

Rui spent a few days with the Quarrier Orphanage as he took his time to settle in. The Quarrier Orphanage had grown a lot thanks to the number of adults working in the orphanage that had grown since Rui was a child as well as Julian's funding and support. Rui got his own room in the Quarrier Orphanage, which was certainly something he needed. Although he loved his family dearly, he had become extremely accustomed to privacy in the Martial Academy and was not willing to go back to the dormitory halls if he could have avoided it.

Even in his previous life on Earth, he had valued his privacy immensely. In the early years of his second life, he had willingly tolerated the dormitory hall because of the fact that he was still a child. But now he was a contributing adult and he had the right to his own room. His being a Martial Artist was also quite helpful in that Martial Artists had a special status in human societies.