
The Mating Dance

Anna and Rayne are two adopted sisters Whose lives turn when they learn that they are not human. In their journeys, they learn that they are royalties and they are more powerful than they could only dream of being. In their travels, they are invited by the Elders to the Blue Moon ball, or as the masses know it, The Mating Dance. There they dance and find love and also see death, The Beast, A creature cursed from long ago and knows only blood and death. But within all the confusion Anna gets taken away and everyone has to find her hoping that the beast has not taken her.

nanomi_yuki · Kỳ huyễn
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18 Chs

chapter 8

When I woke the next day I was the only one in bed. I checked the time thinking I was late for work, so I jumped outta bed and took a shower. It wasn't till I came out did I realize I was off today and everything I did last night. I wiped the steam off the mirror and jumped when I saw the guy behind me. He let out a laugh and went to hug me from behind. "I'm sorry babygirl, I didn't mean to frighten you." He smiled and kissed the back of my neck, "breakfast is ready, I hope you like your eggs scrambled." His grin grew wider as he left the room. "Oh and I went to the store and got you a change of clothes, I hope you don't mind." He said before he completely left the room.

I finished getting ready and found the bag of clothes on the bed. I noticed he made it up too. He bought a simple blue tee shirt and black jeans and a pair of red bra and panties. "I should be more worried that all of this fits," I said out loud to myself, I left the room and was met by the puppy from last night. I crouched down to see its collar and his name was Bo, "Hey Bo, where's your dad?" Bo left and I followed him to the kitchen where in fact his dad was. He looked up and smiled as he gave me a once over, "looking good babe." He said, "thanks. So I concerned that I didn't even know your name before we had sex, but I think you buying clothes that git right off the bat topped that." I admitted to him as I sat down oddly for breakfast. I noticed his lips twitch as he watched me sit down, was he trying not to smile? Then he focused his eyes on mine. "Damien." He said, "Daimen." I repeated, and it seemed he liked me saying his name by the way he flexed his fingers around his fork. "And your's, Princess?" He asked, "Anna," I said, "Anna." He repeated, "but the whole name is Anastasia, I don't use my whole name just so you know." I said before biting into my eggs, he chuckled "that is good to know princess." I giggled and we finished eating in silence.

After breakfast, he took both our plates and went to wash them, "Do you wanna go out for coffee?" Damien asked, I stretched, "like now?" I asked, "yeah why not?" He asked, "well we just had breakfast." I said, "and you still need to get your car from the club unless you went there with someone else?" He asked, "I did go there with someone but I drive myself." I said, "So we're you on a date?" He asked, he turned his whole body towards me "it wasn't a date, I barely knew him as a person." I said, "and you slept with a stranger whose name you didn't know until the next morning." He said, okay low blow, but he was right. Was that really a date? "If you didn't see it as a date and he did that means he didn't ask you out on one, so about that coffee?" He said. I laughed so hard, that he and Bo looked at me like I had just discovered laughing gas, "yeah, let's go get coffee." I said.

We took Bo with us in the car and Bo was being a really good boy. We went into Starbucks and got us coffees and Bo a pup cup, Damien didn't know that was. Said something about how I'm spoiling the dog but I didn't care. We got back in the car and everyone enjoyed their drinks. "So," I said, "tell me about yourself?" I asked. He gulped his drink before answering. "Well, I'm Damien, 35, tall dark, and handsome." He said with a cheeky grin look, I bumped my elbow into him and laughed, "and if you could be a supernatural creature, what would you be?" I asked, he almost choked on his coffee and Bo rose to attention, "I'm so sorry." I said, "No, no it's alright." He said, "I just wasn't expecting a question like that. What made you think of that?" He asked.

"It's something I always ask, I sometimes like to think of myself as a wolf or dragon." I grinned sipping into my coffee. It was good and so sweet, "and you never thought of yourself as a lycan?" He asked as he leaned over and took a sip of my coffee, "Dear God that's straight up sugar babe." He said as he pulled back into his seat, I laughed, "no one said you could have some of my coffee." I thumped him on his forehead and he genuinely looked shocked and surprised as he went to rub his wound. "Ow." He said to himself, "that's what you get." I laughed, he looked at me with utter amazement "what are you?" He asked, "I am a 30-year-old newly graduated grad student." I stated, he chuckled and shook his head. "No, I'm being serious, you're not human." He said it so seriously, "Hold on." The voice in my head said, after a moment of silence, "he's not human Anna, he's a Lycan." She said. "And what prey tale are you?" I asked knowingly, he looked at me for a moment. And the longer he stared the more his scent began to flood the car, and he smelt like cedarwood and pine. And with every inhale I thought about last night. "Astra mea, non credo te reperi." "My stars, I can't believe I found you." He said in a whisper, "what did you say?" I asked confused, "Um, I'm a Lycan," he clasped his hand in mine, "and you," he kissed my hand, and sparks flew everywhere, "are my mate and Queen."

I blushed, "Queen huh?" I said I thought for a moment, "So I've upgraded from princess to Queen?" I said as I put my coffee down and climbed over the center console and sat on his lap. He leaned back in his seat to give us some room. "Only the best for my pretty little mate." His hands roamed around my ass and up to my breasts, "you are driving me crazy with your scent babygirl. You smell like lavender and vanilla." He groaned as he planted kisses on my neck. "Damien." I moaned and I started to feel his cock harden underneath me. "Fuck." He said with a breathy moan. Then someone pulled up beside us and I jumped back into my seat, he laughed but I didn't care, "not in broad daylight." I said as I nibbled my straw, "So if we did it at night you wouldn't care?" He said with a smirk as he started the car, "just drive." I said.

He pulled out and we went to the club for my car. "Oh, did you check your phone babygirl?" He asked, I shook my head and pulled it out. Doing so I learned Andy tried to call me 12 times, Rayne 19, and both Amber and Drew 26. "God damn." I said, Damien chuckled, "figured as much, tell you what I'll drop you off at home and I can go get your car." "How? I live about 15 mins from the club by car." Then it hit me, "Please tell me you are not gonna wolf out to get it." I deadpanned, "no baby, that's more something you would do. Imma just walk."

"I don't wolf out." I said, "Then what do you do for full moons?" He asked, "nothing, I just learned I was one." I said. "Wait what?" He said shocked, "like, just now? Or it's been a few days just now." "Two weeks." I said, he sighed, "Okay," he said, "Okay?" I asked, "yes. I'm gonna train you." He said, and we pulled up at my building, and just then the gang was coming outside, even Ben and Andy. "I'll be right back baby." He said and kissed my cheek. "Oh, okay. I thought you were gonna walk?" I asked him, "Bo." He said, I nodded and got out of the car. "Anna," he called for me. I turned, "Do you know how to mask scents?" I shook my head. Then he said something that wasn't human and a lavender mist surrounded me and was absorbed into the car. I nodded and closed the door and he pulled off.

It didn't take long for me to get tackled by Rayne who was crying. "I'm Okay hun I promise." I said and the death glare she gave me almost stopped my heart."ANASTASIA MARIE THOMPSON." She said, yup, I was in deep trouble, just the Marcel also came outside. "Where the fuck have you been all night that you couldn't answer the phone?" She asked while hitting me. "Lie." The voice said, "what?" I asked it, "lie, you know you can't tell Marcel and Andy why you left and where you've been." "Why?" I asked, it sighed, "Because they like you." It said, "what are you?" I asked it "a figment of your imagination dumb dumb." It said, then left. 'That was rude.' I thought, "Well." Amber waited impatiently, "I had my phone on silent, sorry." The girls were fuming and started to talk over each other while Marcel and Drew looked at me with concern. Andy and Ben just stood there. A gust of wind came in from behind me and I think towards Marcel and Drew because they made this "Oh, fuck." Face and I knew I was gonna be in trouble from the way Drew's turned.

I walked over to Andy, "Andy I'm so, so, sorry for last night." Andy cut me off, "who was that that just dropped you off?" He said. "That was one of my new coworkers, I ran into last night after I ran out of the club." I said it was Marcel's turn, "And why did you run out?" I turned to him. "Because at some point I was no longer dancing with Andy and the guy wouldn't leave me alone so I ran to the dinner and stayed there for a bit before me and Brittany left and went to her place." "But you could have called and one of us would have come and got you." Drew said, "I left my phone at the cafe okay," I shouted. "Look, I'm healthy, and I'm home. No one touched me, no one harmed me. I am okay, and I am sorry for worrying every single last one of you but you have to remember I did drink last night so making completely right decisions wasn't in my ballpark." I huffed. "Now can I go inside to pee?" I asked before walking towards the flat.

I was ambushed by Drew when I came out of the bathroom. "You are in a lot of trouble." That was all he said. "What the hell?!" I said, "Do you know who's scent you're carrying?" I looked at him confused, he then hit his face, "Anna!" "What, Drew? You can't just walk up on a person and think they can read your mind or what not." He took a step back and paused. "So, you can't read my mind? Right?" He asked quietly, "no." I said, "but you do know who you were with? Right?" I looked at him for a moment, "and don't give me that bullshit ass lie, you are covered in his scent." I looked around because one he was scarring me and two I thought this was a prank, just then my phone got a text. I looked down to see Damien put his number in my phone,

Hey, is everything OK? Also, your car is in the parking lot.

He said I replied.

Do you know a guy named Drew?

I sent it, it took a while for him to answer.


Was all he wrote, I sighed and looked up a Drew. "Well?" He said, "Okay, and who is he to you?" I asked, "he's the king of Lycans, and my Alpha, I am his guard." Was all Drew said. "Oh my God."