
The Mask delivered to me

A random mask appeared at Red's House out of nowhere. Upon wearing the mask, strange things begin to happen. Bad luck would seemingly be stuck with him as he gets into new troubles one way or another.

Aphath · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
157 Chs

Conversation - I

I woke up.

Looking around, the entire area was nowhere.

It was an empty space.

[We're 'i thy mind, sit down.]

As I sat down without thinking much and looked around for the person talking to me.

Suddenly the blank space changes and the entire area morphs into a room.

A room I'm very familiar with. My room.

[I receive thou hast some questions for me.]

Sitting on my chair, I sat on my bed.

The person that was speaking to me happened to be a person wearing a mask.

The person looked very familiar, seeing that the sitting habits that the person have happens to be the same bad habit I have when sitting down.

"Using my own body to speak with me. Kinda feels creepy doesn't it."

[Alas, I lack much choice.]

"So what are you?"

[To be honest, I be not sure. I woke up when thou put the mask on.]

"So you don't know who sent the box."

[Not a Clue.]

"Then what can you tell me?"

[I be sealed hither and i lost mine memories.]

I sighed and proceeded to ask:

"That's troubling, anything I can help?"

[Not really, We can only wait.]

"So what now, you planning to eat me up, or make me your vessel or do I start world domination planning?"

[I may not remember much of mine memories, however, i shall aye be on thy side.]

"Even though I almost died on the first time wearing the mask?"

[Thou didst wake me up from mine slumber]

"So how did I survive against the guard in the first place?"

[I had to owe thy corporal agent, so that we survive]


[If thou die, i die as well.]

[With that being quoth, thou want to get stronger and I am going to help thou with it]

"That's reassuring." I sighed a breath of relief.

"So what do you plan to do?"


[I technically see and hark now. Hence forbear putting me 'i that stuffy place thou bid a room]

"How can I even bring you out, I will probably look like an idiot carrying the mask around."

[I hast a solution for that.]

My doppelganger took off his mask and passed it to me.

I took it and suddenly turns into a miniature version of it.

One thing that was different is that there was a lanyard attached to it. It turned into a Keychain.

"A Keychain huh? Smart."

[Of course.]

"By the way, any ways to change the way you speak?"

[We shall talk about it next time.]

I chuckled softly and smile.

"So what do I call you?"

[Thou decides.]

"How about Ryong? It kinda fits the whole dragon mask theme."

[Hmm. Ryong. I like it.]

"Nice to meet you Ryong, I'm Red."

[Nice to meet you as well.]

Both of us had a handshake while introducing each other.

Then the area went black.

[Time for thou to wake up now.]

Hi Guys, sorry this chapter was incredibly short.

But I think that this chapter itself is an important moment for the MC and the plot.

So stay tuned for more.

Thank you.

Aphathcreators' thoughts