
The Mask delivered to me

A random mask appeared at Red's House out of nowhere. Upon wearing the mask, strange things begin to happen. Bad luck would seemingly be stuck with him as he gets into new troubles one way or another.

Aphath · Kỳ huyễn
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157 Chs

A simple throw

In a certain country, where the deities live amongst the cloud up in the heavens.

The goddess of dawn lay rested in her chamber as she observed the world through the eyes of her champions and devotees.

Her daily job of observing the human and making sure that the sun would always rise for the humans. Though her job was important, she couldn't help but feel that at times, they were rather mundane to her.

Through the eyes of the humans and her devotees, she was able to relieve some of her boredom through the human's entertainment, such as plays, soap operas, reality shows, animation, TV shows, and so much more.

But being a goddess for many years, she has seen the many life cycles of a human's life, and generally, watching a show was just like watching a human's life to her. The one thing she has always wanted to do was to try playing a video game made by humans. But there was a strict law placed on every god that they are not allowed to interfere with a human directly, let alone possess a human just to play a video game.

Then came the dungeons, slowly appearing everywhere in the world. Then the awakeners and now the champions.

Things slowly got a lot more interesting in that short span of time. She was able to choose her champions, acting on her behalf and interacting with them only through the use of divination. Although she was only able to use divination to communicate with them at most 3 times a day, she was still excited.

Until one of her divine artifacts got stolen by another awakeners. One that is not malicious, one that just so happens to fall into the chaotic world of the awakeners.

The new awakener was rather perculiar, having his own divine artifact in the form of a mask, with a sentient being living inside it. On top of that, that sentient was able to create a very unique magic that created another being that created something even more interesting.

A fully functional, "Summartophonnu?" Is that what the humans called it?

The being known as Blue was able to allow me to directly communicate with the masked awakener without the need for me to use the power of divinity. The goddess of dawn was even able to communicate with the rest of the gods with the use of this, "Grouppu Chat?"

And now, her most anticipated time as of the current period. With the help of Blue, whenever Red started to use the divine artifact known as "Combo-Maker," a notification will appear infornt of her, forming a screen for her to watch the Masked Awakener's little adventure. It was similar to watching a live stream of a sport.

And speaking of the devil now, here comes the notification.

Ame-no-Uzume-no-Mikoto sat with anticipation as her eyes were stuck on the screen as the black screen slowly faded, showing a chaotic scene, somewhere on earth.


Combo-Maker revealed itself to the viscount as the shiny markings of the weapon reflected due to the moonlight.

Vone exhaled heavily, with the poisonous slowly spreading throughout his body. His arm now, no longer able to move, is being paralyzed due to the poison. Despite that, he was in a rather joyous, seeing how his opponent was forced to use a weapon that was lighter since he was not able to hold a sword anymore.

A Bo Staff with Blue flame markings on it.

"Huff... Huff... You couldn't kill me with a sword. What makes you think a stick is going to work?"

Red remained silent.

He chose not to say a single world to Vone from the start, so there was no reason to start anytime soon.

Yet the mask that was glued to his face told a different story.

The once brave and fierce looking creature was now devoid of his entire powerful features. The mask was black in colour while the creature's eyes, ears, and horns remained the same colour, dark red.

However, in contrast to the previous transformation where the animal in the mask turned to a different creature, this time, the creature remained the same with additional features that could only be described as rageful.

There are several different features between a vampire and a human. Things such as a vampire do not sweat or a vampire does not have a shadow, or even how a vampire does not have a reflection when facing a mirror.

There was one that was still up to debate to these days among the humans.

A vampire does not have a living heart

Contrary to popular beliefs, this was false.

Vone's heart was beating.

It was beating louder as time passed by slowly.

He can't sweat, but his body is shaking.

[Killer Instinct]

Bloodlust can be activated voluntarily.

'I... am afraid?' Vone spoke to himself while staring at his hands, as it started shaking a lot more violently the moment that mask turned black.

A single silhouette was shining brightly under the moonlight, yet it seemed so dark at the same time.

Then it was gone.

The person that was shining brightly under the moonlight disappeared without a trace...


... Appeared below Vone's point of view, sweeping his feet off the ground and...


... Smashing directly in his body vertically.


The damage echoed through the cemetery as a tremendous amount of blood was spewed out of Vone's mouth.

The regenerative abilities of a noble vampire were not able to keep up with ferocity shown by Red. Furthermore, it was only the first attack.

Vone transformed himself to a mist in hopes of trying to escape. However, the poison inside him relapsed, forcing him out of his transformation.


Vone flew midway before crashing back to the ground harshly as he continuously conducted a deep breath, hoping it would slow down the poison that was spreading in his body.

He was getting desperate. He needed to see the doctor as soon as possible. Only he can dispel the poison in his body.

As Vone desperately crawled away from Red, Red spared no time and chased after Vone with Combo-Maker in his hand.


Another swing made by Combo-Maker, this time landing it on Vone's left leg.

A vampire's bones are strengthened compared to a human's one.

Yet Vone's bones were shattered cleanly.

Vone screams in pain and retaliated with his blood magic, hailing a group of [Blood Needle] Aimed at Red's direction.

However, they were all deflected swiftly by the bo staff cleanly while the wielder of the weapon just walked towards his prey slowly.

Viscount Vone had lived a long life as the creature of the night. But there was never a time when he felt genuine fear. Not until now. His entire body continued shaking violently in response to seeing the mask while he dished out every spell he knew in his arsena.

Nothing worked. He even abandoned the very sword he used as a swordsman. All that was in his eyes was a wounded monster that wouldn't stay down.

The wound in Red's body was definitely deep. Blood continued dripping up profusely every he step he took. There was enough to leave a trail of it behind. Any large moment he made with Combo-Maker will tear his flesh further, making the wound much more serious.

Still, he continued moving forward.

Vone forced himself up with the help of magic and flew straight towards Red.

"If I can't kill him, I can convert him to one of us."

His sudden movement surprised Red as he flinched upon seeing Vone striking directly, giving Vone a chance to get near his opponent's neck.

Vone raised his head, exposing his fangs and immediately sank it in his victim's nape with all his might.


Only for it not to be the flesh of a human but a lump of iron stuck to his mouth.


It was the Bo Staff.

Red predicted this and purposed placed the middle part of the bo staff on his shoulder so he could unsheathe it when the vampire tried to aim his vital spots.

And the result paid off.

Turning his entire body on the ground, he managed to reach the back of Vone's body with staff still in his mouth. He dragged his weapon down to Vone's throat and yelled


The Tri-Sector Staff appeared. With the core body of the staff all in black, the chains in silver and the fire markings in Red. One of the chains was laid directly on Vone's throat as he also figured out what was happening.


Using 2 of the staff, Red squeezed the chains that were located on his neck as the chain started locking in place and choked Vone's throat.

No matter how strong a vampire is, they still need air to live. And having the air in Vone's squeezed out of him, he realised something.

He was going to die.

With the knowledge of Judo throws as well as the technique to throw a humanoid figure.

Red grabbed on to Vone with Combo-Maker tightly.

With the last strength left in his body, he bent forward, pulling the staff. With the chains choking around Vone's neck, he was able to yank his head forward along with him as well, throwing him forward.

The world went dark for Vone.