
The Monster's Wife

It was like I was in a dream but now when I look at myself here with a fractured left hand and bruised right leg, the pain makes it real. Today in the morning when I woke up I was a normal twenty year old following her dream of being in New York but now it became my worst nightmare. My name is Elizabeth Amarel, nationality Indian. I come from a normal middle class family who have nothing but a lot of debts and this is my story. Meet Elizabeth Amaral Strong, high spirited, dreamer and innocent. But don't think of her as a damsel in distress she may look like an ordinary person with brown eyes, black hair but life made her tough from the inside. An Indian girl with only dream of her life. Her dream is to go to New York. She has struggled all her life to achieve that dream. But when she finally achieves that dream it shatters of all the other plans she made. Find what made her regret to even dream?

DauntlesWallflower · Thành thị
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44 Chs


My laugh turns into a frown when Arcadio suddenly calls out, "the bill." My mood turned sour when the second waitress quickly reappeared as if she was waiting for Arcadio to call her.

"Here is the bill, sir," she hands it to Arcadio. But I immediately snatch it off her hands. Arcadio gives me a pointed look. Ignoring his gaze, I open my purse and take out the black card. It was given to me by Arcadio after our marriage which I've never even thought of using before. I place it on top of the bill.

"Thank you." I pick it up with my left hand and return the bill to her. I had promised myself that I would never use his card. However, extreme times call for extreme measures.

As soon as she left, Arcadio remarked with a knowing smile, "I had forgotten how smart my Tesoro is."

"What do you mean?" I questioned him, unfazed as to what he was implying.

"You returned the bill from your left hand so that your wedding ring was visible on your hand. Then you gave her the black card with your name and my last name. What a sneaky little Tesoro!"

After his explanation, a broad smile comes to my lips. "I didn't think you would notice that. Also, FYI I'm not getting jealous. I'm just letting them know about what is mine."

A smile on his face appears, and he takes my hand in his. "So, does that mean that I am yours?"

I bit my lip to hide my embarrassment, "maybe."

"Good, because you Tesoro are all mine," he kisses my hand in his grasp. "Now, let's leave before I ravish you here in front of everyone."

Arcadio was hurriedly taking me somewhere. His hand firmly held mine and took me in between the crowds. Whenever he sees a crowded area, he pulls my body towards his and pulls me by my waist close to him. These little actions of his make the butterflies flutter in my stomach.

An old memory hits me. I remember when I used to go out with my friends and walk through such crowds in Delhi. It has always been me that used to hold my friend's hands close and help them walk in between the group of people. My loneliness had taught me how to be independent and never to rely on anyone. It also made me protective of the people that I love. Also, it taught me how to do things on my own.

Yet my eyes trail to the man beside me who has held me so close. He thinks if he even loosens his hold, I might get lost. The feeling of someone taking care of me warms my heart and scares me more at the same time about how it all could come to a stop.

"Huh, finally." Arcadio groans. "Tesoro, are you okay?"

"Mmm, yeah. I'm fine."

His facial expressions turn concerned, "you sure? Did someone hurt you?"

I replace the frown off my face with a smile and push the negative voice into a corner before he gets more panicked. "I'm sure! Why do you think I wouldn't be? You've treated me to such a delicious meal and crossed off something from my bucket list."

"Then why are you giving me a fake smile?" The smile fades off my face, "why do you think I'm giving you a fake smile?"

I proudly state, "you forgot Tesoro. I know everything about you, so how wouldn't I know the difference between your real smile and the plastic smile you give to everyone."

I say to him with a smug look, "Mr. Arcadio, you seemed to know an awful lot about me. Does this mean that you like me?"

"Mrs. Elizabeth Amarel Concentino, you are probing about something you might already know." He says, and my eyes widen. Here I was trying to catch him in an embarrassing moment, yet he turned the situation back to me.

Before I could question him further, a voice stopped me.

"Beth?" My expression turns into shock. After, I saw the person I never expected to see standing right before me. All the memories hit me like a wreck. The secret hideout of ours where we last stood hidden beneath the night sky while a peephole of light on us, not making the place fully dark, helping us to see each other even though when I was trying to cover my messy crying face.

"I'm sorry, Beth, but we can't be together anymore." His expression didn't hinder me while saying such hurtful words to me.

While I was pouring every last tear, begging him for mercy. "Please, Adrian. Tell me what I did wrong? I'll do anything for you, please, don't do this to me." I move closer and hold his hand.

Aggressively he dismisses my hold and takes a step back, "It takes two to tango, Beth."

"What is that supposed to mean?"

He pauses for a minute. Only the sound of the crickets coming from a small park of trees invaded the silence. Finally, he answers, "it means you are too innocent!"

The words make a disgusting feeling rise in my chest. "So that is your reason?"

"Yes, I'm eighteen now, Beth. How long do you want me to wait?" I gulp the urge to cry more. I was not going to waste my tears on such a bullsh*t reason.

"You want to break up with me just because I don't want to have sex with you?!" The words tasted like vinegar on my lips, but they had to be said loudly. I moved my hand over my face trying to remove some frustration. "Adrian, if you loved me, it shouldn't have mattered if you were eighteen or I was sixteen. You would've waited for me till I wanted to have sex."

"Beth, if you have loved me, you would've agreed to do it." His voice echoed again and again in my mind. I didn't know what am I supposed to feel. The strength in my legs was giving out. The level of my annoyance struck a nerve. I had to get away from him.

Adrian Mathews was always known for his playboy reputation. He was called the chocolate boy. I had known and was warned about his reputation enough by my friends to know that this was bound to happen someday.

Tightening my fists, I tell him, "Fine if this is what you think. Let's stop this sham altogether. If my love for you is shown by having sex with you, then it's better to break up."

"I agree too." He says without waiting a second. What was I expecting anyway from him? Looking at him for the last time, I walk away from him. We both go our separate ways. That was the last time I ever went to our secret hideout again.

The breakup news was spreading across everyone like a wildfire. Everyone had their own opinions, and everyone had their judgment. Some were sympathizing about the breakup, while others kept on guessing why we were together in the first place. To add the salt to my wound, I was informed stories of how Adrian was flirting with other girls while we were together after our breakup.

In the end, it was the one nightmare that I never wanted to live again ever. It was also the main reason I never went into a proper relationship again because hearing that someone wanted me to show my love through sex was something that I did not want to do.

However, having sex with Arcadio was something that I did not plan for, yet even when I look back on it now, I don't regret one thing.

"Tesoro," Arcadio's voice pulls me from my flashback.

"Hm...yeah...," I look at him, and he nods his head towards the side. When I see in his eyes, the former brown eyes that I sometimes admired looked back at me with a frown.

"Oh hey," my voice sounded so awkward.

"We are meeting after such a long time. How are you?"

With a smile, I greet him, "yes, I know. It's been so long. I'm doing fine. What about you?"

"I'm doing great." Adrian's eyes move towards Arcadio, and Arcadio's hand moves faster, wrapping it around my waist. This possessive nature of his makes my heart flutter.

"By the way, this is Arcadio..."

"Her husband," he interrupts me. I shake my head at him. Arcadio leaves no chance to brag.

"I didn't know you got married," Adrian says.

"Yeah, I returned just a few days, so I haven't had the time to inform anyone," I reply.

"Was it the time, or are you hiding this from them?" I did expect a snarky question from him.

But Arcadio didn't because standing beside me, I feel him struck at the question. I move closer to him and reply to Adrian, "Trust me, time is the real issue. Honestly, I can't wait to show off my husband to them."

I glance at Arcadio, and in return he lightly squeezes my waist.

Adrian interrupts our moment. "I'm sorry, but I remembered that I have something important pending. It was nice meeting you, Beth." He smiles.

I return him a tight smile, "Nice meeting you too. Bye."