
Rocked Worldview

K'Mala tried her best to expect what was to come after she had made the life-changing decision to leave Vilun Island and join the Kandrian Empire.

She failed.

The Kandrian Empire exceeded her expectations.

No, it was more accurate to say that human civilization was beyond her expectations.

The scale and scope were beyond her wildest imagination.

Villages that stretched beyond what the eyes could see, continuing seemingly endlessly. Giant buildings, ships, and innumerable other products of human creativity and ingenuity seemed to be made in enormous numbers.

Esoteric technology blew her mind away the most.

To her, it was downright magic.

A defiance of the natural order.

Yet, it was everywhere, aiding the daily lives of the people of the Kandrian Empire.

Of course, Rui had informed her that the Kandrian Empire was far more advanced than most of human civilization, but it still beggared the imagination.