
The Monster's Wife

It was like I was in a dream but now when I look at myself here with a fractured left hand and bruised right leg, the pain makes it real. Today in the morning when I woke up I was a normal twenty year old following her dream of being in New York but now it became my worst nightmare. My name is Elizabeth Amarel, nationality Indian. I come from a normal middle class family who have nothing but a lot of debts and this is my story. Meet Elizabeth Amaral Strong, high spirited, dreamer and innocent. But don't think of her as a damsel in distress she may look like an ordinary person with brown eyes, black hair but life made her tough from the inside. An Indian girl with only dream of her life. Her dream is to go to New York. She has struggled all her life to achieve that dream. But when she finally achieves that dream it shatters of all the other plans she made. Find what made her regret to even dream?

DauntlesWallflower · Thành thị
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44 Chs


I can't believe I am doing this, either I was the dumbest person to do this or I took the right decision.

A moan brings me back to reality. I gaze at the man leaning on the wall with his arm wrapped around his stomach. I put my food inside my bag and move towards him.

He was not a homeless at least from his clothes he was not looking like one. Not that who knows clothes don't make a person.

I stayed at my spot and spoke softly not to make him feel threaten. "Excuse me are you alright?"

His body stilled but two fascinating grey eyes peered back at me, question of what the hell was, clearly looming over them.

Feeling scrutinized under his gaze I looked everywhere but him. This time my sight went to his clothes from the front it looked like he was in a brawl.

His blue shirt was ripped at certain parts and blood spots clearly making me doubt my actions. I looked at his face again he was still looking at me.

I can't exactly tell why but even though the blood was making me run something clicks when I see his face. It's not just the fact that he was handsome looking, even though I hate to say it but he clearly was with that chiseled jaw, fair skin and messy hair. He was exactly one of those men who had mysterious written all over them which made every girl swoon over them.

To be honest he was honestly one of those for whom I ever dreamed of going outside India. It's not that India doesn't have boys or men it has plenty. I simply meant that in India people say the L word so easily and naturally that the true meaning behind it is lost.

So when I started watching Hollywood Rom Com more than I should, the fact that they spoke the L word only when they truly felt it. From that day onward I became a woman on a mission.

Now back to the matter at hand. "Can I help you?" I said a little louder this time maybe he didn't hear at first.

"No", was the reply that came. He replied a word and that brought shiver till my spine so much so that I wanted to hear more.

"Can I help you", I took a step closer not intending to scare him away.

"I....don't wa...want yo..ur help!" That gave me unwanted goosebumps honestly. But still it was far more fear and made me more irritated.

This time I uttered everything with firmness, "Listen I know it hurts for you to accept help from a woman but please let me help. I won't tell anyone about it".

He smirked at me as if taunting. "Yo..u are...not a....woman, piccola ragazza"

It took me two seconds and Leo's angry Italian ramblings to realize that he called me a little girl. Little girl seriously!

This man sure knew how to pierce someone's ego. However this time he was about to get a payback.

"Well at least I am not the one acting like an a**hole when someone's trying to help", I fold my arms in front of my chest.

"Be careful cara. You...don't want...to mess with...me"

"I can because right now your just a stupid bruised man who is denying help when he clearly needs it. Also, I maybe stupider to ruin my lunch hour for helping you", with those words I turn around and start walking.

I walk two more steps when a syllable comes, "Wait"

I look back and see him sighing in pain. Taking a deep breathe he asks. "Do you...have a...phone?"

"Yes, yes I do", I move closer taking my phone out.

"Dial...." He tells me the number holding his stomach tightly, every time he has to utter a number.

It rings thrice when a manly voice comes from the other side. "Hello"

"Fratello, this is Arcadio speaking".

"Dio! Where are you? We've been looking all over for you!" Arcadio tenses.

Gruffly he speaks now finding it difficult to hold his frame properly. He was about to slide down on the wall when without having second thoughts I hold him from the side.His eyes look strained as he tries to keep them open.

He opens his mouth to speak yet only air come out. It was clear that he needed help right this second otherwise the man was going to die and I will not let that happen.

I began, "Hello, this is Ellie speaking and Arcadio really needs help fast. He already has lost a lot of blood so if you could hurry up it would be good."

"We're tracking your phone now and are on our way" the man pauses for a second then speaks this time sounding more raw.

"Please don't let our brother die" and he ends the call.

"I will not", I replied however it sounded more like a promise. A promise that I was going to keep.

I glance at Arcadio who is on the verge of closing his eyes. "Arcadio..." I speak his name and he looks at me.

Putting my phone inside my pocket. I hold him properly, giving him enough room to lean on me. He blinks his eyes. "Please Arcadio don't close your eyes"

"I am...not piccola ragazza. I just...want to...sleep...." He was about to shut his eyes.

This was frustrating, feeling helpless an idea struck in my head. "How about I'll take you to the cafe where I work, it's few blocks away".

I try to move us only to be held back. "Now it is....clear that your...re new. Cara...I really appreciate....the...the gesture.....however...I....I can't".

"Why", but I knew when I see him drifting off to sleep my reflex kick in.

Cupping his cheek with my right hand while holding his body from my left I voiced. "Arcadio please don't sleep. Just keep your eyes open for me..."

A strange emotion course through me. I couldn't lay my finger on it now but watching him just this, vulnerable and almost dying made my heart fell discomfort.

"Arcadio look at me", on command his eyes met mine. There was something different from before. The way our eyes were set on each other and my heart was bursting, something was definitely there. However I kept my silence so did he.

A loud horn interrupted the quietness. I looked at the side a black van had stopped. On a reflex I stood in front of Arcadio not wanting to let anyone hurt him.

Two men got out of the van and were closing in on us. One had a huge bulky figure while the other had a similar frame to Arcadio. They were wearing suits like him.

Suddenly a thought of being in a mafia film came rushing to me however, I ignored and tightened my grip on him.

"Brother", they came rushing towards me.

"Who are you?" That stopped them.

"Aren't you the one who called us?" The similar frame said.

I frown, "How can I believe you?"

The bulky man hissed, "Dio, are you kidding us right now!"

The other one put a hand on his arm, "Listen cara, I am in your debt for saving our brother and protecting him but as you can see we are running out of time. Please give him to us", the expressions on his face told me that he cared for Arcadio. So I stepped to the side and let them take him.

As he moves away I feel a sudden emptiness but I quickly mask that emotion. I didn't even know who he really is. Just because I know his name doesn't mean I could trust him.

Mentally shaking my thoughts away I see his brothers putting him inside the van.

Awkwardly I stand at the foot of the van hoping he gets well when the grey eyes hold my stare. He pulls lightly at the bulky man's arm. The man moves his ear towards Arcadio.