
The Monarch's POV

Artorius Castus often had this thought. Was being a King worth it? After losing everything as a vengeful king, Artorius Castus gets a chance for a new life after forming a contract with a Deity named Noctis. Reincarnated in a new world as Shin Nocturn, the former King has a second chance to relive his life. But fixing past mistakes isn't all he faces. As secrets continue to unravel, they jeopardize all he's built, leaving him to question his purpose and existence. ---------------------------------------- WSA 2024 ENTRY This is my 3rd book, hoping for some support on this ambitious project!

takechi · Kỳ huyễn
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36 Chs

First Meal

After the fireworks show, the two headed back towards the cave.

Shin slumped down and leaned his back on the cave wall.

The cave was lit up with a purple flame, produced by Selena. While the entire place smelled like a hint of lavender.

He shifted his gaze towards Selena who was seated in front of him, leaning on the wall as well.

Selena returned his gaze and spoke up,

"Shin, are you hungry?"

Rubbing his stomach, Shin realized he hasn't had a meal since the morning.

But due to the kind of lifestyle he lived while being stuck in the abyss, he said,

"Yes, but it seems like there's no Demon to eat, I'll just sit this one out and stock up tomorrow."


Shin didn't realize what he just said wasn't normal.

He was surprised at Selena who stayed silent with her eyes shot wide open.

'Did I say something weird?'

"...Shin, just what kind of life have you been living here?"

Shin had already told Selena about his daily struggles. But seeing it for herself somehow still shocked Selena.

Scanning Selena's expression, she had a look of worry and sympathy.

Shin could only laugh at himself for how pitiful he was

"Haha, don't look at me like that."

Shin stood up and flexed his muscles and continued,

"See, I'm fine."

Despite only feasting on Demons for a year, Shin was actually well built for his age.

His body was lean and his height was not stagnant.

Prior to arriving at the Abyss, Shin was relatively 5'6.

Now he is 5'8 at 15-years-old.

Selena was somehow not convinced as she continued to look sympathetic.

She retrieved something from her Nexus Ring, it looked like a box wrapped in cloth.

After unveiling it, Shin recognized what it was.

A boxed lunch.

"Shin, you're a growing boy, please take this."

Shin felt embarrassed at Selena's kind gesture.

"It's fine Miss Selena, I can't take something like that. You should eat it yourself."

"No, Shin, it's really okay, I've packed enough food to last five months in the Abyss."

Shin still felt reluctant. 

But he realized it would be rude when Selena was offering her food out of the kindness in her heart.

After pondering for awhile, Shin was curious,

"Did you make it yourself?"


"Okay, if you don't mind, I'll gladly accept. Thank you, Miss Selena."

Selena gave him a warm smile.

"It's my pleasure, and if you need any more, just ask."

"If it's your cooking, I might not be able to hold back and eat all of your food supply."

[What a simp.]

'Noct, I swear to God.'

Selena continued, unaware of the mental conversation Shin had with Noctis.

"That's okay too, all you've been eating so far were Demons right? You must miss the taste of real food."

"I was only joking. Please eat as well, I'd feel bad for enjoying your cooking all by myself."

"Okay then."

Selena took out a picnic blanket first, then her own boxed lunch as she placed both her's and Shin's on the blanket.

Selena tapped the ground twice and said,

"Come, Shin, sit down."

Nodding, Shin approached Selena and sat in front of her, the picnic set up just in between the two.

Shin reached out for the boxed lunch and unveiled the cover.

Inside it were pork tonkatsu with soy sauce stuffed inside a plastic cup.

The moment Shin laid eyes on the food, his mouth instantly frothed.

This was the first real meal Shin would have after being stuck in the Abyss.

His stomach began to churn and made a growling sound.

Selena, noticing this, let out an audible giggle.

"How cute, please eat as much as you want."

Shin felt embarrassed as his face flushed red.

[She called you cute.]


Picking up the utensils nearly arranged on the blanket, Shin said,

"Thank you for the meal."


The flavor of the pork instantly seeped within Shin's mouth as his eyes shot wide open.

Selena tilted her head, seemingly worried,

"What's wrong? Is it not to your liking?"

"No, it's delicious. I could eat this all day."

Shin munched down the food at a rapid pace.

He really was hungry.

Selena smiled at Shin who continuously chowed down on the food.

"Oh? I'm glad… I was kind of worried for a second."

Selena's expressions contoured to a sad look as she continued,

"...My cooking skills were often looked down upon."

As those words left Selena's lips, Shin's brows knitted tight.

"You're a good cook, Miss Selena. Whoever said otherwise has no idea what they're talking about!"

Actually, Shin had no idea if the food was good or not. He was just really hungry, and he didn't want to disrespect Selena who offered the food out of kindness.

[Is what you tell yourself, you simp.]

'Noct, please, shut up.'

[What about Alea?]

'What about her?'

[Don't feign ignorance, Shin, we're practically one and the same. I can feel the fluttering in your heart while Selena's in your presence.]

'No idea what you're talking about.'

[Whatever man. Don't worry, I approve of Selena.]

Shin rolled his eyes, he could practically imagine Noctis giving a thumbs up.

[She's got the good stuff too if you know what I mean. Maybe an F-]


As Selena was enjoying her meal, she seemed to notice the change in Shin's expressions.

"Shin? What's wrong?"

"Nothing, just thinking about something."

[Yeah, thinking about your Goddess, the Great Selena in her under-]

'Noct… please…'

Just for a fraction of a second, that was exactly what Shin thought of when Noctis mentioned Selena's 'goods'.

'Calm down Artorius, you're mentally 27-years-old.'

[And she said she was 21, it's just a 6-year-gap man.]

Shin wanted to end himself.

Dismissing his thoughts, Shin remembered something.

The Demon mark.

Shin's mood became gloomy at the thought of needing to hide somewhere so Selena wouldn't get involved.

Slowly, Shin instinctively reached out for his neck as he recounted the experience of being helpless in front of the Demon.

The fear that he felt.

And how he was only alive today at the mercy of the Demon.

'I shouldn't drag Miss Selena with me.'

Gathering his thoughts, Shin put down the boxed lunch and fixed his gaze towards Selena, his tone, serious.

"Miss Selena, I think we should part ways for now."

Selena worriedly tilted her head at Shin's sudden seriousness.

"Huh, why is that?"

"You see, when I was passed out, a Demon kind of… placed a mark on me."

As if recalling something, Selena placed a finger on her lips.

"Ahh, that. I already removed it. Poof."

Shin was dumbfounded, tilting his head.




Shin scratched his cheek in embarrassment.

[Hahaha, you were so serious too. You should've seen your face.]
