
The Monster's Wife

It was like I was in a dream but now when I look at myself here with a fractured left hand and bruised right leg, the pain makes it real. Today in the morning when I woke up I was a normal twenty year old following her dream of being in New York but now it became my worst nightmare. My name is Elizabeth Amarel, nationality Indian. I come from a normal middle class family who have nothing but a lot of debts and this is my story. Meet Elizabeth Amaral Strong, high spirited, dreamer and innocent. But don't think of her as a damsel in distress she may look like an ordinary person with brown eyes, black hair but life made her tough from the inside. An Indian girl with only dream of her life. Her dream is to go to New York. She has struggled all her life to achieve that dream. But when she finally achieves that dream it shatters of all the other plans she made. Find what made her regret to even dream?

DauntlesWallflower · Thành thị
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44 Chs


"Elizabeth, sweetie. Aren't you going to sleep?" I shift my eyes from the TV to see Nora strolling inside.

Sleep? It sounds so foreign to me. What should I tell her?

That I was getting sleepless nights for the past week, that every time I enter that room, everything that happened on that day rushes in like a nightmare, that every time I close my eyes, I imagine Arcadio in front of me, and the need to touch him, be close to him arises. However, I cannot do that because my husband is angry with me and wants nothing to do with me.

I patiently waited for him to come and talk to me, but he has been holed up in his office for a whole week now. The only time I have seen him is when we sit opposite each other during eating hours. I'm thankful because at least he is coming to those. The urge to talk to him about that day and explain to him comes every time. Yet, the brooding expression and his dangerous personality forced me to shut my mouth.

To divert my thoughts, I started exploring this house. It was then I discovered that the house has a TV room, which is nothing special. It has navy blue comfortable couches, a wooden coffee table in the middle, and a big flat-screen television with sound speakers in front. It was the perfect way I could numb my thoughts, at least for a little while.

I have never felt this way about a guy, and the most intimidating thought was that what if tomorrow Arcadio decides he wants to end this whole sham? His touch, his scent, have already infiltrated my mind. But the only thing left with me was my heart. I had to protect it at all costs because if I lost it to him, then it's game over.

He is not just a part of the Mafia, but he runs the whole damn operation. He took me away from my home, took me away from my family, and most importantly, forced me to marry him. I chant this in my head again. However, one look at the hurt expression on his face I saw that day, and all the pieces fall like a domino.


"Um, sorry. Sleep hasn't caught up with me yet." I reply with a forced smile because that was the only way I could smile.

Nora walks over to me and sits beside me, "sweetie if you don't mind me asking. Can I ask you something?"


She pauses, then says, "Is everything alright between you and Arcadio?"

I was counting the days when she would ask me this burning question. Anyone who saw us twenty-four hours would ask that. For Nora and Richard, we were a real couple.

But real couples don't sleep in separated bedrooms. They don't fight on their first night and don't sit kilometers apart on the dining table. They spend their days being with each other. Not like us, one stays in the office and the other in front of a television. The time in this house was our supposed Honeymoon, and what a fantastic way to spend it!

However, because Arcadio was their employer, they could not ask it outright. At least, that is what I thought.

"And please don't say that it's okay. I've seen you both," Nora continues.

"Then why didn't you ask me before?" I question out of curiosity.

"I was giving you both a little time to figure it out on your own. It's clear to me that you both can't," Nora comments.

Genuinely, making me smile this time. "It's nothing, Nora. Everything is fine." Except it isn't. Everything is a mess, and I was lost in my world that I can't even fix it. Tears threaten my eyes, and I pinch myself holding them at bay. I won't cry in front of her because it will only confirm her suspicion.

"You know, sweetie. I never thought Arcadio would marry anyone," she states.

I frown, "why?"

"He was always opposed to the idea of marriage." It made me intrigued.

"But, why?"

"Said he would never walk down on his father's path." The explanation raised more questions in my mind.

I remember his words from that night. He said he would never be like his father. What did he mean? Well, one way to find out. I hate prying information from Nora when I should go to Arcadio.

Still, the words came out, "why does Arcadio hate his father?"

The long breath she takes scares me a little. "Arcadio's mom Gloria met his father Antonio when he went on a trip to Miami. After coming from Miami, he didn't mention anything about Gloria to anyone, and he couldn't because his father, the leader of the Concentino family, planned to marry his son to one of his competitors to obtain more power and strength. Gloria came to see Antonio, only to find him married to someone else. Arcadio was a newborn baby at that time. Going against his father's wishes, Antonio chose not to abandon his child. However, not everything goes as we think. After discussions and arguments, the decision was that Gloria would stay in this house, while Antonio stays with his new wife Nicolette in the family Villa."

That explains everything, Romero, Valerio, and Leona are Antonio and Nicolette's kids. Arcadio is Antonio's illegitimate child.

Nora continued, "Antonio hates his father for abandoning his mother. He hates him also because instead of giving Gloria her freedom, Antonio, because of his selfish reasons, kept her as a caged bird, as his mistress."

Oh my God! What did I do? I had accused him of sleeping with his mistress on the day we got married. I indicted him for following in his father's footsteps.

Bidding a farewell to Nora, I rushed out to see his office.

He may be Mafia's boss, but I believe in Leo. She told me that he owns the operations, but he has never done illegal shit.

I still remember his words. He got me to the Villa because he wanted a bride. Yet, that doesn't explain why he didn't say a word about marriage at the beginning. It was only after the dungeon when he said he wanted to marry.

Thinking about the dungeon sends chills down my spine. It might not be the first time where Arcadio saved me. But it was far from being the last. I thought that it was going to be my last day and he came rescuing me. He even took care of me after.

Also, the fact that he didn't want to consummate this marriage without my approval. Not to mention he didn't even once touch me and forced himself on me. He was willing to practice abstinence in this marriage.

There was also the fact that I felt goosebumps every time we kissed or when he was touching me. My whole body ignites thinking about those fingers on my skin. I've never experienced such high emotions with someone.

A loud sigh leaves my lips. I have to make this right. Even though I do not know what will happen in our future, I will not destroy a present between us. The realization hits me like a truck that I like Arcadio. More like I loved him.

I rushed in the direction where he pointed his office to be. I felt like a woman on a mission. My palms were sweating from all the nervousness. What if he doesn't let me inside his office? What if he doesn't even want to talk to me? What if he doesn't want to be with me? Aghh! So many what if's, they were breaking my head.

Standing in front of the mahogany door, I forced my heart to stop jumping in my chest. Another deep breath as I knocked on the door.

His voice instructed from behind the door, "come in."

He wanted me to come in, well, that is a first. I pried open his door slowly and entered. My breath hitched at the sight present in front of me.