
The Mask delivered to me

A random mask appeared at Red's House out of nowhere. Upon wearing the mask, strange things begin to happen. Bad luck would seemingly be stuck with him as he gets into new troubles one way or another.

Aphath · Kỳ huyễn
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157 Chs

Aftermath of Round 2


"...Winner! Red..!!"

The audience was silent when the host concluded the match. They simply couldn't believe their eyes and ears even when it was shown directly in front of them. Just how did Lionel Agnes lose against the Outsider?

Lionel Agnes was someone who rise to fame the moment he came to the Kingdom of Frostguard. Taking the spotlight by storm, he devastated his opponent no matter how strong they were, it always end the duel in a matter of seconds. Through his 3rd Competition here, he was always placed 2nd place overall when it comes to the ranking among the participants. The only wall he couldn't overcome was The Hunter's Son.

There was once a Hunter, that raided the demonic being together with all the leaders of the Kingdom. That Hunter in turn was labelled as a hero as he managed to stop the demon from destroying Mydarn. However, he chose to keep the title Hunter to himself because of the way the man fights in his battles. He wasn't fighting them but was instead hunting them.

That hunter uses 2 daggers as his signature weapon. But as time passed, the hunter had a son, and that son soon received training from the Hunter. It seemed that the son was more proficient in swords compared to the daggers, unlike his father. The Son continued training, and it seemed at the age of 13, he already achieved Mastery of Swordsmanship being able to use Aura blade with no one teaching him. He managed to get enlightenment all through his effort and talent. Now he is the peak of swordsmanship himself, one with the title: Sword Saint. That Man's name is Arthur.

People would understand why Lionel would lose to Arthur when it comes to a sword fight. However, the audience, couldn't accept how Lionel would lose to an outsider when they have no records of him, only that he is the Disciple of the Barbarian King. The crowd were not happy with the result. One of the main events they were looking forward to, the Lionel vs Arthur match, will not be happening anymore.

However among those that weren't happy with the results. Two individuals were laughing cheerfully at the event. First, the Barbarian King, laughing at his seat and pointing at the other royalty at their reactions to the match's outcome. Secondly, would be the person himself, Lionel, laughing at his losses.


[Lionel's POV]

It's funny. Even though I lost, I'm not sad. I'm glad instead. This loss cleared my mind. I have fought over so many matches and duels. None of them manage to make me nervous or excited. Even the match between Arthur was boring. Not because he was weak, but because he was too strong. The difference in both our talents was like heaven and earth.

I stopped trying after I achieved Enlightenment. By then I already deemed myself for being far too late. In the public's eye, I will always be 2nd place. And it was boring to me, that no one tried to challenge me. It was like being stuck in Limbo. There wasn't any reason to try anymore.

Until today.

A nobody. A literal nobody from nowhere appeared. That person was wearing a mask. That same person, who kept using the same strategy, tried to beat me. And it worked. I was so confident I would win that I couldn't see far ahead. I got complacent and cocky, underestimating my opponent, and pretending that I know everything. And that lead to my defeat. I could even pass the first-day Hahahaha. That loss woke me up. I'm not the second best in anything. In this world, I was still just a frog looking up the well.

I got up from the ground after my masked opponent releases me. I walked towards him and grabbed his head shaking it.

"Thank you. You helped me find out what do I do next."

He politely bowed back shaking my hand. Before we both return to the gate, I felt that I had to warn him. So I spoke at a softer volume.

"Be careful of the one named Arthur. I might be a genius/prodigy, but he's at a completely different level. He's a monster."

The masked individual nod his head and we both head back.


[King Darius's POV]

The Kid managed to beat the genius. And all he needed was an insult from me. This was fun. Emperor Agnus stared at me and asked.

"By chance, is your disciple a genius like Lionel as well?"

"He doesn't have any talent in sword or aura at all..."

The rest of the Kings stared at me, waiting for me to finish my sentence.

"...But he is stubborn. Maybe that's why."

They all looked confused while tilting their head.

King Albert was the first one to speak up and asked :

"So what did you train your disciple with, to be able to win against the genius if he didn't have any talent."

"Hmm, I didn't do much though, to be honest."

From there, I spoke to them, about what had happened to Red for the past 2 months, regarded as training.

Their expression was changing rapidly, the more I told the story.

It went from:

Curiosity --> Worried --> Fearful --> Pity --> Sadness

"You God damn monster. How can you do that to your own disciple." King Albert spoke.

"Poor boy. He must have suffered." Molly added

"King of Lindbergh, why was there even a Manticore there?" Emperor Agnus asked.

"There were no records of it when I came to power, what can I do?" King Larry IV, King of Lindbergh

"Hoh, You crazy bastard, you sent him to the Forest of Death."

We all looked up, just to find the fabled Hunter, Archer, standing on top, joining in on the conversation.

"He managed to kill almost all the lifeforms inside." I proudly added on.

"Wow, he's an absolute wildcard. Even I don't think I can do that. Especially with everything they're poisonous." Archer added on.

"HAHAHAHA!! How does it feel to have a talentless idiot beat up your genius." I laugh while hitting Emperor Agnus in his back.

His subordinate saw my action and was ready to aim their weapon at me when he stops them by waving their hand and shooing them away.

Emperor Agnus smiles and looks down the arena, seeing the sight of his son finally smiling.

"I would need to thank your disciple for helping my son move forward. Hm~"


While the Kings and Heroes were all chitchatting above. The contestant of the Tournament saw the battle. One of the greatest genius lost to the newcomer. Another powerhouse has risen.

All eyes were glued to the screen when waiting for their turns. Those who wishes to face Lionel got their goals crushed and angry, while some got more motivated than ever.

In the corner of one of the resting rooms, an individual's eye was glued to the magic orb, watching the match. The person's eye start to sparkle as he chuckled at the result of the match. His white hair glows under the light as his name was called out, asking him to prepare for the next match.