
Evil Eyes

It was a normal Wednesday morning. Maddison McFarlane was on her way to school when she started having vision problems.Suddenly her vision was blurred "Is this what blind people see" she thought to herself.All of a sudden her brain felt like it was going to explode. "Honey are you okay" her mom said as she Looked at her daughter. "Oh lord you're having a migraine".She shuffled into school trying hard not to fall over.Her teacher noticed this and said "Maddison you can go to the nurse".When Maddie got their she felt like she was going to die.Soon she looked at the assistant nurse who turned to stone in the flash of an eye.Her hair become a blueish tone and they started hissing.SHE HAD SNAKE HAIR! "Okay Mrs McFarlane I'm here to give you a check up" said Nurse Patty.When she walked in her eyes made contact with Maddie's. She froze her skin turned the grayish shade of stone. Maddie looked in the mirror to see that her eyes were still green but now here pupils where like a snakes. "What is happening to me" she said worried. Suddenly she heard screaming outside.Someone was inside with a gun!She knew she had to stop this person,but she also knew that she should hide her identity.She got out a blue jacket and a crappy blue mask she made a year prior.She stepped out and said to the intruder "Hey you!Drop the gun".When he looked at her his body was frozen only his head remaining free. "Hey you!You aren't a supervised hero!" said a cop behind her. "You're gonna need to come with us!" the cop continued.She hissed at him and jumped into the vents.She visited her friend after school to hang out.She left around 6:30,when the sun was down, and she saw a mysterious figure who was standing by a house walk towards her.As he slowly approached two women got out from a car and followed her. "What do these people want from me".She then saw a teenage boy come out of nowhere.She felt ready to attack she turned around and hissed at them in the dim light.Stone shot from her hair and she ran "Get her!" The man yelled.The two women chased after her she climbed onto a roof and once again shot stone.The boy grabbed her but she quickly bit him.The man caught up to her and she saw blackness.