

"Alright, now that we've eaten lightly, we can get started," The Martial Master began after a while.

"This time, we're definitely going much further than we did last time," Rui mused, earning Ieyasu's silent agreement.

"Now now, relax for a second. That's not what's going to be happening today," Master Zeamer informed them. "You came here to train mental techniques, not get sparring training."

"I already have mastered the foundations in all sub-fields of mental techniques," Ieyasu remarked. 

"And yet you returned nonetheless," The Martial Master smirked. "You don't need mental techniques, you need mind, don't you?"

Ieyasu didn't reply, not denying the Master's words. Rui knew he was referring to the Martial Mind. Ieyasu had told him more than two years ago that he was returning to his Master's side to learn more about the breakthrough to the Master Realm.