
The Mask delivered to me

A random mask appeared at Red's House out of nowhere. Upon wearing the mask, strange things begin to happen. Bad luck would seemingly be stuck with him as he gets into new troubles one way or another.

Aphath · Kỳ huyễn
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157 Chs

Deal with the Headmaster


Within the walls of the Sorcery Academy. Red was called to the headmaster's office and gave his summary and statement of the incident. When entering the office, the room was in a complete mess. Books were thrown around everywhere, artifacts and items lay around and thrown aside after being used, and cups and teapots were dirty in one corner after being used. The old man himself was looking at a newspaper while smoking a pipe and twirling it around in the air for fun.

It was a room that screamed messy, slightly not befitting for a person as an authority of a school.

The old man looked exactly like the Gand*lf. The only difference is that he is wearing glasses.

The first thing that came to the trio white mage's eyes was the Red robe that was hung from the seats of the Headmaster. The robe symbolizes vast knowledge of wisdom that can only be obtained through countless hardships, achievements as well as contributions to the world of magic.

"Pretty colorful for a magic robe right?" The headmaster said after noticing the girl's gaze on the robe.

The girls immediately turned their heads to look away after the Headmaster called them out to hide their embarrassment.

"Still it is unique to have a color as a name." He chuckled after finishing his sentence and looked in the direction of Red and his mask. White who was wrapped around Red's neck got slightly nervous, hid even more, and took a peek from Red's neck. The egg seemingly shakes slightly when the headmaster's gaze lands upon it.

"Almost as unique as that mask of yours." He smiled, taking a closer look at the mask.

The beast on the mask opened one of his eyes to stare at the headmaster before closing it and ignoring the mage.

"Hoh. Truly fascinating. I would like to study it more but, there are other pressing matters to attend to."

The headmaster walks back to his seat with the pipe still floating in the air. As he set down, he places both of his hands together, with the tip of his fingers along each other, looking like a cartoon villain plotting something.

"So tell me, my dear granddaughter. What do you want from me?"


[Red's POV]

"So what you're telling me is that. That snake managed to grow larger to protect the students and was able to shrink back to this size by its own will? And Irene, you a Sage rank, managed to be defeated by this young man?"

"I said I had my limiters on."

"What are these limiters?" I turned my head over and asked Renne. Renne's face turned red due to my sudden action but she still answered my question.

Turns out, as a mage grows up in rank, they are forced to invoke a seal on them when visiting magicis Mundi. This is because there are instances where mages went into magicis Mundi and ended up causing mass destruction and mayhem. One instance would be causing an earthquake due to a lack of control of their Mana in a world with no mana.

Although now magicis Mundi is starting to have Mana filled in the air, it is still a safety protocol and law from Mage's Association.

The seal in question causes the mage to have a massive dip in their Mana suppressed, so even with advanced spells learned, some of them can't even be cast due to the lack of Mana to cast it, ensuring safety and keeping Mundi magicae a secret from the other world.

As the conversation between Irene and the headmaster continues, the trio updated me on what caused the vampire to be involved.

It seems that some of the mages that were in the normal world were disappearing at a rapid speed. When they sent a group of Advanced Rank mages to investigate, they too disappeared soon after.

When higher rank mages were sent to investigate the last known location of the missing mages, all that was left were a gruesome scene of blood and guts spilling everywhere.

As more mages starts to went missing, a special task force of mages, Scholar rank and above was tasked to wander around magicis Mundi as bait and to report back what they found.

Gerald was part of the team that was infiltrating and acting as bait and was the teacher of the trio white robe mages.

It was found out by one of the mages that it was the vampire that has been seeking those with Mana and had an affiliation with Mundi magicae. The awakeners were not affected in any way for some reason.

As Elderwinn is an academy that welcomes students from all walks of life. Renne was born in the normal world with her parents being normal humans. Because of her ability to manifest her Mana pool, she accidentally managed to evoke and used Mana for the first time. Because of this, she was invited to study over in Elderwinn so that she could take control of her abilities.

Students of Elderwinn that belong in the normal world are also required to have a seal placed at the back of their neck. This is so that they can't usher a single word about the world of magic that would expose their society.

The reason why she was back in the normal world is because she was visiting home along with her friends. And just so happened to be the next target for a vampire.

When asked for information about the vampires, not much was known about them other than they exist in the Normal world for a long time and are hiding amongst the shadow. It seemed that there are hierarchies to the vampires as well. Though no one has any idea what they are other than the fact that vampire nobles are a lot stronger than lesser vampires, those that are successfully turned into one because they were bitten.

[So essentially, not much is known about them.] Ryong replied in my head.


Back to the headmaster.

"So what was your grand plan again Irene?"

"I understand that outsiders are not welcomed here if they are passed a certain age due to lack of control for magic. Especially for an adult due to the instability of their mana, it's harder for them to keep the power under control. In addition, the seal wouldn't work on adults in general."

"However this man here managed to best me in combat as well as defeated the vampire noble and protected the students. With the vampire noble targeting him now, we can use him and capture them for information. This would overall be beneficial to Mundi magicae."

The headmaster inhales the smoke from his pipe while continued looking at me.

"So what would you need from me?" The headmaster asked while stroking his beard.

"I would like you to approve him to be the Combat Instructor for Elderwinn academy. Our students are not very well-versed since the last combat instructor left. I believe that someone who has seen plenty of action, especially for an awakener that participated in the raid of the Nine-Tailed-Fox would serve as a good instructor for our students."

"You do know the magic that awakeners use is slightly different from ours. We still have to maintain order, we must never reveal our existence to that world."

"I understand. This is why I suggest he stays here for the time being having a job as an instructor."

The headmaster looks at me from head to toe and paused before making any decision.

"I do believe that there are times we have to be unorthodox in our ways. Especially when it threatens our existence. But are you sure he's the right person for the job? We can erase his memory and place camouflage magic on him so that the vampire noble will never find him."

"Erase my memories? Hell no. What the___"

Irene proceeds to slam my mouth with her hand to keep me shut before replying, "I believe he can."

With an intense staredown between the grandfather and his grandchild. The headmaster finally let loose.


Irene's eye sparkled as she thought that she succeeded in persuading her grandfather.

"But. I will only approve it if the deputy head acknowledges him."

"Wha___That's UNFAIR "

"Too bad." He laughs and continued smoking his pipe.

The trio white mages looked at me and pat me on my shoulder.

"I wished you the best of luck."

"What now?"