
The Mateless Red Wolf.

After honoring a stolen invitation, Mordeu proceeds to train, with the sole aim to become an elite warrior of the Luna Calvary, a troop of soldiers established to maintain peace in the Supernatural. However, his life takes a drastic turn, altering his reality and weaving a new fabric of destiny for him. In the midst of the discovery, Mordeu meets Cillian, the enigmatic son of Alvitir. Their connection goes beyond the spirit of familiarity, forming a bond that leaves Mordeu grounded. As Mordeu sought for answers regarding the anomaly of his fur, lifelong friendships are formed, yet the war of sanity persists. Will Mordeu withstand the unrelenting assault on his mind? Or will Tristan, his incessant predecessor, orchestrate his downfall?

julesadubi · Kỳ huyễn
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72 Chs

The morning after.

The heat from the fight the previous night lingered in the air, accompanied by tension. Everybody walked and acted like they were walking on eggshells. This was uncharted territory for them; it was not only their first time being a group, but also their first time experiencing a fight as serious as the one from last night.

They all knew that what had happened wasn't birthed from rage or malice, but rather from something deeper. They had seen for themselves that Mordeu acted that way due to guilt. There were a thousand different approaches he could have taken—for one, he could have apologized, or perhaps calmly expressed how he was feeling—but he had chosen the more hostile option.

It was a poor choice, but they all understood that he was new to this, just as they were.

However, they were clueless as to where he had gone all night.