
The Molecule Man needs no Fate! [Marvel x FSN]

When an all powerful being decides he wants to experience true happiness, he packs his bags leaving for the great beyond. Now Nasuverse has to deal with the Supreme Molecule Man, Owen Reece as Matou Shinji. With elements of Lord El-Melloi II, Garden of Sinners and Tsukuhime.

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I'm your big brother…

Omnipotence… Truly such a simple word to say, but at the same time holds an unfathomable mystery.

Some say it was the word that manifested the first light that banished the Chaos. The very word the brought about logic, order and reasoning… The ability to create whatever you want, be the master of everything and all things.

All-powerful and supreme.

As for me… I don't really know what it even means. And that's hilarious in every possible way.

You see, I've created universes. Shaped the very stars with my thoughts, repaired a broken chunk of the Multiverse in an instant, even grappled with a being that transcends the Beyond, rending time and space as collateral in our many battles.

I am feared by almost all the beings in the cosmos. But still that word eludes me.


I've created Realities to test what it truly meant.

In one world, I was its benevolent god. Whatever they ask I provide. Rain? I call upon the clouds with a gesture. Sickness? I wave my hands and all ailments are gone. Death? I command the very concept of what will and will not die… But it was not enough.

I still did not feel Omnipotent.

I waited until, the universe died. As I watched the very last living being took their last breathe, I inhaled into the nothingness and tried again. A world kick-starts for the next round.

This time, I was an almighty tyrant. I conquered worlds, razed the defiant planets, torn apart families, built a galactic empire upon the corpses of billions. I had it all, money, power, women… I was a greedy and evil person who couldn't be satisfied with enough, I wanted more.

The people paid me lips service of honeyed praises, while darkly cursing me in their hearts. I knew all of that, for I know almost everything. But was it wrong for me to do so? It is my world after all.

I want to know what the meaning of truly being Omnipotent is. Thanos, Victor, Galactus, Braddock Jnr, Jim Jaspers, Legion, the Tribunal, the Cosmic Abstracts, the Phoenix, the Beyonder even that little kid, Franklin Richards. They are all described as Omnipotent beings because they can control the very fabric of reality… But I too can do that.

Even better now that I am no longer limited by my mental blocks.

I've created worlds and worlds and worlds and worlds and worlds and worlds and worlds! But why do I still feel so empty …?

What makes me so different from the others?

I am a man used for the benefit of others. A man whose very birth was meant to act as a timebomb for those higher-dimensional freaks to annihilate every single Universe in the continuity. I've been a villain and sometimes, a hero.

With these hands I've created, alternated and destroyed… But it's so funny that even with that, I feel like I've been holding nothing at all.

It was only till that day that I've finally realized what was missing.

In one of the many earths that I created in a pocket reality, I stood under the shade of a tree in a busy park, aimlessly and lethargically observing everything. As their creator, such kind of thing was impractical as I knew every molecule that moves in my world, but this kind of mundane behavior is what keeps me sane.

A dad push his kid up and down a seesaw. A little boy and girl playing fetch with their dog while their parents watched on with smiles. A gathering of an extended family where an uncle was telling his little niece an embarrassing joke about his brother who looked on awkwardly… Lovers littered around like bright red roses in low green fields.


Although I can do without their method of displaying love, thank you very much.

Even with all the positivity, I still couldn't keep away the scowl forming on my face. It was all so bright, all so hope-filling, and all it was doing was filling me with burning sensation that made me uncomfortable.

I was just about to destroy this reality, and be done with it, when the word finally came to me… Yes, the reason why I, who has the ability to do anything I want was jealous of the ordinary mortals who were strutting around when their god was just about to thoughtlessly blast it all away.


I remember laughing in disbelief when the word came down on my lips.

How ridiculous! How preposterous! How asinine! How outlandish! I have everything at my fingertips. The power of the Beyonders, I am a being truly above meaningless concepts like time and space, I hold the life and death of Abstract Entities within my grasp.

I am all powerful!

But I am not Omnipotent…

A single question struck my heart with such force that shook me even more than a punch from the Beyonder. My powers quivered as I struggled not to destroy this reality by mistake.

'Owen, when was the last time you were ever happy?'

My mind went to that day at the lab when my latent powers were activated, but my heart said, no. My mind went to that day I finally triumphed over that douchebag, The Beyonder, but my heart said, no. Then my mind went to that moment I was finally free to do what I want with my powers, but even then my heart said it loudly, no!

'Babe, I love you.'

A feminine voice belonging to the one person I ever truly cared about whispered within me. I think I know her and at the same time I don't. Even with my know-it-all, her name still seems to elude me like a slippery soap.

Or perhaps, I am the one eluding her names.

Now that I think about it, at face value, it was quite straightforward. What truly differentiates me from my creation. They were smiling and I am not, they are lowly mortals who are happy… And I am god, who was not.

But was it truly so simple?

Somewhere, the edges of reality cracked and an entire galaxy was unmade.

What is Omnipotence?

A large crack formed at his peripheral, the powers I possess ran wildly. Destroying and creating the world infinitely in an instant.

I could vaguely see her form up ahead, the one who held me and made me feel special.

Back when I had been a child once. Shy in demeanor and introvert by nature. I had no friends, I was too frail and odd to be have one, picked on in high-school and despised by my own mother. I grew up a disgruntled man, whose hard work would never be appreciated by the ones around me.

I think that was what originally drove me to villainy. The want to be recognized even if it was for something bad… Even if it was fear.

Once, I had been the mortal enemy of the Fantastic Four, and the Avengers. And also the participant in The Beyonder's War World. I was faced with enemies everywhere, my fearsome power and the scar that made my face appear hideous made me the outsider once again…

That was until I met her.

I would admit, I had been initially intimidated by her size. But her spitfire attitude against the way I do things was actually amusing considering the fact that I could turn her into an ant if I so wished. But what made her special was she saw me for me, rather than a horrible ugly scar faced villain everyone made me out to be.

Time passed by as we teamed up. With my powers there was nothing, no one that could stop us, and most important of all, she was the one who made me feel human again.


My whisper had never felt so forlorn. Till this day I can never forgive myself for ever scaring her away.

It was because of her, that I did not fight Victor for the power he stole from the Beyonder. It was because she made me a better person, a good man. Life had never been so bright with Marsha by my side, it was only with her did I experience the joy of living.

But then, I personally tore it all away. All our happiness, the life we would have lived together, all because I wanted more and more power…

And now that I have it all, I am ironically left with nothing.

So tell me Owen, what does it mean to be Omnipotent?

It's happiness.

The sensation of fullness, that jumpy feeling when your greediness has been fully satiated. That is why I had been searching, gaining and consuming. All with the thought that with true Omnipotence I will be finally satisfied.

Happiness, huh. Owen, are you happy?

Really… You got to ask?

Of course I am not! Even with all this power, how does it matter when I am the only one in the end? Where is my own laughter? Where is my joy? Where… Is my own happiness?

Heh… So what are you gonna' do about it?

Time froze as Owen opened his eyes revealing brown pupils. The answer is so simple, that I slapped myself hard for not even thinking about it. My eyes creased and I smiled.

"I'm gonna' find it."

It is my promise of conviction. The next time I going to be in any park from now on, it will be with my friends, my loved ones…

Sighing as I felt a huge weight fall off my shoulders, I stood up dusting my purple pants and I looked up directly to the sun.

"This time nothing is going to stop me."

As time resumed back, I looked around the teeming park with a wide smile. A rubber disk landed near my feet as I looked front to see the two kids who had been playing before stare at me nervously, even the dog showed apprehension as it didn't bother to fetch the disk but rather protect the two.

But in the face of that I smiled, picking the disk and returning it back.

"Here ya go, little fellas'."

The boy and girl looked at each other for some seconds before throwing a bright smile at me.

"Thank you, Mr.!"

At their cheery chorus, the dog jovially barked at me as it pursued the flying ball with renewed enthusiasm. The parents gave an appreciating nod, which I returned.

'You know, rather than a simple pocket reality. How about I upgrade this into a standard timeline as thanks.'

With naught but a thought, my will was done. An invisible pulse shook the world and a loud gong resounded across this baby universe as it signified its ascension into the Marvel timelines.

I groaned, cracking my neck as I began heading for the egress of the park with a spring in my steps while shaking my head to an imaginary beat…

'Now it's time to look for my own happiness…'

One second the Molecule Man was there, the next he was gone.


Owen sighed as he woke up once more in the white room. A dimension that was obviously not the White Hot Room, but still allows him to control everything from an 8th Dimensional perspective. He could go even higher but nah, it will only be a pain in the ass to do so.

He didn't want the Living Tribunal messing around his turf.

From his brown couch, Owen looked up to countless little lights where the pocket reality formerly was, wishing it luck as it joined the main-timelines. Free from conflict… Well he did add a little something to those little kids, but the Reality-Wrapper was sure that it will be enough.

Grunting, Owen stood up, giving his waist a little left/right twist, before considering his mini-wonderland. Not much decorations per se. A flat screen TV that shows him anything he wants in the cosmos, cushions and a low-table where he sometimes places his foot, comic books, dolls and toys strewn around would make one be confuse whether such a room belonged to an adult or a child.

"Ugh… I really had too much time in my hands, didn't I?" The Molecule Man muttered lightly cackling. "By time I meant literally."

Tracing his finger across one of the scars on his face, Owen decided that he wasn't going to miss any of this. This room, this quiet, this solitude. It is his turn to smile once again, and by all that is holy he is going to smile again…

Only not in this Omni-verse…

"Heh," He smirked looking ahead as if he was seeing something. "What was it that The Beyonder use to say again? What lies beyond the beyond? Well, The Molecule Man is about to find out."


There was no need for an incantation, a miracle device, or even a magical wormhole. There no need for an outside intervention or supernatural precedence.

The Molecule Man was above all that.

The same thought that established the room at the 8th Dimension, tore the said room apart leaving him with chunks and the void. Whistling a tune that sounded terrible, Owen metaphorically packed his none-existent bags, not bothering to look at the cosmos that he left behind.

With the power of Beyonders, Owen Reece whooped as he began once again.

His grand search to find True Happiness.


"Well… Hand her over, Byakuya."

'Dammit! Why did it come to this?!'

It was a long hallway that had a night dim view even though the sun was just beginning to set. The windows were obviously closed, and the hallway carried a certain murky feel to it.

It was a rotten one. One, filled with decay and the smell of death.

"Are you sure you want to do this, coward son of mine? Or perhaps, should I start with that disgraceful little boy you call my grandson first?"

"No, Shinji!"

A woman crouched hugging her son tightly as if to prevent him from viewing the mass of corruption filled with worms and slimy large insects at the other side who was currently laughing.

There was tension in the air, an unimaginable pressure that threatened the lives of what appeared to be a dysfunctional but working family.

The blue seaweed hair man looked behind to his wife with tears in his dilated eyes, with guilt and shame for his cowardice. Byakuya Matou, could only shed tears as he would look on too helpless to stop what will happen.

It was just two weeks after the Fourth Holy Grail war. Like how it had been with its preceding wars, there was no clear winner, only this one was accompanied with flames that would claim thousands of lives as casualties.

Byakuya didn't care about the others, even if a hundred thousand more die it wouldn't shake him in anyway. But the aftershocks were devastating for his family.

'Damn you, Kariya! Why did you have to come back only to die and leave this mess?!'

The blue hair Matou thought while the irritating sounds of insects buzzing around took the form of a bald hunched old man with withered skin and dark inhuman eyes. Byakuya fearful look provoked mocking laughter from that monster he was father.

Zouken Matou…

Gritting his teeth, the Matou reminisced how this situation came to be.

The Matou as magus lineage was declining in the ability to manifest Magic Circuits. From which damn ancestor did it began, Byakuya didn't know nor cared. But the fact remains that the bloodline of the Matous was finally ending.

Secretly, he was glad to be rid of it. Just look at the husk that brought him to this world and the lives both him and Kariya had lived… The fact that their magus lineage was declining was probably due to the manifestation of karma.

But Zouken appeared to be unperturbed of that fact, as the old worm didn't care at all. But that wasn't a surprise. The proxy Family Head knew that Zouken only cared about his Grail War.

But he being the stupid son decided to try and restore the bloodline, as he knew that being without any worth in this house, may just lead Zouken to kill him.

He had done it before after all.

So he went and married a woman bearing an 'Inheritor' sorcery trait. But that only lead to giving birth to a failure of a son. As he thought of that, Byakuya looked at the supposed failure gritting his teeth as to why couldn't the kid just do his job and be born with a Magic Circuit.

Even a low quality one would have been enough…

Although, a deeper part of his heart couldn't help sigh in relief, at the very least his son would be spared from ever communing with the devil. But even with that thought, Byakuya feared what the old man would do his wife.


He was prepared to run away, damn the Matou and all. But then Kariya had to come back, and ruin his plan of escaping from this hell. For with Kariya partaking in this war, the old man's eyes would be everywhere within the city, there was no way he would be able to take Nana and Shinji to escape without Zouken knowing about it.

'Damn you, Kariya! At the end all you did was die a fool's death.'

Byakuya knew his brother reason for participating in this goddamn war. It was the little girl currently defiled by this monster's parts in the basement, Sakura Tohsaka, now currently a Matou… He wants to present Zouken with the Holy Grail in exchange for her release.

It was definitely like his brother being honorable and all… But for all the good it did!

As Byakuya stood before his father in the hallway, he couldn't help giving a hollow laugh. It seems like even though Zouken granted Kariya the opportunity to participate in the war with the sadistic knowledge that he will lose. The result still grated him all the same.

If it weren't for the present situation, Byakuya would have emptied an entire beer pack in celebration. Looks like that wouldn't happen, Zouken still wants to someone else to experience the pain. And so he chooses his son's wife.

Out of all the millions that lives in Fuyuki, it had to been his own wife!

For a moment, Byakuya looked at Shinji contemplatively. He would rather offer him than Nana, it doesn't matter how much it makes him look a lot like Zouken, as long as she is safe. He would bear it all, her hate and her despise.

It wouldn't be anything new.


A soft delicate hand rested on his shoulder, shaking him out of his musing as he turned back to see his wife looking at him with swollen eyes. Her long dark hair as opposed to her purplish eyes only made her look so much beautiful, the proxy Family Head wondered what she even saw in him to marry.

He was a rotten being like all Matous before him. A magus belonging to a dying line where with her sorcery trait could have guaranteed her a better husband… And here he was having to choose who to sacrifice.

"It's ok…"

She nodded even though Byakuya could also see it in her eyes. Nana doesn't want to die.

"Nana, no. No…"

"Please…" She smiled, a smile with a resemblance to Jeanne d'Arc, a satisfied smile belonging to that of a martyr.

"Take care of Shinji."

He could only stay frozen in shock as Nana stepped forward to meet her end. Tears streamed down as he bit his lips till blood flowed. Once again, he was useless to do anything.

"Nana… Nana!"

"He… Hehehehehe! Oh, what display of maternal love. Hehehehe. But such sentimentality will not help you against my worms." The ancient monster guffawed while commenting in amusement.

"They are rather slow eaters."

She remained passive, her face cool even though there was shaking in her steps. Worms and all manner of ghastly insects pulled down from Zouken's robes approaching Nana. The wraith began to lose shape taking on an abominable form to devour the youthful delicacy presented to him.

It was the end…

At least… In another Story…

"I've seen many bad guys in my tentative long life, but you old man. You take the cake."

All chitterling ceased as another adult like voice joined in hallway. All eyes, both human and inhuman went to the sneering little boy who put both his hands into his pocket as his purplish blue hair began turning brown with jagged like scars adorning his face.

"Oh, and by the way. Get those fucking bugs off my mom!"

The space some feet before his mother cracked open like a piece of glass creating a kind of black-hole. To Zouken, it was like he was staring at an abyss, a spiraling abyss.

It came out from the hole at the speed a light. A bluish dark spiral beam possessing a mysterious power that ate away the matter the around it. The area it streaked through ceased to exist, even its aftereffects tore away the concrete moving beyond the horizon.

Both Nana and Byakuya knew, as impossible as it was at that moment, as amateurish spellcasters as they were, they just knew if that attack had touched the ground, something worse than the Great Fire would have occurred once again.

And, it came forth on Shinji's authority.

"Hmm?" The 5 years old tilted his head surprised. "You've got a devil's luck, eh."

Whether it was by an unknown providence or simply luck, worms gathered fusing into the disgusting being known as Zouken Matou. But unlike before, the ancient monster was not smiling.

"What was that…? No, what are you?!"

Even with that hysterical cry, the boy appeared to be in his own little world.

"Phew. It seems my self-mental blocks are in place, I don't want to destroy reality just as soon as I landed. But, I still took too much time assimilating this body. Maybe that was why my outer-soul didn't bear my trademark hair and scars… But sheesh, talk about timing."

"Shin… Ji?"

The boy looked up to his mom who was regarding him with tears in her eyes. His father, on the other hand looked at him like he was an alien, a monster. So the boy became a little despondent.

'Unwanted by my parents, eh. Not like I will let that stop me-… Eh, what?!' The boy's thought was cut off by the sudden warmth enveloping him.

"Shinji… Oh, my little darling."

The boy appeared confused at his mother's action. This wasn't what he expected, for all his power this warmth, that loving tone, was not what the Molecule Man was expecting. It felt like a mirage, one he so desperately wanted but wasn't sure of its veracity.

"Bu-Bu-But, aren't you afraid of me? That a little kid could actually do this? That my face is hideous? That my hair isn't even like yours or dad's? That I am different?"

Nana drew back staring at her son, running her hands across his face. "I've always suspected you were different, Shinji. Some of your quirks, even the way you talk at times… But how does that matter. It doesn't matter what you are or who you are, you are my… No, our son."

The woman looked back to her husband for support only for her expression to turn sad. Byakuya was regarding their son like a new being, giving him the same eyes he shows his father. Fear…

'Oh, Byakuya…'

"Then… Can I call you, Mom?"

The mother turned back, kissing her son's forehead. "Of course, darling. Of course."

A tear slid down his face as Owen Reece, no, Shinji Matou smiled. Holding both his mother's hands, he asked. "Do you trust me, mom?"

The raven beauty smiled, "With that display you just did. Mommy here is your biggest supporter."

So Shinji drew his hair back, smiling confidently. "Let's take care of our pest problem first, shall we."

The boy's feet left the ground as he hovered some meters in the air.

"Tr-True Flight?! Guh, what ancient being are you? What do you want with me?" Zouken grunted as he tried to slink and disperse away only to find out his body won't respond.

"What do I want? Are you really asking me that? For real! You just tried to kill my mom. And you have the guts to ask me what do I want?! Hahaha, even The Beyonder hasn't made me this mad before! Don't bother trying to run, I've just halted your molecules and unless you are capable of destroying worlds like I do, if not you won't be able to move an inch, unless I permit it."

Even with his powers sealed, The Molecule Man still had to channel his anger away from earth destroying an uninhabited planet light years away. Sighing, as he drew closer to the worm like being before him, with eyes glowing ominously red.

"Hey… Do you believe in hell?"


"I said. Do. You. Believe. In. Hell?"

Zouken appeared silent as he looked dumbly at that question. Even now he is still processing the fact that he was in a precarious situation. He looked at his son, who was watching him like he was a foreign animal before swerving to his daughter-in-law who coldly observed him.

"Is it, is it really about that woman, Ancient One." The True Matou Head said while looking inquisitively at the being before him.

With such kind of power there was no other explanation to the kind of being before him. But while he was an Ancient One, he was still a mage, albeit a powerful one. The thought of appealing to that side renewed the hope of survival in the Matou.

Maybe he could even turn this into a fortuitous encounter.

"I don't believe it, that a being like you can have empathy. You're trying to use her right?" Zouken formed a grin on his fixed face. Only by appealing to being's logic and showing his cards would he survive this.

"You can have her, in fact whatever you want, I can provide it. Materials, humans, gold. Whatever… So please just spare my life, I have so many things I want to do, I have a Holy Grail to win."

If before Shinji had an angry expression now he just looked damn apocalyptic. "He… hehehehehe… You aren't the real one are you?"

Zouken eyes widened as he squirmed fruitlessly but alas he was like a statue.

'How does he know that?!' The old man thought hysterically while forcing himself to move.

The one reason, why he could strut around in the Fourth Holy Grail war without any fear was because his main body hidden within a safe place. Even if this one is perchance destroyed, he could always build a new one… It is, was his closest regarded secret.

So how did he know about it?!

"Are you forgetting something, old man?" Shinji crouched rubbing Zouken's bald head like one would a dog. An ugly dog.

"I control one of the basic foundation in the universe, I control all molecules, and even more than that . You aren't so special that I cannot understand your makeup."

Looking up, Shinji could help but think about how he still had not decided a new name for himself.

'The only one that sounds just right is Molecule Man. Hmm~ but I obviously control much more than molecules. Narrative Man is straight up cringe, it makes me sound like that God of Stories imp. Oh well, it doesn't matter in this world so who cares?'

His hand clamped the old man's head with enough might to make Zouken scream with pain.

'But, that's impossible.' Zouken thought at the unexplainable situation.

With his biology as a Wraith, it was impossible for his body to feel pain. Unless…

"The Third…?! Are you utilizing a sub-application of the Third Magic to fixate my soul here? Are you a Magician, Ancient One?!"

"Third Magic? What the hell is that? I don't care either way, die and know that I'm coming for the main you."

Slimy liquid soaked the leech's clothes, as Zouken screamed unnaturally in pain. It felt like he was being torn apart and put together again and again. An endless looped torture where there was no end… But he could feel it even with the pain.

Slowly he was disintegrating. He cried out darkly, "I refuse to die like this. Not without the Grail in my hands. I refuse to admit it was all for nothing! Ah!"

"But it is…" The boy said darkly. "And vanish with the knowledge of your failure."

"Curse you! Curse you…!"

The head of the old monster slowly vanished into thin air, as Shinji stood up winging his hand with a disgusted expression. "Send Satan my regards, old bastard."

"Just-Just like that. Zouken's gone."

Molecule Man turned to see his father walk pass him to where Zouken finally stood. It seems like the reality of the situation still hasn't caught up with him yet. Shinji still wanted to try connecting with him, but he first had to attend to his mother, and also…

"Mom, give me a minute or two. I still got to do something about that basement."

"Basement? Ah, the Tohsaka…" The woman pursed her lips before she nod back with a small smile. "Do what you have to do son."

'Son… Such a simple allusion of bond, but it sounds pleasing to my ears.'

Shinji threw a finger salute, as he seemingly dispersed into light. "Got that right, mom."


It wasn't even a second later, as Shinji appeared in a dark room that he yelped almost falling down. His face scrunched in disgust as a choking smell assaulted his nose.

"Yeesh! Something just died in here? Eh, I'll reiterate that. These damn bug corpses are smelly as Frank's six years old sneakers."

Groaning, the hovering reality-wrapper looked down at the dissipating worms and bugs. Some appeared normal sized while others were as big as medium dogs. Muttering curses, Shinji glowed with a blue light pulsating from of him as they all vanished into thin air. He even changed the ambient odor making it bearable to breathe.

"I swear, I thought I was gonna' die back there." Shinji groaned. But then his eyes widened at what lay below.

"That… Old piece of shit! Maybe I should resurrect and kill him in the most painful ways for a billion more times." Even as he darkly thought, the Molecule Man floated down to where the nude child laid down.

He pushed away the hair obscuring her facial features, eyes widened as he realized she wasn't unconscious at all. Blank purple eyes stared upwards without regards to the new presence besides her, for she presumed that this was another form of exercise from Grandfather.

If she showed any form of emotion at all, it will only please Grandfather and he will up the ante even more.

The Molecule Man was not a good person.

As one of the most dangerous villains in the cosmos, his nefarious plans bothered from absurdly dangerous to full time catastrophic. Many times he had plotted to destroy the world only to be foiled by his stupidity or someone lucky enough to get through him in time.

Even though looking at it from an outside perspective he was of the same kind as Zouken when describing a villain, Shinji still thought this was just sick.

"And of all places to hide, grand pervert." He sneered in contempt.

With pupils giving a purplish red glow, Molecule Man gestured as a cavity formed in the girl's chest that miraculously didn't spill blood, from it faint groans could be heard as a worm like being was weakly pulled out sporadically struggling.

"So this is the real you. Hmph, just as I suspected…" Shinji commented to the airborne the core of Zouken Matou. A hollow core that was without any form of sentience, his soul had been pulled out to his avatar and destroyed back at the hallway, but he wouldn't take any chances.

For he knew even soul destruction wasn't enough to stop some people from personal experiences. Just with a little thread to survival and a new conscience would be formed in Zouken Matou's likeness.

"There are many, many things I want to do to you. But the you, I destroyed isn't even here… So be gone, old man."

Pale flames erupted over the worm that gave out a ghoulish scream before vanishing into thin air, not even ashes remained in the end.

Meanwhile the girl groaned as her eyes weakly opened to a brown hair boy whose face had jagged scars adorning it.

"Who… Are you?"

Shinji sighed as he picked up the girl ascending to the air, he called upon the molecules to fashion a simple blue dress. Looking at the girl who watched him with dead eyes in his arms, the Molecule Man sighed, putting up a smile.

"I'm Shinji. I'm your Big Brother."

For those tired of Shirou this, Archer that, and Saber what...

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