks that wound in an abundance of silken curls around his head and shoulders. On his forehead was not one, but two resplendent gems: an oval-cut purple sapphire nestled in the center of his forehead, and just below it was a brilliant tear-cut ruby.

As she observed the proud upward tilt of his chin, took in the neat curve of his dark eyebrows, Emeravwe felt a sense of familiarity.

But this was quickly quenched. For she saw those eyebrows were pinched in a furrow of annoyance, which resonated with the glare of his dark brown eyes.

Seeing the glare, as well, the Eunuch turned back to Emeravwe, demanding to know her name and station.

"Your servant is called Emeravwe," she answered humbly. "I am an Omote of the Bureau of Halls and Chambers."

Emeravwe did not see the quick quirk of the young man's eyebrows before they dove to an even deeper furrow, and darkened his glare.

"I shall be sure to report this incident to the bureau, my lord," the Eunuch assured the young man.

The young man stood a long moment, scrutinizing Emeravwe.

Then he turned abruptly. As he strode on into the Bureau of Court Ceremonies, he instructed the Eunuch, "Leave her!"

The glower the Eunuch bestowed Emeravwe as he walked away told her she just avoided a world of trouble. She deepened her butu and called after the young man, "May Oghene bless and preserve you for your gracious mercy, my lord!"

He did not respond, but each Eunuch and Maiden accompanying him glared at Emeravwe as they walked past.

One of the Maidens, dressed in the pastel blue garments of Aya of the Inner Palace, stopped before her with a particularly foul scowl.

"Consider it your fortune that Prince Etegah is in good spirits today. Otherwise, you would find yourself in the Bureau of Corrections!" the Aya spat and stalked away.

Emeravwe stood frozen as the Omote flocked to her once the hall had cleared.

"Fool!" They chided, "How could you offend Prince Etegah!" and "You must not value your life!"

Emeravwe blinked in wonder. Her heart raced because of the Aya's words. If that had, truly, been Prince Etegah, then she really was fortunate!

It was well known, even in the Outer Palace, that the king's younger brother had a temperament as vile as the devil's. His slightest dissatisfaction landed many Eunuchs and Maidens in the Bureau of Corrections.

In her daily work in the Outer Palace, Emeravwe encountered many ministers and officials of the royal court. Since many of the ministries and offices were located in the Outer Palace.

But she had never encountered anyone of the royal family!

It was no wonder she did not recognize Prince Etegah. The rumors she heard of him painted a much uglier picture in her mind than that of the personage she met today.

His foul expression aside, Emeravwe found the prince quite appealing. With his thick whorls of lustrous sable curls, glowing bronze skin and high cheekbones.

She thought if the prince was so handsome then, surely, the king would not pale in comparison.

She had not thought about the king's personal appearance or temperament in her decision to become an Honored Petal. But she was sure he could not be as unpleasant as his brother was rumored to be. And Prince Etegah's appearance assured her he must not be ugly.

When Emeravwe went to the garden in the Eunuch's Compound that night, she brimmed with excitement. Her mind gushed with all sorts of things to tell and ask Aslan.

She prayed he would not disappoint her with his absence, as he had the past few nights. So she was relieved to find him already there waiting for her when she entered the garden.

He sat leisurely on the white stone bench. Leaning back with his arms as supports and legs stretched casually before him.

He heard Emeravwe as she entered, and greeted her with a welcoming smile.

"Eme, I have missed you," he said as she approached.

"If you miss me, you should see me more often!" she admonished sassily.

His smile deepened, and he made room for her on the bench.

She hurriedly settled beside him; began eagerly, "Aslan, do you know anything about the Orodje?"

He raised a brow. "Like what?"

"Anything!" she enthused. She leaned close, gray eyes bright and expectant.

Aslan was silent, searching her face.

Then he resumed his leisurely pose, replying in a measured and evaluative tone, "The current Orodje is one of the youngest in Xxene's history. He succeeded the throne at the age of twelve. But due to his youth, the Queen Dowager, as the preeminent member of the Royal House, has acted as Regent hitherto.

I have heard it often said he is a true scholar, with a noble character. But I think he is yet inexperienced in official matters. His quarrels with the Queen Dowager has caused much disruption at court."

He turned to her, and an inquisitive look pursed his lips. "But why do you ask?"

Emeravwe's eyes were determined as she held his gaze. "I am going to marry him!"

Aslan froze.

She waited expectantly for a response, but he simply stared.

Then, without warning, a grin spread across his face, and was followed, to Emeravwe's horror, by laughter!