
The Mating Dance

Anna and Rayne are two adopted sisters Whose lives turn when they learn that they are not human. In their journeys, they learn that they are royalties and they are more powerful than they could only dream of being. In their travels, they are invited by the Elders to the Blue Moon ball, or as the masses know it, The Mating Dance. There they dance and find love and also see death, The Beast, A creature cursed from long ago and knows only blood and death. But within all the confusion Anna gets taken away and everyone has to find her hoping that the beast has not taken her.

nanomi_yuki · Kỳ huyễn
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18 Chs

ACT I Chapter 4


The ride was quiet. I had put my headphones in since the radio in here didn't really work. He turned off the radio "So, Bruce was there at the house when we pulled in." I should have driven Rayne's car and she brings a cat in the truck. "Oh yeah." I fumbled with the zipper to Ceb's carrier, he played with it and the cuteness was a good distraction. "Yeah, is there something you're not telling us?" I shook my head without looking, "no." He sighed "Look, Anna, it's just me. The girls are in front of us so you don't need to worry. And I know I don't have that good of a relationship with you but I consider you my friend too. You can tell me."

I took a deep breath and pondered for a moment over what I should say, "why do you think I'm hiding something?" I asked him "because when we grabbed your things he just watched us and only asked why you weren't there to get your things." I played with Cerberus in silence, why did he care if I was there or not. Which was weird. "I don't know what to tell you, he was verbally mean and mentally abusive. He never laid a hand on me but I just had enough so I left." He nodded in silence. "Well just know you can come to any of us if you ever need help okay?" I nodded and he turned the radio back up and I continued listening to my music for the rest of the ride.

Moving things into the flat wasn't all too bad. We had help from a neighbor who seemed really nice, they and Drew did the furniture while the girls and I did boxes and pets. We let Suzie and Maymay into the backyard and put Milo, while still in his carrier, in my room and Cerberus in the bathroom. It didn't take long to get everything out of the truck and cars and Amber stayed to help us unpack the boxes. "So, what are you girls gonna do tonight? Hopefully, just chill indoors." A knowing smirk crept across her face. "And do what, get naked and dance under the full red moon?" Rayne joked but the expression that passed across her face was a bit concerning. "Yeah, we were gonna finish unpacking and order pizza and watch a movie. We don't even have our altars up yet so no magic for us tonight." Amber smiled at me and just nodded. "Oh, Anna." I looked up in Amber's direction "wassup?" I asked as I crossed the living room and into the kitchen where the girls had been. "Have you been talking to Bruce since you left?" This again. "Nope, I've just been finding jobs around here because I don't ever want to be in that area of town again. Why do you ask?" I take out the utensils and put them away. "Because he asked about you when we went to get your things." She turned and leaned on the island counter. "I have no idea what you mean or why he'd even ask about me. He was a prick and an asshole who did nothing but mentally abused me for most of our relationship. Amber and Rayne exchanged looks and we all finished unpacking the boxes in all the rooms by the time Drew and the neighbor got back with food. I later learned that his name was Marcel and that he owned a nightclub not too far from here. Rayne tried to invite him to stay but he had to go to work tonight. "I would ladies but with tonight being a full moon you wouldn't believe the number of crazy people who come in and get drunk. So I gotta go, maybe next time."

And with that, he left. Amber and Drew stayed over and we ordered pizza and got some booze to go with it. Rayne and I also had some edibles that we were gonna take to make the movie more interesting. We all agreed on Harry Potter Prisoner Of Azkaban.

After we put on the movie there was a knock on the door, "oh good cuz I was getting hungry." Drew exclaimed as he answered the door, the girls and I chuckled. "How can you eat so much and still be hungry?" Rayne asked him, to which without missing a beat he said. "Ask Amber." She started to blush and threw a pillow at him which he dodged and stuck his tongue out at her. "Yall play too much."

We all settled down with Amber and Drew cuddling on the floor and Rayne and I on the couch under a blanket. After a while both the booze and edible started to kick in it was when movie got to (insert scene) where I suddenly heard a voice in my head that didn't sound like any of the Gods I work with. "That was stupid, why would they do that?" I looked around the room but nobody said anything. As I scanned the room I saw this big black and grey wolf. It was double the size of Rayne, and then I saw another one, Drew's was I bit bigger And was all grey with a few brown spots.

It saw me look at it and then it tapped Drew on the shoulder, Drew looked back at me but I quickly looked at the TV so I wouldn't get caught. I heard a small chuckle but I dared not to look. "Chicken." the voice said in a sarcastic way. I ignored It and all that I saw for the first half of the night. later as I went to grab another slice of pizza I heard another voice in my head that was more masculine than the one prior. "What are you doing?" I snapped up and was met face to face with a very annoyed-looking grey wolf. I turned to the others but they were watching the movie. And Rayne was balling her eyes out. I decided to ignore the creature as I was too high for any of this. "I know you can see me, and I do believe you can hear me as well." The wolf said. "It's just your imagination," I mumbled softly under my breath.

All of a sudden a powerful pressure came and crashed down on all of us at once. It was heavy and felt like someone was trying to squish us with their hand. Rayne cried out and Amber whimpered while Drew grunted as he tried to fight against it. "What's going on?" Rayne strained to say as the force pushed on her. "I don't know," Amber said in the same way, "But I don't think this is a good thing." "You think!" Drew exclaimed under the weight. and just as suddenly as it came, It left. And we were all confused as to what just happened, "You happened." the female voice said. Rayne went to stand but Maymay came and sat on her lap to keep her still. "Well I think that's enough of this movie," Amber said, I got up and went into the bathroom for a tissue when I came across my reflection. My dark chocolate eyes were now these grass golden ones and a particular tattoo of a wolf and rose formed on my shoulder. "What the fuck!" I screamed out. I heard scrambling and they all were at the bathroom door, it was then that they saw what I had just did. "What the hell," Rayne said as she walked toward me, Drew held out a hand to stop her. "This isn't good." "Not at all," Amber said, I looked between them and was starting to get annoyed by their silence after just saying that. And all of a sudden The mirror and light bulb exploded and we all screamed and ducked. "What was that?"

"That was Anna," Amber sighed and looked at Drew "And the beginning."