
Martial Qualia

His grandmother smiled gently at the confusion that had clearly manifested itself on his face. 

"There is a saying…" Her voice grew soft. "…Power does not change a person, it only reveals who they are. People are capable of stooping to hell if they have the power to get away with it. Inability to act is mistaken for the choice not to. People mistake themselves as good-hearted and kind when, in reality, they simply are unable to do the things that they think they are choosing not to."

"Power does not change, but merely reveal who one truly is…?" A hint of understanding finally dawned on Rui. "So the more powerful one is, the more one can understand who they truly are because their power revealed who they truly are."

"Precisely, my grandchild," she nodded with approval.

The mechanics of how self-understanding somehow resulted in a massive power boost for Martial Sages was still beyond him.