
Chapter 7: A Little Bit of Lovin'

Red was frowning as he laid on his queen sized bed and scrolled through his phone. Turns out, there were only two glass rabbits that were left untouched. Two of the bunnies were broken into a few big pieces but the 5th one was completely shattered.

His door cracked open and his mini imposter came running in. "Hey little buddy" Red said, slowly petting his son.

'Wait a minute' Red thought to himself. 'Summer break is over in a few days, and that means my son has to go back to...'

'Oh shit'

Red got up and started pacing around his room. What would his ex do if he found out his son was an alien? If Red refused to give him his son for the school year, he could sue him, and that's not the ideal situation he wants to be in.

There was a knock at Red's bedroom door. "Come in" He said. Black poked his head through the door. "Hey Red..."

Red's face turned to a scowl. "I don't want to talk to you right now." He shut the door in Black's face. "Red, I fixed you're glass bunnies." Black whispered from the other side of the door. "All of them," he added. Red just barely heard him. He was surprised and confused.

"How? How did you fix the shattered one?" Red asked through the door.

"I used hot glue, like I did for the other ones." Black responded as if it was the simplest thing in the world, when really it was nearly impossible. 'How did he even work the hot glue?'

Red opened his door to see Black standing outside of it with his hands in his pockets. "Let me see your hands" Red demanded. Reluctantly, Black took his hands of his pockets to reveal a few first degree burns on the tips of his fingers. 'The glass bunnies can wait, if they were actually fixed, Black was more important.' Red thought.

"Come with me." Red said, taking Black's hand and leading him to the bathroom. He didn't know why he decided to hold his hand though. Not dwelling on the thought, Red started to treat Black's hand.


Red was too busy treating Black's burn to notice, but Black was blushing like mad. Half from the embarrassment of having to be healed by a human and half because his "crush" held his hand. Their relationship was interesting. Black had proclaimed his love towards Red multiple times, but Red had neither stated that he returned his feelings or not. Actually- It seemed like Red didn't even take him seriously. Black had decided to take a different approach to Red when he kissed his cheek but it seemed like Red had ignored the whole thing. It was time for something else.

"Red....Do you love me?"

"Wh-what?" Red stuttered. He wasn't expecting that question. No, he wasn't oblivious, he had simply been ignoring the alien's advances. The thing is- he didn't want to answer that question, nor did he want to think about it.

"I...I don't know..." He said. Red was conflicted. Black was an alien for fucks sake would it really be right for him to love him? But he, did feel some sort of attraction towards him and he didn't want to deny his feelings...

"I want to try...to..."

Black knew what he was trying to say. Red wanted to try to at least try to date him. His response was enough to satisfy him. Seeing as Red was finished treating Black's arm, he stood up (because he was sitting on the toilet seat) and hugged him. "I looooooove you~" Black slurred like he had done once before. Red hugged him back and smiled meekly.

"Oh, I want to show you show you something!" Black exclaimed, taking Red's hand and leading him into the living room, where, on a shelf, were the four bunnies that were broken. Or- were once broken, they had all been repaired and upon closer inspection, didn't even look like they had ever been broken in the first place. Red couldn't even tell if hot glue was used to fix them.

"Black, what did you do? The bunnies look like they were never broken."

Black smirked and said "Magic~"

Whoops, I accidently closed out of this. I'm kinda panicking and rushing for no reason since no ones probaby gonna read this on the first day but whatever

SparkysOtherGhostcreators' thoughts