
The Mask delivered to me

A random mask appeared at Red's House out of nowhere. Upon wearing the mask, strange things begin to happen. Bad luck would seemingly be stuck with him as he gets into new troubles one way or another.

Aphath · Kỳ huyễn
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157 Chs

The City, Ferdra

The City Ferdra. Due to the city being the Capital of Frostguard and the location of the city located right in the center of the World Map. Geographically, Traders and merchants find it advantageous to deal business here as within the city there are 4 different routes that they can transfer their inventory. With a central location to set up their business and 4 different exits to deliver the goods, this was the ideal location to earn big money.

The first thing that we saw after crossing the drawbridge was another bridge toward the city. The Long Bridge was filled with merchants, adventurers, nobles, and people from all sorts of life queueing up to enter. Luckily, nobles and VIPs have a different queue to enter or we would have been stuck there for hours.

The outskirt of the City was in a shape of a dome, positioning itself right smack in the middle of nowhere. The dome was made of some sort of glass? And for its size, it was really impressive that it managed to cover the entire city. It was also in white, due to the snow covering the entire dome looking like a snowball. This also meant that how the city looked from the outside was covered as well.

As I stared at the dome in awe, King Darius spoke to me.

"You know, that dome was made using magic and alchemy. It will never fall or be broken unless something disastrous like a dragon came a smite it down."

I looked down from the bridge trying to check how high up are we at. But there were fog and mist below, which made it hard to see how deep the bottom was. From afar I could see the other exits that were also connected to the city as well.

"Those should be the other exits of the city right?" I asked.

"Yeap, they link to the other continent and kingdoms. Which is annoying because the goods arrive later than expected due to the terrain around Mydarn."

Walking towards the gate for the nobles, we head directly to the other path and made our way into the city. Due to me not having a proper identity with me being an Otherworld being and all, there will not be any records of me at all. Because of this, the king had to fabricate one for me. But to be honest, I haven't actually seen the document so I didn't know what identity he bestowed on me. But it seems to have no trouble so I just went along with it.

After scanning the proper documents needed to enter, we finally stepped foot in Ferdra.

"Wow. It's so big."

"Oh, yea. You didn't have the chance to see Mydarn properly yet did you?" The King asked.

I looked at him curiously, wanting to reject what he was saying until I realized something. I didn't know what Mydarn looked like at all. I have only been to a few selected places. The throne room, part of the town from when I was tied up, the gate entrance to the country, the royal guest room, and the soldier training ground. And most of the time when I was in this area was when I blacked out or got blindfolded to reach these areas.

I looked at the King with a weird expression that even I didn't know how to describe it.

He looked at me and laughed.

"If we head back, feel free to walk around it."

Focusing back on the streets, the first prominent object that you can see would be the castle that is right in the center of the entire city. The castle was tall, looking like an apartment flat over 50 stories high. The city was apparently split between 8 sectors. There are all sorts of different shops in every sector but only one prominent building are located in each sector.

Sector 1 has the blacksmith district where the weaponsmith and armorer are located.

Sector 2 is where the adventurer's guild is located, followed by a large number of taverns and inns.

Sector 3 is where the general stores and more specific item stores are located.

Sector 4 would be the town's market where traders come and set up their shops to sell the goods they have imported from other countries. There are also bazaars in that area.

Sector 5 would be the Food district where different restaurants and diners are open to the public.

Sector 6 is where the Magic tower is, where researchers of magic come and browse magical items, spells, and scrolls as well as facilities for experimenting with spells.

Sector 7 is where the entire sector would be an academy for students to learn to harness their magic and learn swordsmanship. The Class is split into one for the magic and the other one for the swords. There's an ironclad rule that there will be no discrimination regarding the status of one's individual.

Sector 8 would consist of Colosseum, Farms, Barns, and Offices. The Colosseum would be located nearer to the castle. The offices for different departments such as finance, guards, and soldier are located in the middle of the sector. Lastly, the farms and barns are located in the outer area of the sector, furthest from the Colosseum.

The residents of the city all live in the sectors along with all the prominent buildings it was quite crowded around the area. The gate we came from was from Sector 4 where the bazaar and town market was, so I was more excited as I have never seen this kinda place before. I looked around before looking up at the dome.

It really reminded me of a snow globe to be honest and it was pretty. Even though it was snowing heavily outside, the inside of the dome was warm and breezy as if a heater was blasted through the entire city.

"Surprised huh, when I first came here, I expected it to be freezing the entire time. Boy was I wrong." The King said, chuckling as he remember his past.

"Let's go get some food before we decide what to do." King Darius suggested as we moved along the streets.

Heading over to Sector 5, where the food district area was. The King left me alone while he went to check out some of his own stuff. He told me that I would meet him in the Royal inn located in Sector 3. Apparently, it's a high-class hotel that is served only to the VIPs. Now alone, I traveled around the city trying out the different delicacies. One of the street food I ate was frog legs, which were pretty underrated even in my country.

As I walked around exploring the area, I accidentally knocked over someone. The person accidentally threw her items up in the air. As that happened, instinctively, my body started moving on its own, catching everything that was flung in the air. I took the remaining item and faced the person I accidentally knocked over.

"My apologies I didn't notice where I was walking."

The person was a beautiful woman with blond hair and blue eyes. However, she was wearing what looked like a swordsman's attire with a long sword in its sheath attached to her belt and armor around her body.

I returned her item to her as I bowed my head again to show my sincerity.

"It's ok, accidents happened." She replied smiling.

I excuse myself once again, apologizing, and continue strolling around the streets.

[Seren's POV]

The person in front of me just managed to catch all 25 of my shopping items in less than 5 seconds. That man is skilled. Even I wouldn't be able to catch it within that time span. The world is really big as Father said. Looks like I will need to try harder for the Competition later on.

Hey Guys, I realized my grammar for my old chapters was absolute garbage. I'm so sorry I had to let yall read it that way. Ill make sure that the writing is done properly and written nicely before submitting so this might delay some chapters. Sorry for the inconvenience and thank you for supporting the series. 

Aphathcreators' thoughts