
The Monster's Wife

It was like I was in a dream but now when I look at myself here with a fractured left hand and bruised right leg, the pain makes it real. Today in the morning when I woke up I was a normal twenty year old following her dream of being in New York but now it became my worst nightmare. My name is Elizabeth Amarel, nationality Indian. I come from a normal middle class family who have nothing but a lot of debts and this is my story. Meet Elizabeth Amaral Strong, high spirited, dreamer and innocent. But don't think of her as a damsel in distress she may look like an ordinary person with brown eyes, black hair but life made her tough from the inside. An Indian girl with only dream of her life. Her dream is to go to New York. She has struggled all her life to achieve that dream. But when she finally achieves that dream it shatters of all the other plans she made. Find what made her regret to even dream?

DauntlesWallflower · Thành thị
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44 Chs


Ellie moved outside the bathroom, tightening the robe around her. She moved towards the vanity mirror, picked up the lotion, lathered it up, and applied it to her skin.

Suddenly the doorbell rang. Ellie looked at the time, who that might be. It can't be her parents because it was still noon. Then who was it?

Ellie was about to move towards the door when she realized that she was still in her bathrobe and she can't open the door like that. If it were some neighbor, she would probably have a cultural shock seeing her in just a bathrobe. Then the rumors would spread like wildfire around the neighbor.

Ignoring the constant ringing doorbell, she searched through her closet. A pair of shorts would still be considered the worst choice. She then selects a pair of jeans and an oversized t-shirt.

"Coming!" She shouts from the other side of the door. First, she looks through the peephole, then frowns. It was one of Arcadio's bodyguards. What would he want now?

She opens the door. "What are you doing here?"

The bodyguard's face looks different from all the other times he has seen her. It was true that he had intimated her before by the constant watch he had over, but in the end, she knew it was all part of his job. However, there was this airy breeze coming off from him. She felt different sensations all over her body which scared her.

His bulky body blocking the door scared her more. The man looked more dangerous. His bulging muscles, blood-red eyes with the smirk that appeared on his face petrified her.

She panicked and took a step back. She remembered her father's words about self-defensive, always keep your cool. Shaking the feeling off slightly, she repeated her question, "What are you doing here?"

He raises her head towards her. "You," he said.


The words shocked her. She immediately tried to act and tried to shut the door. The man blocked the door with her hands. She moved back as her breath choked as he charged towards her. They entered the living room, and she scrambled to find something to defend her.

A growl leaves her lips, "make this difficult, princess. It'll be fun to catch you. I love the chase."

"Why are you doing this? Didn't Arcadio send you to protect me?" She shouts, standing behind the couch.

He glares at her, "you would still think about that a**hole!"

"Don't call him that!" She shouted.

He tightens his fist, "why are you taking his side, princess. I know that ba*tard forced you to marry him." He kept taking short steps towards her.

"You don't know anything about it." Her voice screeched while her heartbeat speeded up. She kept taking steps back.

"Don't pretend!" He snarled, making her flinch.

The man took long steps and was automatically in front of her. Adrenaline and terror took over her as he stood closer. He yanked her arm and forced her to face him.

He pushed her body to face a corner with her back touching the wall. She felt so small in front of his large body.

Tears threatened her eyes as his left-hand fingers traced her right arm. He nudged his nose at the side of her throat. Ellie tightly shut her eyes and wished for all this to get over.

As soon as she closed her eyes, the image of Arcadio kept haunting her thoughts. Her tongue kept repeating his name over and over, wishing for him to appear and save her. Yet the man kept inhaling her scent.

Just as his lips started leaving little kisses down her collarbone, she knew she had to find her way out of this on her own. Silent cries choked her neck, that threatened to break out of her. But the daunting thought of what he would force her to do if it came out of her.

His face moved towards her mouth, and his body pressed her body. Ellie can't let him kiss her. The thought disgusted her bones. She tried to shout but wasn't able to open her mouth. She patted the side beside her, finding the edge of a table, an idea hit her. However, executing something was more treacherous than it looked.

She had nothing to lose at this point. She can't let the vile man win. Again she moved her hand across the desk, and an object touched her hand. Gathering all her strength and aggression, she reminded herself of how she and her brother used to fight.

Grunting, she tightly grabbed the object and hurled it right across his face. His body got thrown sideways. The man got shocked at the attack. He tried to retrieve his stance when she moved behind him and rammed the object at his back. His body fell face down as dizziness swarmed in his head.

She moved a little back to see if he was dead. Yet when the man tried to get back up, she smashed the object once again harshly till she was out of breath. She shouted while doing it, and tears kept dripping down from her cheek. Never in a million years had she thought something like this would happen.

Finally, she squealed loudly as all her energy felt spent. She saw the object she was hitting the man with turned out to be a trophy that she had won in the fifth grade for solo singing. There was blood that smeared on the gold-plated trophy making her puke.

She walked towards the bathroom. A shriek left her lips, and her whole body felt like falling until her face harshly hit the ground. She felt a tight grip on her ankle. As if someone was pulling her down. A metallic lip touches her lips. Her head feels like spinning. Slowly the hand moves up her leg.

"I will...have...you, prin...cess." The man grunts.

Ellie's whole body starts vigorously shaking. She tried to wipe her eyes to clear her vision, but everything was blurry. His hands and body still try to capture her in his grasp.

She will not allow him to have his filthy body closer to her. Even if she had to kill him, she would do it. She stills her body for a second then harshly yanks her leg from the man's grip. She begins continuously kicking. A series of moans come from his lips, but she doesn't stop. He tries to capture both her legs while the trophy comes back in her grasp.

She gets her upper body in an upright position. Without thinking twice, she whacks the trophy again at the head. This time the blow is too hard that his body suspends. His body feels more like a dead weight on her leg. She knew he was not breathing. Yet she kept hitting him again and again, scared that he might wake up.

She sobbed her eyes out, her breathing became shallow. Slowly her body felt weak. The headache she had, increased. She shouted as a scorching pain started taking all over her body. Her surroundings turned to go black. The vibrating pain in her body gave out which forced her to lay down.