
The Mask delivered to me

A random mask appeared at Red's House out of nowhere. Upon wearing the mask, strange things begin to happen. Bad luck would seemingly be stuck with him as he gets into new troubles one way or another.

Aphath · Kỳ huyễn
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157 Chs

Taking out the trash.

[Situation doesn't look for thy student.]

Lying on the ground a distance away from Eve was Grace, who suffered immense injury inflicted by the man.

Blood lost, broken ribs, burns, and many more.

Grace sustained immense damaged yet all she cared at that point was her liege, Princess Evaline.

Red walked over to her, placing her flat on the ground with her head looking up in the sky.

[Heal + Recovery]

Slowly, the wound marks in Grace's body healed up as Red stood up, urging Eve to take care of her bodyguard.

'A vampire again?'

[*Yes. It's stronger than the previous one, you encountered.*]

'By how much?'

[*I dont have the skill to read another party's status yet, Master!*]

'Never mind. Bring let's play around with them first.'

Red stood close to his students, squatting down with one of his hands blocking his student and the other in the air reaching out for something. Like a portal, he managed to retrieve his weapon out from it and stared down on his enemy, looking out for any sudden movement.

That is until something else moved at an extrme speed smashing the ground he was standing on.

It was the werewolf.

Red managed to dodge at the very last minute, even returning to strikes using his spear, slashing across the beast's body and kicking in his head with a roundhouse kick, slamming him on the podium on the main stage.

"Alfred. He's a strong one."



[Red's POV]

The vampire, dubbed as Alfred, stopped floating and proceeded to walk over to where his hands were and retrieved it.

He reattached his hand back, where the wounds started closing up slowly and healed. It was as if nothing had happened to it.

[Regeneration. Be careful.]

Grabbing on Stix, I kicked the end of the Spear, flipping it around, placing my left hand forward, and my right hand at the handle.

"Should I introduce myself?" Alfred said while checking the condition of his wrist, rotating it back and forth.

With no hesitation, I dashed straight to him and thrust the spear straight for his heart with heavy strength, only for him to block it with two fingers while he yawns, checking his fingernails on the other hand.

"Come on, don't bore me. You did cut off my hand successfully."

This b*tch is annoying me.

I dragged Stix backward and swung it upward like a rope dart, slashing over his face before ending the attack with a Javeline throw, aiming for his head.

Alfred managed to slip past it. Stix at the very last moment, only for the spear to penetrate through his shoulder.

He spits out his blood on the ground as he grabs on to Stix, attempting to pull it out.

"Pttu! This is nothing. I can hea___. Wait, what's this."

From Alfred's shoulder as he attempts to pull the spear out. He found out that it didn't abide. Immediately turning his head to his shoulder, he found out the reason why.

The spear that was struck on his shoulder slowly freezing everything around its atmosphere, as per the owner willed it. Alfred's left shoulder was starting to freeze up, and he couldn't heal it because of that.

"A.. magic weapon?"

Beaufard, the werewolf, recovered from the debris and regained his focus. The beast shrugs his ear and, with his sharp gaze, locks his eye contact with mine, dashing straight for him.

He was fast. Very fast.

One moment he was in front of me, the next he was gone. Only for him to be right behind me with his jaw open, ready to rip my throat off of me.

But, it was pretty obvious.

Extending my left hand out before his jaw could reach my throat, my hand was grabbing him by the throat and lifting him up in the air.

"Who are you?" I asked quietly while bringing the werewolf closer to me. Beaufard started grabbing my arm and started hitting it, scratching and pulling it, attempting any ways for me to let go of my arm as his face started choking while his knees dropped on the ground with him begging for air. As he opens his mouth in an attempt to say something, bloody red spikes protrude from the ground below me. Jumping away in a nick of time, I avoided getting stabbed but lost my grip on the werewolf in the process.

Staring straight at the vampire, it appears he was finally able to remove Stix out from his body by using fire magic to melt the ice off his left shoulder.

"That hurt a little, human." As Alfred flew straight for me with his claw extended and fangs revealed, he rushed forward to me and started slashing and cutting everything in his path.


With the help of his claws and fangs, it was similar to fighting someone who was wielding a knife, Red also stood closer to Alfred with his arm extended, and his fingers all opened up.

Here, both of them began exchnage with hand to hand combat, as Alfred used his claws with an extra reach while Red parrying all of the attack perfectly without any wasted movement.


Striking his throat, Red simply replied, "You talk too much," before grabbing Alfred's sleeve. One by his collar and the other by his right elbow sleeve.

With one deep breath, Red lifts Alfred up vertically, causing him to lose his balance and proceeds to throw him. By spinning and rotating his body, his back is now aligned with Alfred's hip, using his left hand to lead, he drags Alfred fully by making use of his loss of balance, slamming him straight to the ground with no hesitation.

[Judo: Morote Seoi Nage]

"Y..you f*cking bastard..!!"

Alfred stood up once again. Once again, he charges in without thinking, slashing everything in sight. Sloop and disorganized, the only thing that he could see was the colour red and nothing else.

The magic particles around the field vibrate violently as Alfred starts charging his mana at the palm of his hands, manipulating the nature of magic. The power started growing stronger and stronger until a fiery flame ignited, burning brightly within it.

With his spell kept at the pal of his hands charged, Alfred flew straight for Red, only for him to disappear during mid-flight.

No trace of him could be found through his naked eyes. But using [Mana Sense], it's a different story.

The vampire bastard was hiding on the ground. More specifically, within the shadows.

Dragging Fang out from his inventory, Red poured a large sump of mana into the blade, changing it to a Greatsword, stabbing the sword directly on the ground. Without wasting any moment, he smiled before releasing the mana stored in the sword, igniting the ground. This made it impossible for Alfred to sneak up on Red. With no choice, Alfred once again exposes himself.

With a large amount of mana stored on his right palm, he releases the full force of the spell.

[Fire Blaze]

The spell decimated everything in its path, burning and melting everything along the way. Even the ground was burned, and the surrounding area melted along the way.

Red instantaneously moved to his right, just to stop in his track. He can't avoid the attack.

There are innocent people behind him where they can't use any of their spells. If he moved, they would die instantly.

The only option he has now is to face the magic spell directly.

Sticking Fang back in the ground, he started swinging his arm for a little warm-up before setting it in a proper position.

In a proper boxing stance.

"Alright, let's end this."


[Bullying Mythologies] *Activated*

Effect: When facing an enemy from Legends and Myths, Deals Extra 10% Damage

[Stubborn] *Activated*

Effect: Endurance and stamina would increase the more you push yourself.

[Killet Instinct] LV. 6 *Activated*

Causes instant death for some target or Gauranteed Critical Damage for the target when landed on Vital Spots.

[Mimicry] *Activated*

Mimic the target's moveset and magic. Once the skill is used more than 5 times, it becomes permanently yours.

Current Limit: 5


[Thunder King's Fist]

Usage: 4/5 --> 3/5

Imbued Fist with thunder. As it lands, it contains explosions that would lead to extra damage and power.

Duration: Instantly

Skill Cooldown: 15 minutes

Skill Cooldown: 6 hours.

Duration: As long as the mana can supply.


One punch was all it took to counter Alfred's magic. That one punch was able to cancel out Alfred's magic, flashing a bright light and disappearing in an instance.

"Hhhh... *huff*... *huff*, How?"

"Hm? All I needed to do was cancel your magic with the same output?"

"W...what? Do you know how hard it is to create the same exact output to cancel it out? If u are off by even 0.1%, the tides of battle would be in my favor easily."

"Huh? It was pretty easy, though? I have been using it on my students." Red replied while pointing over his student.

His student, who was trapped, just stared and nodded silently.

Irene and Gerald both stared in silence at the absurdity of the outsider they brought over.

Magic Cancel is a phenomenon incident that happens so rarely that a mages would probably have seen it at most 3 times in their entire lifetime.

For Red to proclaim he can do it everything, it simply sounded like a lie.


Waving his hands once again, he started chanting yet again, and rows of magic circles appear like artillery, glowed up, and ready to fire.


The spells launches, and all sorts of spells could be seen.

Fire, Lightning, Magma, Wind, Ice, and many more. They all flew straight for Red, hoping to finish him off.

Red waved his hands above his head, where, similarly, a row of magic circle appeared as well.

With a yawn in his mouth, he just chanted one little magic.

"*Yawn*, [Magic Ball]"

Soon, masses of magic balls appear and fired against where Alfred launches.

Every one of those hit landed against his attack, stunning the audience with bright white light and ultimately cancelling all of them.

Alfred stared in despair as his knees gave out, and he kneeled on the ground.


Before Red could walk over and finish him, Beaufard appeared out of nowhere, slashing against Red's sword before grabbing Alfred and fleeing.

"I will have my revenge." Was the parting words Beaufard before he made his escape.

With that, the chains that binded the audience were released, setting everyone free.

The headmaster immediately walks towards Red and reaches out his hand.

"It took a while, but thank you, Mr Jenkins."

Red stared in silence before replying with the same gesture.

"Anything for my students."