
The Attack - Dragon - Chapter 111

Skraal, who was in his home and thinking about the plan, started noticing and feeling some sort of different kind of energy that most of the time would not be what he was feeling if something was not wrong. "This is weird," Skraal thought in his mind, and he started gathering his energy into his body. If something were to happen, he wants to be prepared. He slowly started walking toward the door. His mind and soul were open. As he was about to change the understanding. He took a deep breath and let go of his mind. Seconds later, something happened. "Booooom"

The house he was in exploded with a big, weird explosion. Skraal jumped towards the back and opened his mind to locate the enemy. Seconds later. He located four enemies in front of himself.

Alig, Ales, Depfes, and Anduril all stood up in front of Skraal, looking at him with neutral eyes.

In the hands of Alig, there was a red-ball-like energy.

Each individual has some sort of origin.