
Did you forget something here?’

'Horace! I'm back!'

Luck returned to his new shop in Gliese with a broad smile on his face.

'Luck? Did you forget something here?'

Horace, who was about to leave the shop, was surprised that Luck was back.

'No...I mean, yes, you asked me about the table and chairs, didn't you? I brought them!'

Luck waved his hand and took the tables and chairs he had previously transported to his warehouse on Earth out of the space ring.

Horace looked at the dozens of tables and chairs spilled on the ground with astonishment, 'You said you'd bring them tomorrow?'

'Am I bad for bringing them a day early? Or didn't you believe that I would bring the tables and chairs?'

'It wasn't that I didn't believe you, I thought you'd forgotten.'

Luck: (-_-)

You're right, but I'm sorry to hear you say that.

'As you can see, I haven't forgotten! Hahaha.'

Horace was suspicious of Luck's strange smile.

'Where's the food?'

Luck: (0_o).

He was so obsessed with buying vegetables and meat from Nikolai for his shop in the world that he forgot to bring the wraps for his shop in Gliese.

'hahaha...I'll bring them tomorrow! I have not forgotten!'

Horace (*_*)

That strange laugh again! I bet he forgot!


What's wrong with me these days? Should I take a vitamin B12 supplement?

Luck was thinking to himself as he realised that he kept forgetting things over and over again.

I'm sure it's because I've been so busy lately! I need a holiday.

Yes, yes! I'll take a holiday after I finish building this wall.

That is, after the shops have been supplied!

After the red moon!


The more he thought about it, the more he realised that there was more work to do and Luck realised that his holiday plans would have to be postponed for a while.

Damn it! 

I miss when I used to sit at home and play computer games!

Ah...anyway, back to work...

Sighing, Luck walked with heavy steps to Nikolay's office.

Click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click.

This time, after knocking on the door and waiting for an answer, Luck did not open the door and enter.

'Come in!'

Seeing that it was Luck who came in, Nikolay sarcastically said, 'Wow Luck, you waited for me to answer this time!'

Luck, who did not realise his previous action, 'Huh?'

Horace, who laughed at Luck's usual funny bewildered expression, said, 'Whatever, whatever! Let me guess, you came back to get the vegetables and meat you wanted from me, didn't you?'

'Hahaha, you guessed right! Is everything ready?'

'Of course it's ready! You can get what you want from the cellar of the compound!'

Luck timidly said, 'The cellar of the compound? Do I get it from your stock?'

Seeing that Luck was hesitant, Nikolay laughed 'What are you shy like a little girl? Where do you think the meat and vegetables we gave you earlier came from? It's all from the compound's cellar, but don't worry, we have plenty of stock!'

'So even if you supply me, the compound won't suffer?'

Nikolai looked at Luck like he was looking at an idiot.

'I told you, we're well stocked! With the red moon coming up, we've stockpiled enough food for a year! What we'll give you is not even a week's supply! Relax!'

'Will it be difficult for me to get fruit and vegetables during the red moon?' Luck asked thoughtfully, relieved by Nikolai's words.

'Well, sort of, after all, no trade caravan dares to go out during the red moon, that's why we stock up on food.'

Putting his hand on his chin thoughtfully, Luck said, 'Hmmm, then this is our last chance to stock up on food, isn't it?'

Unable to make sense of Luck's successive questions, Nikolay said, 'Yes, why do you ask that?

After all, we're just restocking, so you shouldn't have a problem.'

Thinking about his shops on Earth, Luck decided to prepare his own stock, thinking that it would be inconsiderate to rely on the stocks of the blood adventurers' compound during the red moon.

'Can you save a spot in your cellar for me?

Nikolay: ????

'I don't want to rely on the compound's stockpile! I want to have my own stock of food!'

Nikolay: ????

'The food I give you is enough for hundreds of people for a week! Do you want more?'

'Yes, more! Enough to feed thousands for at least a month! Enough to survive the red moon!'


Walking around the compound with Nikolai, Luck watched with his mouth agape at the speed with which the walls were being built.

One group of starfighters was tearing down the old walls, another group was quickly clearing the area of the rubble, another group was planting the logs that would form the foundation for the new wall, and then another group of earth power users and fire power users were quickly building the new wall.

'It's like a machine ticking away at full speed.'

Even without knowing what a machine was, Nikolai heard the praise in Luck's voice.

'That's right, just like a machine! Hahaha!'

'The wall construction is really fast, Nikolay, you should be happy! At this rate, the wall construction will be completed before the red moon!'

Even though he was happy with Luck's praise, Nikolai decided not to be too assertive.

'Yes, our wall construction is going fast, but I can't guarantee that we will finish the wall before the red moon arrives...The star beasts have been getting more aggressive lately, signalling the approach of the red moon! That's why we had to return some of the star warriors working on the construction to patrol duty.'

'I understand...it seems like a waste of manpower, but safety cannot be compromised.'

'That's right Luck, the patrols are our eyes and ears! They keep us safe from any danger!'

Seeing how seriously Nikolay took the security of the compound, Luck jokingly said, 'You should see where I come from! There are cameras everywhere, they'll spot you if you fart! And with drones following criminals from the sky, it's literally impossible for criminals to escape!'



