
The Mecha-Pirate Rampage 2

After The Nuclear Bomb Blast Both Pirate groups did but Arthur's Brother is still alive But he got a super power?

pro_man · Kỳ huyễn
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Michael was thinking and thinking about how he time travelled but he could not figure it out. Then Michael thought that if he dies in past he may die in the future as well so in the past he needs to be more careful then future. Then something started making him worry, HOW WILL HE GO BACK TO THE FUTURE?!. Michael was very worried and could not figure out how he was going to save his brother and go back to the future. Then he thought that he should be able to stop his Arthur from going into the war because if Michael did not agree the 40% of the members wont go too but he did not want to be the enemy of his brother so he thought about making Arthur believing that they can not win. He went and said Arthur, we cant win with just 100 pirates and 1 mecha pirate strong as much as the other 100 pirates which makes total 200 the skullseye has 500. but it made things way worse. Yeah you are right, lets go and get 5 more MECHA PIRATES!!!. Michael thought that what if he just says that they might stop working and the rain might effect the mecha pirates Arthur would stop so he went and told him that. You have a point, said Arthur. Arthur went to the scientist and asked him that if the water would effect them but the scientist said no. Michael knew the scientist is trying to get them dead but then he thought of something that he thought will 100% work. He thought they could just get out of the city when the nuclear bomb is about to launch but how will they get out Michael thought that they could go to the city and get a helicopter to get out, and that was his final plan. The war started and everyone was fighting. The Mecha-Pirates became against them. Michael took the ship and got everyone to the city. All of them sat in the helicopter including their group best pirate. his name was John. John went to check on the pilot. A few minutes later there was a Loud scream of pain. everyone went to the pilots cabin and saw John killing the pilot. They tried to save the pilot but it was too late, the pilot died. Everyone went to John to kill him but he jumped out of the helicopter with the parachute. now nobody was driving the helicopter and there was 1 parachute left. The helicopter was soon gonna crash so Michael ran to the controls and tried to drive it and surprisingly he did it. It turned out Michael was a Pilot Before. Then Michael And Arthur landed safely but then...