

"Ready?" Rui asked.

"Yep, this should be entirely very fun," Kane sighed.

"Cheer up," Rui told him. "We're going to see new sights."

The two of them had already been in Void Step together for quite a while now. Yet it was only after they entered the dungeon that they stopped the technique. Inside the dungeon, nobody could sense them beyond a certain range anyway, thus it was better to let Kane save his stamina and use it when it was necessary, like when they were harvesting resources.

"We're going to ignore all of the established paths to the existing floors right?" Kane asked.

"Yep, we're going to randomly explore tunnels until we hit a new floor, or die trying!" Rui grew a little excited, exclaiming emphatically.

"How about trying another day?" Kane asked blandly. "I'd rather fail than die trying to succeed like, you know, a sane person."