
The mistakes we make.

Anne, a teen who is having trouble with letting go of her past and moving on, she feels alone, unwanted and shuts everyone out even those who might care about her. Ivan, he's rich, handsome, funny, sporty, the typical definition of the dream guy of every high school girl. What happens when Ivan decides to act on the crush he has had on a certain girl, and what happens when Anne's world comes crashing down and the only person who can save her is a certain guy.

Writer_Danielle · Thanh xuân
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10 Chs

Chapter three

The cafeteria isn't really my thing, there's honestly nothing fun in eating alone but I'm starving and I don't think I can wait till I get home to eat something. I walked into the cafeteria joining the line of students. I ordered my food when it reached my turn and walked to an empty table sitting down.

" Hey red haired ". I looked up and frowned seeing Ivan. I rolled my eyes.

" It's you again, what do you want? Did someone ditch you again? ".

He chuckled. " No ". He sat down across me. " Is it wrong that I want to just sit with you ".

I looked up at the ceiling. " Is the sky falling? or did you hit your head on your way here ".

" As a matter of fact ". He rubbed the back of his head. " I did ".

" Go away Ivan, I told you we're not friends ". And I don't think I like the look the kids from the popular table and probably every other person in this cafeteria is giving me. Like did I grow a second head??

" Hey ". Ivan snapped his fingers in front of my face. I looked at him.

" What Ivan? ".

" Come on, don't be so cold with me ".

I sighed. " I thought I made it clear to you that I hate you and we are not friends, I want to eat so why don't you go back to your actual friends ".

" Why do you want me to leave? ". He asked frowning.

I couldn't really hide the fact that I'm confused. Why this all of a sudden? I really don't want to add any other thing to Sydney's 'All the reasons to hate Anne' list, I think she already has enough on that list so whatever he's doing, he has to stop.

" Either you leave or I do ".

" Come on Anne yo- ".

I sighed and stood up turning around to leave but he grabbed my hand and pulled me back down on the bench.

" I'm sorry okay, please come sit, I'll leave but I don't want you to not eat because of me ".

I don't know why those words made my stomach clench. I yanked my hand from his grip.

" Then leave me alone ".

He nodded and stood up. He turned around and with his head hung, he walked away.

Ugh! Don't feel bad, don't feel bad. I'm not going to feel bad. Ivan is probably just playing some game with me.

I pushed the thoughts away and started on my food. I finished eating and dumped the tray in the trash bin leaving the cafeteria. I made my way to my locker to grab my things before going to class.



It's either there's something wrong with my friends or I've grown a second head, it's probably the first, there's something wrong with my friends.

" Okay will you two stop staring at me like that? ". I glared at the two of them and they awkwardly looked away. " It's getting on my nerves, you two have been staring at me since we got into the car, if you want to say something then say it already ".

They both looked at each other then at me. Aden and Kegan, the Prince twins and my best friends. They looked at each other again, this time not looking back at me. They were both battling with their eyes, like they always did . It always looked dumb to me but somehow they always knew what each other's eyes said.

Aden sighed muttering something to a smiling Kegan before turning to look at me.

" You know we haven't ever had a problem with whatever you did or whoever you hung out with ". Kegan said and I nodded in reply not knowing where this is going. " We've never asked questions about what you did too because we know you won't do anything terrible, but we just have to ask this time ". He paused.

I shrugged. " What? ".

" Why did you suddenly start talking to Anne Northern? ".

" Well I-". I paused then looked at the both of them before diverting my gaze out the window. What do I even tell them? That I've actually liked that girl since the day she introduced herself in front of the whole class- love at first sight, I know stupid and so, that I've actually been secretly watching her all this time, too scared to actually approach her. Anne isn't like other girls, She takes my confidence away and that has never happened with other girls, she's just different.... I know cliche right?

" Ivan ". Aden called snapping me out of my train of thoughts. I turned to look at the them. I never told them about my little crush because unlike every other person in my group of friends, they were my best friends and their opinion actually mattered, not that those other people knew but you get the point.

" You know we won't judge you right ". Kegan said.

" We've never judged anything you do and we won't start now ". Aden added and Kegan nodded in agreement with me.

" I know guys, I know ". I said a small smile tugging at my lips.

And so I did tell them, everything. They were surprised but that was it surprise, they didn't laugh about it and they didn't say anything about it.

" We're here ". George announced as the car slowly came to a stop in front of the small yet cozy house.

" I'll see you guys at school tomorrow ".

" Yep later ". They chorused and got down from the car, heading to the house.

" You've got good friends there ". George said.

I chuckled leaning on the door and placing my head on the window. " Yes, yes I do ".