
The mobster's wife is an angel

I am an angel who fell in love with a human. Unfortunately, an angel is not allowed to fall in love with a human. So they sent me to earth to live a different life as a human being and erased my memories as well as the one I loved. They thought our love wouldn't survive but they were wrong. Even if I have no more memories, I will never forget it.

Lilitee · Kỳ huyễn
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7 Chs

The legend tell

In a humble abode in heaven was a small family.

-Mom, can you tell me the story of the angel Gabriel?, asked Anastasia, wings flapping with excitement behind her back.

-You are too young, my mother said to me

-But mom, all the angels in my class know the story, I said to her, sulking.

-Okay, she gave in, but I'm just telling you today

-Thank you mom, you're the best!, exclaimed Anastasia going to sit next to her mother in the living room

There once lived a young angel named Gabriel, whose beauty and goodness were known to everyone in heaven. Gabriel was dedicated to his mission of watching over humans and providing comfort and protection in times of need.

One day, during one of his many visits to Earth, Gabriel met a young woman named Sophia. She had a rare beauty and a kindness that brightened even the darkest days. Gabriel was immediately captivated by her, and his angelic heart was filled with a deep and pure love for this human.

However, Gabriel knew that love between an angel and a human was forbidden. He consulted his celestial superiors, hoping to find a solution that would allow him to be with Sophia. But the immutable laws of the cosmos were clear: angels and humans should not unite in romantic love.

Ignoring the warnings of his peers, Gabriel made a bold decision. In an act of pure compassion and love, he decided to give Sophia the gift of immortality, believing that this would allow them to remain together for eternity, thus escaping the divine rules that separated them.

However, the consequences of this reckless act were terrible. Immortality was not meant for humans, and Sophia's body could not bear the burden of living forever. She was consumed by excruciating suffering, her soul tormented by a state of existence that was foreign to her.

Gabriel, seeing the tragic error of his choice, was filled with pain and remorse. He realized too late that love could not defy universal laws without causing suffering and destruction.

Sophia, for her part, suffered in silence, regretting the day she had crossed paths with the angel. Despite her love for Gabriel, she could not bear eternity in an unbearable state of torture. Then she took her own life while the heart of the angel Gabriel broke.

-Mom, Anastasia called, what does it matter if an angel has a broken heart?

-Unfortunately he passed away, my mother whispered to me while stroking my hair.

-But our hearts are not like humans, said Anastasia perplexed

-You are right, my mother confirmed, but our spiritual heart is our weakness

Since then, the story of Gabriel and Sophia has become a sad and dark legend, reminding the angels of the dangers of forbidden love and the devastating consequences of defying divine laws.

This is how the angels learned that even the most sincere love can lead to tragedy when the boundaries between worlds are crossed.