
The Monster of the Wicked Woods

Yuran is a money-hungry commoner who resides in the village of Corrotsonne. She possess divine blume, which gives her healing powers! Her favorite hobby is scamming thugs for extra jewbi coins after healing them. One day, she decides to venture into the Wicked Woods near Corrotsonne to scavenge for herbs, thinking only of all the potential profit. To her surprise, she doesn't just find herbs, but also a lover! Too bad he isn't human. Or is he? ~ Meanwhile, the truth behind the corruption of the Wicked Woods is starting to unravel. These two characters may be connected in more ways than one.

ibjoowi · Kỳ huyễn
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9 Chs

Chapter 7

"Ah, it's been too long," the figure stretched. "I miss my Yurnie."

It was the leader of the largest merchant guild, Wynn Frisk. He ruffled his pearly white bangs and parted them in the middle. His confident and calculating amber eyes gave off the energy of a true merchant. He was only twenty-two, yet in a short amount of time he had risen from a commoner to one of the biggest overseers of economic trading in the empire. 

Just like his sibling, Yuran, he was money-hungry. His current client was a lazy slacker. But he was a Duke, so he was important. 

Patience. Your sweet little sister can wait, think of all the jewbis

He fingered a jewbi coin inside his pocket for comfort. He wore a white suit with rich embroidery, covered head to toe in quartz silver that adorned satin patterns gleaming gold; the color of money. His gloves had carefully stitched embellishments resembling a flower with six thin, widespread petals. A snowdrop, which usually represented purity, sewn with lavish metallic-yellow tinted threads: the mark of a successful entrepreneur.

His entire outfit flamboyantly flared the hues of wealth. He grinned coolly while standing on a balcony, gazing down from the enormous mansion at the gorgeous garden owned by his well-known patron. His sunny eyes surveyed the scenery as he tried to estimate the prices of all things that looked expensive.

"Ah, I'll be home soon, Yurnie…" His lips were twisted in what looked to others like a lovesick fool's smile. Love for money, a fool for his sister.

Wynn adored his little sister. In his eyes, the also money-hungry, frightening, and stubborn white-haired witch was nothing more than a cute child—good-natured and innocent. 

Then, a click sounded and Wynn heard the door to the room swing open. It opened smoothly and silently without creaking. 

Ah, even his doors are maintained regularly. This man is filthy rich! 

He had taken Duke Hace as a client for almost a month now, but the mysterious Duke was famous for being elusive to high society. He had only met with his butler, Alten.

What a strange man, Wynn thought. Duke Hace was perceived to be a cold, uncaring Duke who purposefully isolated himself. Even when he did travel outside of his estate, he evaded the onlooking eyes of many nosy nobles. Many rumors circulated about him in high society and a lot of them were ridiculous and baseless theories. He only attended mandatory imperial events and otherwise shut himself away in his estate. Very little was known about him but many spoke of his unfathomably handsome face. 

Tch. For someone who's never made a public appearance, he has a pretty good reputation. Even the commoners have heard of him. How handsome can he be?

To his surprise, it wasn't the butler Alten who stepped through but the Duke himself. He was dressed in a simple dress shirt with an argyle vest around it in alternating colors of gray and black. A formal overcoat cloaked his broad shoulders. The man's entire wear was in grayscale. 

His masculine face and piercing charcoal eyes looked forward. Calmly, he walked over and sat down where he began to sip tea that had already been placed on a table in front of him. This was an indicator that Wynn could sit down as well, so he plopped down on the fancy cushions across from the Duke at the other side of the table. 

Okay, he may look good, but my sister Yuran looks even gooder, Wynn inwardly snorted. 

He put on his business smile and composed himself in an assertive manner. 

"I did not expect to meet such a handsome face, today Your Grace."

Start with a compliment.

The stoic man's expression remained unchanged.

Damn this Duke and his striking features! 

Wynn chuckled nervously. "…Ahaha, I am Wynn Frisk. Let me brief you on our transaction, Your Grace."

He summarized the divinity elixirs and their effects, how much they cost per unit, and the dates of production and delivery. Suddenly, the Duke cut him off.

"I'll buy everything you have."


Tired and sleep-deprived, Chryst trudged through the door and remembered to straighten himself into a better posture. 

Inside waiting for him was a merchant. Chryst needed these elixirs badly, so he forced himself to sit down and started sipping the tea. Wynn misinterpreted his socially awkward and sleep-deprived mood as an intimidating, mysterious aura.

Chryst knew of all the social etiquette, but this was his first time socializing with a stranger in years. He became stiff and awkward.

Upon studying the merchant, Chryst found that he was quite cute. He did not look cunning at all, contrary to what Alten had told him. A few inches shorter than him with white fluff that looked like clouds resting on his head. What a dazzling man, he thought as he studied the sparkling emblems on his suit. He did his best not to space out as the merchant introduced himself. 

When he heard the word "divine", he perked up and said, "I'll buy everything you have."

Without hesitation, he had interrupted the merchant. Oops, thought Chryst. I'm so rudeI let my excitement get the better of me and my mouth.

His inner introvert facepalmed in exasperation and embarrassment. 

Chryst cleared his throat. The merchant had a surprised look on his face but then composed himself again. 

"Of course, Your Grace. My assistant will talk it out with your butler, I presume?"

Flushed red, Chryst nodded. He averted eye contact with the merchant.

Oh no, look at how red he is! He must be mad at me. Did I do something wrong? Is he just in a bad mood?

Wynn inwardly panicked. 

Chryst cleared his throat again and thought to apologize. 

Suddenly, an intense beam of light shot through the room directly toward Wynn as Chryst smiled apologetically. Wynn's eyes were blinded by the inhuman beauty, unable to look away.

"I'm sorry for interrupting you. Thank you for the divinity elixirs."

Why is he smiling?! I thought he was supposed to be some sort of heartless and emotionless Duke! Stop smiling! It's making you look better!

Wynn stood up and bowed elegantly. "Stop being so handsome."

Yes, of course, Your Grace. I look forward to more business with you in the future.

The Duke's face faltered a little and there was a small hint of surprise.

Oh, shit, I messed up my inner and outer dialogue.

The awkwardness in the air weighed heavier each moment that passed as the two did not say anything. The suffocating silence was only broken when Duke Hace burst into a fit of laughter. 

"Ah, ahahaha." He wiped a tear from his eye. "You're funny. Thanks, I'll pay you extra. I did not know you were thinking that this entire time."

Even his laughter is handsome, Wynn thought. But he did not care that the Duke seemed like a weird child who'd been sheltered all his life. He did not care that he had now discovered that the Duke wasn't cold and stoic but rather socially awkward and immature. He did not care that he had embarrassed himself horribly in front of one of the most powerful and influential yet secluded and mysterious figures in all of high society.

Instead, he thought, How much extra will he pay me?
