
The mobster's wife is an angel

I am an angel who fell in love with a human. Unfortunately, an angel is not allowed to fall in love with a human. So they sent me to earth to live a different life as a human being and erased my memories as well as the one I loved. They thought our love wouldn't survive but they were wrong. Even if I have no more memories, I will never forget it.

Lilitee · Kỳ huyễn
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7 Chs

An angel was punished

In the celestial realms, where the stars dance and the clouds float like dreams, there existed an angel named Anastasia. Anastasia was different from the other angels. She was curious, dreamy, and above all, her heart was filled with a forbidden love for a humble creature of the Earth: a man named Ezrael.

Heavenly laws forbid angels from attaching themselves to mortals, but Anastasia could not resist the call of love. He formed a deep affection for Ezrael, finding in her the light that illuminated his world.

But when their love was discovered, the heavens thundered with wrath.

-Anastasia I think you know why you are called today before the celestial court?, asked me a celestial judge

-Yes I know, I replied fearfully with sweaty hands.

-You broke the rules, he added, a hint of regret in his voice.

He stared at me and I wanted to say I was sorry but I knew that wasn't true. I didn't regret having loved this man.

-I...I'm sorry, I replied in a trembling voice.

-Unfortunately you will not be able to escape the sanction, sighed heavenly judge

-But what sanction should be given to him?, suddenly asked another judge

-Is the offense still serious?, added another

-That's a good question, replied another judge, taking a deep breath.

As the debates raged, a familiar voice was heard, resounding like a heavenly melody in the hallowed hall. It was Anastasia's friend Ariel, an angel whose wings were woven with pure compassion and courage.

-Your Honor, she said in a clear and determined voice, I request permission to testify on behalf of my friend, Anastasia. His love for this mortal is not a sin, but a proof of his capacity to feel pure and disinterested affection

The judges exchanged troubled glances, aware of the depth of the friendship between Anastasia and Ariel. But before anyone could react, celestial guards rushed towards Ariel, their spears glinting with divine light.

"It is forbidden to interfere in the affairs of the Heavenly Court," one of the guards declared, his voice as deep as thunder.

-You must leave this room immediately.

Ariel stands firm, her eyes shining with indomitable determination.

-I can't stay silent while my friend is judged unfairly, she insisted, her wings beating gently behind her.

The celestial guards moved closer, their gazes marked with severity. But despite their imposing strength, Ariel does not waver. She stood before the Tribunal, ready to defend her friend to the end.

Yet, before she could say another word, a powerful voice boomed through the room, interrupting the confrontation. He was the chief of the heavenly judges, his presence radiating wisdom and authority.

-Let this quarrel stop, he declared in a voice that seemed to make the heavens themselves vibrate.

-Ariel, your loyalty to your friend is admirable, but the rules of the Tribunal must be respected. You must leave now.

Ariel bowed her head in respect, knowing that she could not go against the judges' orders. She gave Ruby one last determined look, silently promising her unwavering support.

As she was escorted out of the room by the celestial guards, Ruby felt her heart clench with emotion. Even in the darkest moments, he knew he could count on the unwavering support of his heavenly friends.

-I have decided the sanction that will be given to her, said the chief of the celestial judges, she will be condemned to exile in the world of humans. However, all your memories will be erased as well as his. If you can find and love yourself, your Anastasia sanction will be lifted.

-But the sanction is too simple, says a judge

-Yes all the angels will want to do the same as Anastasia, added another worried

-Perhaps we should add something more significant, suggested another

-What do you propose to me?, asked the chief of the celestial judges, observing them

-I would say send her to a human family who won't love her like that if from the start she doesn't know what love is which adds difficulty to the ordeal, suggested a judge thinking

-So let's do this, accepted the chief of the celestial judges before turning to the angel Ruby, I'll give you 24 hours to say goodbye to your loved ones because if you fail the test you die