

"The hallucinogens have been administered." Doctor Herin nodded. "Subject is under the influence of the drugs."

"Begin." Squire Luna turned to the Martial Apprentice who had accompanied her.

"Yes, Squire Luna." He nodded as he walked over to beside Rui, kneeling down. He brought his mouth close to Rui's ear as he began whispering inaudibly.

It was an auditory hypnotic technique that manipulated the target's mind to alter their perception to a certain degree. Normally, it was something that was very partial in nature, however, due to the fact that Rui was already in a drug-induced hallucination, the technique worked entirely, allowing the Martial Apprentice to manipulate Rui's perception of not just the world, but himself.

('Woah.') The pitch-black world turned white as Rui fell to hard ground.

As Rui tried to get up, he noticed something extremely strange.