
The Merc System.

Due to the overbearing waste of mankind, earth got knocked off balance by the impurities. Which resulted to violent weather conditions, and disturbing mutations in both man and animal. The government quickly built-in interconnected underground strongholds in various states and countries, for the survivors who were immune to the mutation to take refuge in. But something strange was later on discovered... Some of the survivors began displaying potentials of magical abilities, and after a series of research by the government, they decided to launch a life-like game which would increase the chances of an individual gaining a magical ability. - Jayden Logan had gained a system instead of a magical ability before the launch of 'Hope online', but when he discovered he could only summon a slingshot rifle with throwing knives, he became too embarrassed to tell anyone, and gave people the impression that he was powerless. He was hoping on 'Hope online' to magnify his chances of gaining a magical ability... but things just never go as planned in this accursed world.

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26 Chs

Test of Trust

Jayden was lazily laying on a king-size bed which was one of the abandoned products in the basement, while reminiscing on what next he should do with his life.

[I was wrong.]

"What part of 'I don't want to hear your voice again' do you not understand"

Jayden replied nonchalantly at the Mia's sudden words.

[Sorry... I'm really sorry, can we talk privately.]

"What do you mean by that? Is there anyone else who could hear you?"

Jayden asked in confusion.



Jayden asked in surprise.

[Can we talk privately?]


Jayden muttered with a sigh, and his view instantly changed.

He found himself in where looked to be a small throne room with dim lighting, and had a not so big' throne seat at the end, with a slender figure seated with her legs crossed.

"Is this what you mean by private?"

Jayden asked nervously, as the figure on the throne seat was emanating an oppressive aura.

"Yes, they can't monitor us here"

The figure on the throne seat said with Mia's voice.

"Who are they?"

Jayden asked curiously.

"They call themselves Gods"

Mia said with a hint of disdain.

"What do you mean by that?"

Jayden asked cautiously, as he didn't want to be a part of blasphemy.

"I need your help"

Mia sighed and said.

"You could've just put it on as a mission, instead of asking"

Jayden said with a raised brow.

"No, they can't know about this. Whatever happens here, remains here"

Mia said coldly.

"O-okay, what do you need my help for?"

Jayden asked with a leaping heartbeat.

"Are you happy with me?"

Mia asked with a soft tone.

"I don't know"

Jayden replied sincerely.

"If you were asked right now to forfeit me and get powerful abilities, what would be your reply?"

Mia asked softly.


Jayden quickly replied, without needing to think twice, as he was sure of his reply.


Mia asked in surprise.

"I've asked myself this same question before, and after thinking over it for a while, I came to the conclusion that I'd choose you over any kind of ability I'd get offered.

Why? Because If it weren't for you coming into my life, then I would've probably been dead... I owe you my life. And again, I enjoy talking to you and getting your silly missions"

Jayden replied thoughtfully.

"... If I were to suddenly disappear, and you're given a powerful ability as a compensation, would you question my whereabout? Would you try to find me? And maybe, save me if you discover I'm in danger?"

Mia asked softly.

"My answer to your first two question is 'yes', as for saving you if you're in danger, that depends"

Jayden replied after a while of contemplating on the question.

"On what? If I may ask"

Mia asked curiously.

"On how you got in danger, why you got in danger, and who put you in danger"

Jayden replied thoughtfully with a nod.

"Thanks... Actually, I'm not powerless, I have magic. And I'm not a fallen celestial being, I'm a dethroned one"

Mia said with a pained tone.


Jayden asked in confusion.

"Don't misunderstand me, I wasn't a queen or something like that, but I was a very influential personnel. The person who you humans refer to as 'Her majesty' is the keeper of hope, and the organizer of this madness, she's the one who dethroned me"

"Woah! Wait a second... You're a Goddess?"

Jayden asked in shock.

"I'm not, neither is she or any of us. We are simply keepers, tasked by the true creators to keep the universe running"

Mia said with reverence, at the mention of the 'true creator'.

"That's the work of a God, you guys are literally gods"

Jayden said with a wide smile.

"I'm not really a mercenary, or have anything to do with mercenaries. I just like guns, and decided to disguise myself as a Merc System"

Mia said with a sigh.

"... I have no comment on that"

Jayden replied after a while of keeping silent.

"I need to get back in order to stop what's going on, but a significant amount of my ability have been broken down, and I won't be able to stop them alone"

Mia said with a serious tone.

"Wait a minute. The true creator created everything, and you 'keepers' are the managers. But some keepers wanted to have fun with the creations, and had to dethrone the keepers who weren't on their side, to proceed with their plans. But one lucky keeper didn't die off completely, and disguised herself as a system, in order to grow stronger with the help of a human weakling, and go back for revenge... Correct me if I'm wrong?"

Jayden summarized.

"I'm not the only survivor, I have allies here"

Mia replied calmly.

"That's another 'wow' news, but that's not the problem. Why do you want to stop what they're doing with us?"

Jayden asked curiously.

"I'm trying to help your kind, and that's what the true creator would want"

Mia replied seriously.

"Okay, but there's two problem with your reply. One, did we ask for your help? Aren't we all having fun with the new development? We are technically immortals now, no more death or the pain of losing a loved one.

Two, what's the true creator's reaction to his keepers changing the look of things? Nothing!... So why have you taken it upon yourself to save those who do not need help, and help 'He' that is greater than everything?"

Jayden asked with an annoyed tone.

"You don't understand..."

Mia said with a cold tone.

"The only thing I don't understand is you... Why have you chosen to be the villain?"

Jayden interrupted with a frown.

[Ding: You have passed the 'Test of Trust', and have been contracted by Elpis, the Goddess of hope.]

[Do you wish to accept the contract?]

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