
The Mid Laner Belongs To The Jungler

Synopsis: Fu Yue suffered a hand injury and could no longer play in the competition but he never thought that the day his e-sport career ended, his life as well also came to a stop. However, the next thing he knew was that he somehow crossed into another world. Everything was fine, he no longer had a hand injury, his new family was also very nice just that... Why does he have to be an Omega?! Anyways, after some time passed Fu Yue came to accept the reality. He is a man who chases after a career, not love so Omega or whatever it means nothing to him! Filled with determination, Fu Yue decided to focus on returning to the e-sport industry. As luck has it, he found a very good pro player who shared the same mind as him in the game. Fu Yue then joined his team to become the new starting Mid Laner. Fu Yue, " Captain Wei, one more round!" Wei Chen," Mm." Some time later after getting together... Fu Yue, " Captain Wei, I-" Wei Chen, " Mm? One more round? Okay." The game in the story will be using League Of Legends (LOL), a MOBA game as a reference. This is an original novel so inevitably there will be a lot of errors. The cover is drawn by @Pineapplrr

B1ackDiA · LGBT+
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77 Chs

Yuelan Vs Sunzheng (3)

Seeing that it was finally a break time, Fu Zhen faintly said to Fu Yue,'' I need to step out to give a call back to my Secretary. I will be quick. "

While taking a big sip of his Boba tea, Fu Yue gave an okay sign with his left hand. Seeing that he was not afraid of being left alone in such a huge crowd, Fu Zhen could put his mind to rest and finally left his seat.

There were a lot of people who left their seats around this time so the area around Fu Yue became sparse in a blink of an eye.

Seeing that he and that quiet friend were the only ones remaining in their place, Fu Yue couldn't help but make some casual chat to disperse the silence.

" Hey, are you TOBH's old player? "

Probably did not expect for someone to make a conversation with him, the other party briefly paused before giving an ambiguous response," ... It has been a while. "

Feeling that it might be rude to stop their conversation here, the other side casually returned the question," What's about you? "

Fu Yue honestly replied as he put his facemask back on," It has been a week for me. "

The other side's interest seemed to be piqued for him to speak quite a long sentence afterward.

" You don't seem like a rookie. Did you play another MOBA game before starting TOBH? "

Hearing this question, Fu Yue mulled over how to answer. In the end, he mixed truths and lies together.

" I did but I got bored with the game so I switched to playing TOBH. "

Did not want to talk about this topic anymore, Fu Yue hurriedly changed the topic," Right. About the handkerchief… "

Even before Fu Yue had the chance to finish his sentence, the other party promptly said,'' No need to return. ''

Despite this, Fu Yue still felt obliged to return the favor. In the end, he eagerly suggested,'' How about we add each other in-game and I help you climb rank? "

Probably, the words spoken by a week-old player were too ridiculous that the man who has been fixing his eyes on his phone finally turned his head to the side.

Suddenly being gazed at by a pair of beautiful gem-like blue eyes that seemed to contain no emotions, Fu Yue abruptly went still as he rigidly stared back at him.

For a while there, neither side talked. It felt as if there were only the two of them being left alone within this spacious arena.

Quickly breaking away from this unintended staring contest, Fu Yue awkwardly cleared his throat," I am a game anchor called Yueyue. Even though I played this game much later than you, I am confident that I can carry you. "

His words fell and the other side was still silent. Fu Yue who was feeling confident a while ago couldn't help but feel nervous.

... Did I come off as an annoying person?

Faking a few coughs, Fu Yue hastily said,'' On second though–''

" Wait. ''

Hearing this, Fu Yue sneakily took a glance to the side only to see the man was busily tapping his phone screen as if going through something.

Seeing this scene, Fu Yue secretly heaved a sigh of relief after knowing that he was not being ignored or despised by the other party.

" Add this one. "

Fu Yue's mood instantly dropped as he involuntarily pursed his lips upon seeing his ID.

Number 009

This was obviously a side account.

Nevertheless, Fu Yue quickly recovered his mood as he proceeded to tell his ID," I am ' No Inted Just Bad '. "

After hearing his name, Fu Yue swore that the other side faintly gave him a mysterious look before lowering his gaze as if he was unfazed a moment ago.

Pretending not to see anything, Fu Yue simply turned his head to look at the stage as he waited for his big brother to come back.

Although it was a bit disappointing that they couldn't become online friends, Fu Yue was not angry with the other person.

He was already being nice enough not to ignore him so Fu Yue had no reason to feel offended either.

Deciding not to bother the other person anymore, Fu Yue took out his phone to play a small mini-game.

A few minutes later, Fu Zhen returned and the second match started soon after.

This time, Yuelan decided to remain on the red side so Sunzheng was still blue.

During the pick and ban phase, Sunzheng seemed to change their strategy and decided to play like their usual games.

Fu Yue kindly explained to his big brother after both sides finalized their lineup,'' Sunzheng is famous for their mid-jg-sup plays. Their sup likes to roam on normal days but because Yuelan has XiaoXi in the bot lane, Sunzheng did not dare leave their ADC alone in game 1. However, this time, they seem to abandon the poor ADC now. "

Of course, Sunzheng did not entirely give up their AD carry which was why they secured a hero, Kaze who was swift and slippery as an eel so that he could survive on his own.

For the final match, the winner would be decided by 3 victories out of 5 games. If Sunzheng were to lose game 2, Yuelan would be the first to get a match point. That's why pulling out this move at this time was indeed reasonable.

Fu Zhen, on the other hand, slightly knitted his brows,'' Won't XiaoXi become even stronger in 2 vs 1? "

Fu Yue slightly nodded his head in return,'' True but it is not the same for the rest of the map. "

In this second game, the atmosphere was way different from the first one. Currently, you could finally see how the trio worked together and roamed the map to kill people.

Zizi deserved to be called the best mid-laner as he effortlessly beat the other mid-laner as if he was playing in Solo Q. He also worked well with teammates to set up the lane for ganks.

Therefore, it was not surprising to see that Sunzheng broke through the mid-outer turret at 10 minutes and proceeded to ransack Yuelan's jungle like crazy.

Yuelan's jungler had no chance to make plays anymore as his jungle was currently on fire which in turn greatly reduced XiaoXi's resources.

Meanwhile, down the bot lane, Sunzheng's ADC seemed to have a lot of experiences being abandoned by his support so he was faring quite well.

For most of the time, he was sitting under the turret so XiaoXi had only killed him twice so far before finally rejoining his teammates.

Unlike in game 1, XiaoXi could not deal damage as comfortably as before. Zizi was very fat that he could melt tanks in a matter of seconds thus XiaoXi had no peel and Sunzheng could get to him quite easily.

[ A/N: Peeling is when you do everything to protect your vulnerable allied carries. Instead of focusing on killing one person, you try to maximize and extend your team's main damage dealers by keeping them away from danger. ]

In conclusion, game 2 was a one-side beating from the side of Sunzheng.

'' Sunzheng looks so good, why didn't they do this since the beginning? ''

Fu Yue once again answered,'' Every draft was experimented on and researched a lot of times before it was brought to the stage. There was nothing wrong with Sunzheng's lineup in the first game but it was just a matter of execution and Yuelan performed better that's it.

Truth be told, their second strategy was, even more, riskier than the first one. Imagine Sunzheng's ADC did not play safe and kindly gave a ton of kills to XiaoXi while their support roamed around and did not get anything, it would be a disaster. "

While listening to his little brother's explanation, Fu Zhen could hear the underlying excitement in his voice to which he helplessly asked," Why do you like playing the game so much? "

Fu Yue mischievously chuckled," I particularly like it when the enemies flame me. "

Fu Zhen who got flamed by his teammates: "..."

The stranger who was possibly a pro player: "..."

Anyways, with no suspense, game two ended around 24 minutes with Sunzheng as the winner.

Sunzheng's fans loudly cheered as they got back their fighting spirit and quickly forgot game 1.

Meanwhile, Yuelan's fans could only stay nervous and prayed that their team would win the next two games.

Game three quickly started and this time Sunzheng chose to go red.

Sunzheng was still dedicated to banning XiaoXi's heroes while Yuelan banned two mages and one jungler before taking away Kaze for their first pick.

Fu Zhen was confused at their first pick,'' I think that hero didn't do anything in the last game, why prioritize it? ''

Fu Yue offhandedly replied,'' Yuelan wants to dismantle the last draft by taking away Kaze who has high survivability. Don't think that he did not do much, in fact, because of him Sunzheng could make that kind of play easily in game 2. "

After the two sides finalized their lineup, Fu Yue meaningfully said,'' Looks like Sunzheng is going to have fun in this game. "

Three out of the five heroes on Yuelan had the ability or passive to increase their speed or allies so you could imagine how fun it was fighting that kind of team.

It was so amusing to the point that you were close to puking blood out of annoyance.