

"This is why I told her to pair with me!" One Martial Senior gritted his teeth. "But she said no, and went and got herself killed! How many Martial Seniors must fall before it becomes clear that we are dealing with a high-grade Martial Senior?!"

The man's words rippled across the table. A table featuring high-level executives, chairmen, directors, and Martial Seniors.

High-grade Martial Seniors were rare. Because the depth of the Senior Realm was considerably greater than the Squire Realm, the difficulty of reaching the high grades was as proportionally high as the difficulty of becoming a grade-ten Martial Squire.

Just because there were five additional grades above the tenth grade did not change the fact that grade-ten Martial Seniors could dominate any Martial Senior below them. A high-grade Martial Senior assassin was a terrifying foe to face if one was not that deep within the Senior Realm.