

The air grew prickly.

Her expression grew ugly. "I-"


His declaration was firm.

He narrowed his eyes, glaring at Chairwoman Veros. "Is this how a cabinet merchant ought to conduct themselves? Complaining like spoiled children every time someone else does it better than them?"

He closed his eyes, shaking his head. "As much as I disliked the late Chairman Deacon, I at least respected him more than I respect any of you. He most certainly would not have sat here complaining. He was a man of action; he would have fiercely gone all out and persevered till he overcame his problems."

He opened his eyes. "I commence the voting process on this agenda. All in favor of motion D48?"

Out of the hundred cabinet merchants, forty of them raised their hands.

Guildmaster Bradt's eyes narrowed. "All against?"

Sixty hands, including Chairwoman Veros', went up.